
.NET since day one
We are ASP.NET hosting and .NET Core hosting experts, serving the .NET developer community since day one. DiscountASP.NET backs your site with award-winning, trusted service, more than 20 years of Windows hosting experience and a knowledgeable, friendly support team.

We’ve been hosting ASP.NET sites since day one, and we have become the most trusted and respected ASP.NET host in the field. With multiple awards from Visual Studio Magazine, Code Project, asp.netPRO Magazine (DevPro Connections) and many others, DiscountASP.NET is the established leader in ASP.NET hosting.

Why you should host your site with DiscountASP.NET

– $10 a month base ASP.NET hosting plan
– We support the very latest Microsoft Web Platform
– Expert, local support staff helps you solve problems
– Over a decade of award-winning service since 2003!
– Instant account activation
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