4 Ways to Use Google Trends to Take Your SEO Content to the Next Level

posted on January 17, 2022


Google Trends is one of those platforms that is often ignored by SEO content writers. And it’s a shame.

First of all, it’s a completely free platform. More importantly, it’s the place where you’ll find data based on actual search volumes.

Paid SEO tools usually offer estimates extrapolated from various data providers. I’m not saying that they are useless – not at all! They offer more than search volume data, so paid tools are always a good thing to have in your SEO arsenal.

But if you want more data (and more accurate data) try pairing the information from your paid SEO tool of choice with a few Google Trends queries.

Not sure where to begin? Here’s how we use Google Trends in my SEO content writing agency:

1. Find Out How Your Keyword or Main Topic Is Going to Fare in the Future

SEO is a game for the long term. Unless you’re optimizing for time-sensitive content (like a new app release or a piece of news), you’re going to want to have your article rank high for years to come. But search volume matters here too.

So find out if what you’re going to write about will be of interest in the future. For instance, since I work in SEO, I might be interested in my own industry’s outlook:

In the last year, there has been a growing interest in this term. While SEO is not a new concept by any means, it’s good to know that it can still spark interest. Even more interesting, you can see how SEO fares against a known “competing†industry, like PPC ads:

2. Compare Keywords or Interest in Topics

When working on new topics for my agency’s blog, my team and I often have to decide if we should add SEO to the mix or stick to content writing or copywriting in general. Google Trends can shed some light on what our audience is more interested in.

This 5-year overview clearly tells me that there is more interest in content writing than SEO content writing:

Now you might say that the choice is obvious. But bear in mind, search volume isn’t everything. If keywords related to SEO content writing have more business value, then I can definitely live with less, but more meaningful traffic. What matters here is that the interest in both seems to be constant.

This is why it’s important to constantly check with Google Trends. As marketers, we need to know if the products or services we are selling are beginning to lose traction. Remember DVDs? Fewer and fewer people do:

This is how the demise of a product looks like. And Google Trends can make you aware of it before it’s too late.

3. Find Related Topics and Related Terms

Yes, you can do that in plain, old Google search too. But Google Trends adds data to this information. You can see which search terms are more popular and which other topics are usually associated with yours.

This can help you plan your SEO strategy for the long run, as well as your current piece of content. The related queries section can be an SEO writer’s goldmine if used properly. For example, you can turn all the related queries into subtitles and thus increase your chances of ranking higher for a wide range of keywords.

More importantly, the results marked with “Breakout†have recently had a huge increase in search frequency, usually due to them being new topics or due to recent changes in the industry. This is another opportunity you shouldn’t miss out on.

4. Learn Where to Focus Your Promotional Efforts

Content writing is very popular in a few states:

In other states, people seem to have almost no interest in the topic. If I were to promote my articles about content writing on social media, for example, why waste money on audiences who have no interest in what I’m trying to sell?

But even if you don’t plan to use paid ads to promote what you write, you can use this information to refine your articles. Let’s say you have an article that already ranks well on a topic that’s popular in Kansas, like mine is. You can add a few references to the state or a few elements of local pop culture to appeal to your Kansas audience even more.

Final Thoughts

Google Trends is a great way to get started on your topic and keyword research. In fact, with a bit of experience with the platform and within your industry, you may not need any other tool to help you put together an SEO plan.

Try it out!

Need help with that plan or with implementing it in articles that rank high and convert readers into leads? Talk to my team of expert SEO content writers, we can help!

The post 4 Ways to Use Google Trends to Take Your SEO Content to the Next Level appeared first on SiteProNews.

How Amazon Backend Keywords Can Boost Product Discoverability

posted on September 26, 2021


Amazon backend keywords form an important part of any seller’s keyword strategy. They are the keywords that only sellers are privy to which is why they are the hidden keywords. They are pivotal to boosting the discoverability level of a product. 

You can include any keyword that is relevant to the product and its features into your list of backend keywords. Variations in spellings, common spelling mistakes, synonyms, etc. all qualify to be backend keywords.

Optimizing your product listings on Amazon with backend keywords will contribute towards better ranking with the A9 algorithm.

Here are some ways in which backend keyword optimization can boost product discoverability on Amazon.

Reduce redundancy

Your product description copy has to be clear and concise for customers to read. So you must include all the relevant information and keywords without making it seem too text-heavy. But the problem is that there’s always so much more that you will want to include. For this purpose, you are provided with a field to enter backend search terms, and it allows for up to 250 bytes. 

This ensures that your product still ranks for those important keywords without the risk of redundancy and overcrowding of words in your descriptions. This ultimately works towards making your product more easily discoverable. 

Backend search terms – Rules and regulations 

Amazon is very strict about the policies and regulations it has in place for sellers. There are rules for backend search terms as well. They include not using names of brands, ASINs, and expletives or other search terms that Amazon considers prohibited. It is also important that all the terms are relevant to your product because if they’re not, you’ll find it hard to rank your products. 

You have to keep these in mind and abide by them while optimizing your listings with backend keywords. This is because the end result will be an increase in sales and improved rankings on the Amazon SERP.


Competition on the Amazon Marketplace is high and this hinders the generation of profits as well as making it difficult to distinguish your brand and products from other competitors. For this purpose, you need to take advantage of every opportunity that you can to make yourself stand out. Now you must be wondering – what other avenues are left to explore? Wouldn’t other sellers have utilized everything to the fullest? 

An interesting fact is that a lot of sellers tend to overlook or undermine the importance of backend keywords. You can be resourceful and take advantage of this fact by first gaining a good understanding of the Amazon A9 algorithm. You can then optimize your listings effectively with backend keywords. This will make your products more easily discoverable over your competitors who are all selling the same product. 

Constant monitoring 

It’s important to know that you need to keep checking and monitoring all aspects of your Amazon selling operations. Whether it is advertising, inventory management, listing optimization, or your keyword strategy, successful selling on Amazon entails consistent monitoring. Sellers can make use of expert tools like SellerApp that help manage all these functions. If you want to optimize your backend keywords regularly, you need SellerApp’s Index Checker to identify if your backend search terms are indexed or not. 

You might come across new keywords now and then and you can’t fit everything in your main descriptions. So you can include all of these in your backend search terms. This process ensures that your product listing has the full potential to boost your ranking which in turn means higher levels of discoverability. It also means that more traffic will be driven to your product listings.

Amazon reports 

Amazon provides Search Term Reports to sellers. These provide valuable insights for sellers into the exact keywords that shoppers use that direct them to your product listings. It helps in identifying how they’re searching and the keywords that they use most frequently that lead them to discover your products. 

With these reports, you will be able to find other high-performing keywords you can include in the backend keywords. This will make your products an exact match for those keywords and you can utilize them to boost your discoverability to remarkable new levels.


As explained above, backend keyword optimization is very important to winning top-ranking positions for all of your listings. It is the most sure-shot way of ensuring that you have a good level of discoverability for all your products. Keep in mind that you first need to ensure that all of the primary keywords used in titles and product descriptions are indexed. All of this ultimately leads to increased profits and sales while also outpacing your competition. Thus, the importance of backend keywords is very evident so ensure that you engage in them effectively.

The post How Amazon Backend Keywords Can Boost Product Discoverability appeared first on SiteProNews.