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Five Steps Leaders Can Take to Unleash Their Team’s Strengths

posted on October 17, 2024

It’s not unreasonable to say most of us in leadership probably got there because we were really good as individual contributors, and someone saw potential in us to lead others. Alternately, and statistically more likely, we were thrown into leadership in the hope we could duplicate ourselves or at the very least – keep things moving along and it was an adventure in “just figure it out” as a new leader. 

Zenger/Folkman has conducted research that most managers don’t receive any kind of training for their first 10 years in leadership. It’s a common gap in us as leaders that we don’t know how to truly unleash our team’s strengths. We may know how to lead a function, but not necessarily how to lead and unleash the people doing the work – moving beyond the day-to-day tactical grind to a thriving, highly collaborative, well-oiled machine as a team.

Here are 5 steps that you as a leader can take to help unleash the hidden talent in your teams. 

1. Don’t assume you’re the smartest person in the room

In fact, you’re probably not. Your job as a leader isn’t to be the subject matter expert of all the things – your job is to facilitate a team of experts and combine their expertise to create something amazing. The further up the leadership ladder you go, the less of a subject matter expert you are as you become further from the day-to-day work. Your role as a leader is strategy, vision, inspiration, motivation – not to be the tactically smartest person. Let your people teach YOU and let them do their thing, which leads to…

2. Assume the best from your team

Don’t assume mistakes were because they were lazy – assume it’s because they tried something new and celebrate that. Don’t assume new ideas won’t work – again, you’re not necessarily the expert, and they may have a better idea for how to approach something than you may have done. Assuming the best from your team raises the level of psychological safety and trust while also raising the bar of quality and what the team can produce together. 

3. Know your team’s strengths

This doesn’t just mean what they do tactically that’s incredible – although that’s definitely important. But know what their strengths are as a human being – what comes so naturally and easily it’s almost like breathing. Who is it that can get any group of people on board with a new idea? Who won’t miss any details that could come back and mess things up later? Who likes to go dig into the research and will make sure the data is there for decision making? Consider how you celebrate and leverage these strengths. Not sure what your team’s strengths are? You’re definitely not alone in that. Using a tool like Cloverleaf that can identify strengths and provide tips for how to leverage them can really help. 

4. Celebrate those strengths and get out of the way

It’s one thing to acknowledge you’re not the smartest person in the room, but if you don’t know how to let go of things and entrust them to your team based on what motivates them and their natural strengths, it doesn’t really matter. Learn how to delegate and provide support and coaching. Don’t micromanage; that’s a quick way to derail trust and cause people to put up walls. 

5. Focus on continually developing their strengths

In his research, Marcus Buckingham reports that we grow most in our areas of greatest strength. There are neuroscientific explanations for this, but as leaders, we should move past trying to develop “areas of opportunity” and instead focus on developing strengths. That’s where our people will be happiest and most fulfilled AND our organizations will see the most benefit from their work.

Unleashing the strengths of your team may not come naturally to you, but there are tools that can help and the work to move in the direction of a more strengths-focused leader is well worth the payoff. Your team will appreciate it, and you’ll be amazed at what they can do together. 

The post Five Steps Leaders Can Take to Unleash Their Team’s Strengths appeared first on SiteProNews.

Rainmaking Tips for Women in the Legal Industry

posted on October 17, 2024

Rainmakers – the attorneys who bring clients, business, and money to their firms – are viewed as a valuable commodity in the legal industry. Because they are top financial producers, they typically reap the most rewards, gaining leadership roles, recognition, and financial benefits. Rainmakers are also the most marketable should they choose to switch firms.

While the number of female lawyers has increased slowly over the past decade, the number of women filling rainmaker roles remains disproportionately low. A recent report on women in law shows that female attorneys accounted for more than 50 percent of associates in 2023, but only 24 percent were equity partners that year.

The reasons behind the disparity are many and varied. A recent survey showed that female attorneys believe it is easier for male attorneys to engage in the traditional activities that lead to business development, such as attending sporting events or having an after-work drink. As female attorneys strive to balance professional and familial responsibilities, participating in those types of events becomes extremely challenging.

Outdated ideas about gender relations were also cited in the survey as a reason female attorneys struggle with business development. Some respondents explained that a female attorney approaching a potential male client can sometimes be misinterpreted as a personal rather than professional invitation.

Despite these issues, many feel that moving into a rainmaker position is not as challenging as it once was, with 56 percent of respondents saying it is getting easier. For those who want to seek out and take advantage of opportunities for business development, here are some key steps that should be taken.

Shift your focus to business development

To be successful at business development, you must make it part of your life’s fabric and give it attention every day. While some days may allow more time than others, don’t let a day pass without moving the ball forward, even if it involves only 15 minutes spent on the task.

A common mistake attorneys can make in this area is seeing business development as less valuable than their other duties. While performing high-quality work and billing significant hours is important, it is not enough to get ahead in today’s legal field. As early as possible in their legal careers, attorneys should begin developing the disciplines needed to grow their firms’ business.

The most important discipline to develop is ongoing, strategic communication with potential clients. This can consist of email, texts, calls, and in-person meetings, but you can also forward them a relevant article and tag them in a relevant post or even call them on their birthday and invite them to lunch. Any effort to maintain an ongoing connection will let them know they are on your radar and will keep you on theirs when needed.

One of the most important steps a young attorney can take is to participate in pitch meetings with more senior attorneys early in their career. Repeated participation in pitch meetings early on will give the attorney the “know-how” and confidence to successfully engage in business development throughout their career. 

Leverage technology to stay organized

Effective business development requires a lot of work. To optimize your efforts, invest in technology tools that can help you stay on task and organized. Your key goals will be capturing information on every new contact, following up on every connection, and maintaining a healthy rhythm in the relationship.

The artificial intelligence tools integrated into most email platforms today can be leveraged to streamline your communication and ensure you don’t lose track of a prospect. Smart compose functionality can help draft messages, while many platforms can also be set up to nudge you to engage when you don’t see a response after a certain period of time.

Classifying each new contact based on how likely they are to utilize your services is vital for staying organized. If you feel there is a strong likelihood of repeat business or an ongoing relationship, make your communication with that contact a priority. It’s also important to determine which of your firm’s services the contact may need so your communication can be relevant.

Promote your work

To bring business in, you need to get out there and stay active in the spaces where you can connect with the type of clients you want. Industry conferences, charitable events, and alumni gatherings are all places where you can make connections that can be nurtured into client relationships.

Being active in online spaces is another way to promote your work, such as LinkedIn, which provides any professional with a forum for publishing articles highlighting their expertise. Being active there can translate into other opportunities, such as publishing in journals or speaking at events. Using public forums to establish yourself as a thought leader in a particular area of focus can create rainmaking magic.

Be mindful, however, that successful business development quite often comes from personal relationships — it could be your college roommate, your sorority sister, your former colleague, your relative, or the parent of one of your children’s teammates who you chat with on the sideline of their soccer game each weekend.

It is also valuable to promote yourself within your firm. Statistics show that 80 percent of new legal business comes from existing clients. Make sure they know who you are, what you do, and how well you do it so they will know who to call upon when they or one of their associates needs those services.

Becoming a rainmaker in the legal field is challenging for women, but it is definitely achievable, as the thousands of women who have already made it there can testify. If you consistently focus on your goal, you will achieve it in some measure. Set your sights on moving into that space and follow through by shifting your focus, getting organized, and promoting yourself in a way that optimizes your opportunities for bringing in business.

The post Rainmaking Tips for Women in the Legal Industry appeared first on SiteProNews.

Teaching computers a new way to count could make numbers more accurate

posted on October 16, 2024
A new way to store numbers in computers can dynamically prioritise accuracy or range, depending on need, allowing software to quickly switch between very large and small numbers

Human scientists are still better than AI ones – for now

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6G phone networks could be 9000 times faster than 5G

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15 Ways Chatbots Improve Email Marketing ROI

posted on October 15, 2024

Email marketing is one of the best marketing strategies to directly engage with the targeted audience and customers to drive sales. However, generating leads and optimizing its return on investment (ROI) is quite challenging.

Businesses always look for new innovative strategies to enhance customer satisfaction and improve ROI. One such innovations are chatbots, a breakthrough technology that has improved the customer experience.

Chatbots effectively generate leads and enhance email marketing ROI by automating and personalizing user interactions. According to ledoo chatbots can increase the overall conversion rate of websites by 10 – 100%.

1. Personalized Recommendations

Advanced algorithms Chatbots employed by the company help to dig through all of this behavior, preferences, and past interactions. As a result, chatbots can provide product recommendations that closely match each user’s preferences.

It boosts customer engagement and improves marketing efficiency as a whole. Getting integrated into email campaigns increases CTR and improves conversions.

2. Automated Follow-ups

They can also be programmed to chat with leads when it makes the most sense for them to engage, and automatically send them relevant reminders/attractions. This allows for a steady follow-up and ensures that the time-to-interaction is maximized providing conversions with the best probability.

Chatbots automate and facilitate the management of chat discussions, making it fast to conveyable answers which is another useful way to enhance the lead nurturing process. This way lead will stay on the radar.

3. 24/7 Customer Support

According to Tidio, 53% of people find waiting for a reply is the most frustrating part of engaging with businesses (Tidio). Chatbots nevertheless offer 24/7 support, focusing on the questions of email subscribers at any time of day. Immediate availability increases customer satisfaction, thus improving Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Because chatbots are always on, chatbots help not to miss any query. Such accessibility is what turns into customer satisfaction and hence retention. With a chatbot in place, businesses can now continue to provide uninterrupted service even when the day is over.

4. Segmented Messaging

By learning about the interactions that users have through chatbots, they provide valuable data for another of the keys to success in audience segmentation. It studies customer behavior, engagement history, user preferences, etc. to segment customers accordingly.

With accurate segmentation, email campaigns can be more targeted and relevant. By delivering personalized content that aligns with the segment’s interests and needs.

5. Dynamic Content Generation

By using user responses and behavioral data, chatbots can serve up dynamic content based on the helper of individual choices. Utilizing interactions such as previous purchases, browsing behavior, and engagement history chatbots to generate in-line content relevant to each user’s interest, or needs.

Consequently, emails are more interactive and we can get a better response from the audience. Because chatbots are adaptable, email contents change with each new user’s information, making it always fresh and relevant to better deliver more customer satisfaction.

6. Enhanced Lead Qualification

Chatbots are essential in lead qualification as they communicate with users and get important details via real-time chats. They use leading questions, user behavior analysis, and cylinders of interests, preferences, and readiness to buy. This automated process helps identify high-potential leads.

By filtering out less relevant contacts, chatbots enhance the overall quality of your email list, making it more focused and conversion-driven, especially when targeting key decision-makers like CEOs. With a refined list of high-quality leads, your outcomes become more effective

7. Behavioral Triggers

They can also serve as behavioral triggers for email campaigns, for example — the chatbot concludes that the user might be interested in a special offer and after a specific interaction will send a corresponding email with an offer or more information about products/services.

8. Winning Back Lapsed Clients

You can also monitor dormant clients through chatbots — users that were active before but haven’t talked to you in a significant amount of time and automatically get re-engagement. They can send tailor-made messages or offers that reflect what they have shown interest in before.

Going further to rekindle brand connections, making them fresh and exciting. This returns customers to businesses that assist with online sales.

9. Improved Data Collection

It actively mines data from interactions making it a treasure trove of valuable insight into consumer preferences and patterns.

You can utilize this information to improve your email marketing strategy.

10. A/B Testing Support

Furthermore, real-time chatbots can be used as the medium to engage with users and collect feedback on A/B tests such as different email variants which directly result in genuine user experiences. This means you can understand what works best before optimizing your advertising to drive a better return on investment.

11. Engagement Analytics

Chatbots improve the analytics of email marketing engagement by monitoring readers’ interactions like open rates, click-through rates, and responses. This real-time data offers information on how well recipients are responding to the message, enabling marketers to find out what sends well with their targeted audience.

Use this information to strategize for the future, and tailor your content to encourage interactions. They also segment customers based on their interaction with them so that they can industrialize more personalized follow-ups and campaigns, thereby increasing open rates, CTR, Conversion rate, and ROI of emails.

12. Optimized Timing

They monitor user habits and help in guessing the best time to send an email. With optimized send times for when subscribers are likely to engage via email.

13. Long-term partnership opportunities

Chatbots also contribute to the long-term health of a business by providing personal and consistent communication with customers. They also answer queries and provide recommendations related to products if any; they tend to customize content based on what interests them.

The first point of contact through post-purchase support, chatbots were 24/7 supported. Enhance the entire customer experience and boost lifetime relationships with your brand.

14. Interactive Content

Interactive content: Chatbots can generate interactive content for your emails like quizzes or surveys. That engagement drives user-habit interactions as well as interest and ultimately helps increase your click-through rates and conversions.

15. Real-time Feedback

With email campaigns, chatbots interact with users upon engagement to give real-time feedback This includes observing clicks and responses to track the performance of campaigns and identify opportunities for fine-tuning.

Real-time analysis of deliverability rates also helps businesses to make any necessary adjustments to their email strategies as soon as possible, which consequently improves the scope and personalization and ultimately increases campaign effectiveness delivering better and higher ROI.


These excellent processes of how integrating chatbots within email marketing can greatly help in customer interaction and drive ROI. This allows you to use their capabilities to your advantage and run more personalized, efficient, and effective email campaigns that will get you more results in a higher return.

The post 15 Ways Chatbots Improve Email Marketing ROI appeared first on SiteProNews.

SEO for 2024: Essential Strategies to Rank in a Competitive Landscape

posted on October 15, 2024

The world of SEO is always in evolution and businesses must update their sites with the latest trends to maintain their edge in today’s competitive digital space. Search engines like Google are constantly perfecting algorithms. This has made SEO more complex, yet equally worthwhile and productive for the right strategies in this field. This article will outline all the important SEO strategies for 2024, aiming to help you rank your website higher and head ahead a bit more from the competition.

1. Google’s Core Algorithm Updates

More algorithm updates from Google would focus on search-related relevance and quality. Some of the most important updates so far have concentrated on Core Web Vitals, UX, and content relevance. However, this year, Google will most likely continue to emphasize UX regarding:

User Experience (UX): Sites that load fast, are mobile-friendly, and easy to navigate will be rewarded.

Relevance of Content: Google is getting smarter to comprehend the intent of the user. The keyword stuffing that had floated through the web is now not applicable. Creating content that directly answers the question in a user’s mind and offers value will be significant.

How to Adapt:

Optimize for the Core Web Vitals: Ensure that your website looks good on metrics like Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift.

Focus on User Intent: Time to forget keyword targeting and rather optimize content with a complete answer to the user’s question. Targeting groups of similar topics with cluster-based search can improve the relevance of content with better rankings.

2. SEO and AI/ML

AI and Machine Learning is changing the SEO landscape. Right from Google’s RankBrain system to the application of Natural Language Processing through BERT and MUM, the algorithms are changing how content ranking works. In 2024, SEO specialists should focus on areas where AI is playing a role in the alteration of search rankings.

How to Adapt:

Semantic Search: AI, through contextual and semantic understanding of queries. Therefore, in all their writing, they should focus more on the depth and background research in the fields from which topics can be addressed fully.

Higher the chances for AI to almost interpret user queries, as a human, it is the need of the hour to create more natural and conversational content.

Optimize for Voice Search: As there’s an increase in voice search, such contents must be optimized for natural language queries. Apply long-tail keywords and structured data that would further boost voice search performance.

3. E-E-A-T is Priority: Focus on E-E-A-T for Improved Rankings

According to Search Engine Land the July 2023 update, known as the “Killer Whale” update, saw a 38% increase in person entities with E-E-A-T-friendly subtitles. Although always important, the concept of E-E-A-T has, in 2024, become the most crucial element to achieve success in SEO. Google tends to favor rich content material that reflects strong expertise, authority, and trustworthiness, especially in niches like health, finance, or legal advice.

Adapt to the Niche:

Establish Authority: Publish high-quality, evergreen material with backing of credible sources to emerge as a known thought leader.

Use Author Bylines: Use credible author bylines as trust and credibility indicators.

Acquire Quality Backlinks: Hyperlink backlinks from reliable resources in your niche to your site, thereby establishing credibility and trust for your website.

Since it started following mobile-first indexing since 2019, that stands the same for 2024. Google primarily indexes and ranks your website from its mobile version. When you see more and more traffic coming from mobile, it is high time to ensure your website is optimized for mobile.

What’s the Strategy :

Responsive design; your website should be fully responsive, providing a seamless user experience across all possible devices.

Content needs to always be developed in a mobile-friendly way: legible and scannable with the tiny screens. Paralleled with this, the paragraphs should be short with the proper use of subheadings and buttons that can be clicked without zooming.

Fast Mobile Load Time Optimize your images and enable browser caching, make file compression, so your site loads promptly on the mobile device.

4. Leverage Visual Search

Visual search is positioned to go mainstream in 2024. Tools like Google Lens will enable people to search using images instead of text. For e-commerce websites, the relevance of visual search optimization is growing as it’s increasingly being used by consumers in finding products.

How to Adapt:

Use Good Images: Every image present on your website should be of good quality and relevant to the content.

Image alt text Optimization: Assign alt text to all images using relevant keywords. However, do not keyword stuff them.

Image structured data/Schema markup: Use schema markup in images so that search engines understand the images and categorize them appropriately.

5. Optimizing for Local and Hyper-Local SEO

Location-based SEO is becoming increasingly important for small and medium-sized businesses that are targeting local clients. Together with the rising “near me” searches, local SEO creates foot traffic and online sales.

How to Leverage:

Google My Business: Set the Google My Business page profile up with actual data to include business hours, phone numbers, and reviews.

Local-Content: The type of contents that are connected to the particular local issues, events, or solutions.

Voice Search Optimization: Since most people perform voice local search, use conversational language in your content and optimize for voice query types.

6. Video Content and Search Engine Optimization

Video content is growing exponentially and certainly will take the lead in 2024. Google favors video content particularly with proper SEO strategies repeatedly. Nowadays, YouTube becomes an integral part of an effective SEO strategy.

How To Adopt:

YouTube SEO Tips: Optimize your video title, description, and tag using relevant keywords to gain more search results on YouTube as well as Google.

You can put videos on your site so long as it is highly relevant to your content. High user engagement and quality time will increase your rankings.

Provide transcripts of your videos so that a user may access them even if he is deaf or unable to hear, while search engines have more text to crawl through.

7. Content Quality Over Quantity

Quality over quantity will still be the preserve of Google in 2024. Instead of producing a large quantity of low-value material, businesses should opt for in-depth, well-researched content that would help them serve their audience.

How to Adopt:

Long-Form Content: General advice often tends to assume that long-form content, above 1,500 words, ranks better in searches because it would have more space for providing adequate coverage of topics.

Content Upgrades: Ensure you update older blog posts and pages since what was up and new two years ago might not be the case any more.

Leverage user-generated content, reviews, and testimonials, so your audience will trust you, sharing real, authentic experiences with them.

8. Why You Need an SEO Course in 2024

Getting an SEO course in 2024 can give you that edge to understand the latest trends and strategies in SEO, which is becoming increasingly complex. From technical SEO to content optimization, an SEO course can bring you hands-on experience and up-to-date knowledge that can bring your website higher.

Here’s why an SEO course can help you:

Stay abreast of algorithm changes from Google and learn how you can adapt more wisely

Technical SEO: Get familiar with the technical side of SEO, which may include website structure, schema markup, or Core Web Vitals.

Content Strategy: Have a strategy for content in line with best SEO practices, including keyword research and content clusters.

Familiarize yourself with the tools and techniques, including Google Analytics, Search Console, or keyword research tools, to learn how to track and optimize performance.


In 2024, the competition to gain SEO will be much harder than in the previous years. However, with the right approach, you will make sure your website ranks well in search results. This is getting along with AI and machine learning with a more concern on user experience and local SEO. All that would make you ready and well-equipped for domination after mastering the trend, taking an SEO course.

And if you invest and also take ample time and effort to learn and make adjustments in your SEO methods, then you will be well-positioned to boom in ranks for more traffic and growth in your business from the year 2024.

The post SEO for 2024: Essential Strategies to Rank in a Competitive Landscape appeared first on SiteProNews.

Fast forward to the fluffy revolution, when robot pets win our hearts

posted on October 12, 2024
Our Future Chronicles column explores an imagined history of inventions and developments yet to come. We visit 2032 and meet artificial animals that love their owners, without the carbon footprint of biological pets. Rowan Hooper explains how it happened