7+ Tips for Recovering from Google Core Algorithm Updates

posted on September 10, 2021


What are the core Google algorithm updates?

Simply said, Google’s algorithm is updated several times a year and doesn’t necessarily target specific concerns. A broad core update is a change to their main search algorithm that looks at a website’s expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness (E-A-T), and quality in a more holistic way.

Because of all of these many variables, Google can’t honestly tell us what has to be changed on a website without divulging the most crucial components of their algorithm. It’s common to be impacted by an algorithm update, especially if your website still has a lot of potential for development.

Here is everything that you must know about the recovery process from Google algorithm updates.

Tips to recover from Google core algorithm updates

Check these tips to know what to do after the latest Google update strikes. Here are all the tricks that will help you get through the core updates:

1. Look for inconsistencies in your website using Google’s guidelines.

Use the guidelines of Google’s broad core updates to the benefit of your website. They provide you with an idea of what your website could do better. Make the most of it. It might take time and work, but it will be worthwhile for the success of your SEO. You can also read Google’s revised Search Quality Raters Guidelines to better grasp Google’s criteria for a high-quality, helpful website.

2. Make Use of Real Expertise

One common suggestion for improving E-A-T is to ensure that all authors have bios attached to their bylines in their articles or on a separate author biography page. What’s more crucial is that your content is written with the assistance of objective specialists. 

Expert reviewers, such as doctors, psychologists, and nurses, are used by many of the winning websites to audit information and guarantee it is correct. While utilising professional reviewers is not a Google-verified ranking criterion, it does improve your content by making it more accurate and hence trustworthy.

3. Use the Editorial Policies and Ad Disclosures to your advantage.

Sites that are open with their users and clear about their mission tend to perform better in organic search. This is why it’s essential to have clear editorial and advertising standards that explain how your content is reviewed, who writes for you, what types of ads will be displayed, and how those ads are chosen.

4. Improve the quality of the content for the latest SEO updates

It’s no accident that the majority of Google’s algorithm update winners have the best content quality. Content should be well-researched, balanced, and well-edited, and should include citations to reputable sources. External links aid Google in making connections between your sites and the content from which you get your information.

5. Use language that isn’t overly salesy.

On pages meant to provide advice or information, it’s critical to avoid mixing informational and transactional language. This mix of informative content and a call to action may cause the user to doubt the rest of the page’s information. A page regarding “rosacea” should not, for example, push the user to buy the author’s book as a rosacea remedy. 

This remedy is powerful to get through the latest Google algorithm updates. It was also one of the compelling connections discovered in the latest research between losing websites and page elements: losers are 433 per cent more likely than winners to include calls to action on pages with medical material. 

6. Resolve any technical issues that may arise.

After algorithm-related performance declines, addressing E-A-T, content quality, and user experience is critical, but technical SEO cannot be overlooked. All of your other efforts may be in vain if Google has problems crawling, indexing, and presenting your material. 

Following a core change, here are several options for enhancing your technical SEO:

  • For concerns with crawlability and indexation, look at the coverage report in Google Search Console.
  • Check if your site has any systematic page performance issues that could affect its overall usability.
  • Make sure there aren’t any AMP problems, which you can check in Google Search Console.
  • Make sure your pagination isn’t broken from the start.
  • Check your Google Search Console notifications frequently to be sure your site hasn’t received a manual action.

7. In the SERPs, look for a Local Intent.

Consider all the search results for your query and check that the keywords you believed were “generic” aren’t suddenly being classed as “local” in intent. For example, the keyword “mattresses,” for instance, could cause Google to pull up local results. If you see city names, map packs, and localised pages ranking for a query, it’s a good indication that you’ll need to develop a strategy for it.

8. Inquire for assistance

It’s difficult for you to spot the flaws in your website as the owner because you have your perspective to work with. However, suppose you seek assistance from a community that shares your interests or is knowledgeable about the same topics as you; in that case, you can ask them to provide feedback on your site, and you will be able to see flaws that you were previously unaware of. It will only help you improve and get well in the core update recovery times.


That is all there is to it. It may appear simple, yet completing these tasks can be difficult. The result, however, will undoubtedly be satisfying.

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Are you having trouble recruiting Developers for your Project? Take a look at the following Ideas

posted on August 7, 2021


Finding exceptional talent is getting increasingly challenging. Companies are competing aggressively for the best candidates, and everyone is upping their hiring game in a variety of ways, from offering great incentives to entirely altering company cultures.

Software development, one of the world’s fastest-growing industries, exemplifies this competition. It’s also very meritocratic, which presents a fascinating issue for hiring managers: how do you get the best engineers before your competitors do?

Here are some suggestions to assist you in resolving the issue:

1. Understand the Fundamentals

No one expects a recruiter to be a code expert, but getting to know the business may be quite beneficial. You’ll be more educated about the qualities you’re searching for in applicants, and you’ll find it simpler to follow the candidate’s and hiring manager’s talks.

There are a few things you should be aware of:

What technologies are programmers employing? Your development team might be utilizing a variety of programming languages, each with its own set of features. C#, for example, is an object-oriented programming language that is frequently used in games, but PHP is utilized for server-side scripting and content-heavy apps. You don’t have to be an expert, but the very least you can do is inquire about the most essential technology used by your team from your recruiting manager.

What is the average cost of this service? Developers’ pay is influenced not just by their years of experience, but also by the technology they specialize in. Once you know what you’re looking for, you’ll have a better idea of how easy it is to find developers and how much compensation you’ll have to spend to get them.

What are the obligations of the candidate? Will this new hire bring a skill set to the table that the rest of the team lacks? Will they be working on your primary project or a variety of others? Become familiar with the team’s specific expectations for this new developer.

2. Place a premium on practical knowledge

When it comes to recruiting developers, real experience should always take precedence over what is mentioned on a CV. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t evaluate someone’s education; you should, but only as part of the whole picture, not as a deal-breaker.

Giving code exams a higher priority in your hiring approach is the most apparent way to highlight practical expertise. If the candidate is hired, a well-designed coding test should reflect the problems that will be part of their work. During the one-on-one interview, be sure to provide your hiring managers the opportunity to go over the exam with the candidate in further depth.

Another method to focus on your prospects’ practical abilities is to request a portfolio of their prior work. You’ll be able to view real samples of their work this way. You may spend as much time as you need in the interview discussing how they completed those projects, what their biggest hurdles were, how they addressed problems, and so on. If you’re looking to employ a front-end developer, you might want to consider asking some react interview questions.

3. Take into account freelancers

If your team needs a specialized employee with a certain skill set for a specific project, a freelance developer may be a better option. You may ask your existing devs for recommendations; they’ll almost certainly have someone in mind.

References are crucial when evaluating freelance developers. Pay special attention to the profiles of freelancers: Most freelance platforms are quite open, and customers’ reviews, whether positive or negative, are typically public.

4. Develop a Talent Pool

If you’re having difficulties finding the people you need, it’s possible that you’re dealing with a talent pool that’s too small. You may broaden your reach in several ways:

Make the job description a little more flexible. A job description that is excessively detailed may turn off potential candidates who are concerned about not fulfilling all of your overly stringent requirements. Only include the technologies and abilities that are truly required; you may learn more about a candidate during the interview.

5. Pay particular attention to soft skills

When it comes to recruiting engineers, never overlook soft skills. If you only look for technical expertise, you could wind up choosing a candidate who lacks a strong work ethic and poor organizational abilities. Furthermore, according to one research, soft-skills training may provide a 256 percent return on investment, indicating that soft skills are more valuable than you would believe.

Because working effectively from home necessitates high levels of responsibility, work ethic, and task management, soft skills are especially crucial for applicants who will be working remotely.

Don’t worry if finding the top developers takes a long time and effort. Recruiting talents might take a long time.

However, there are certain things you can do to put yourself in a better position to succeed. Collaborate closely with the leaders of your development team, expand your talent pool, and be patient. It will get simpler once you’ve made your first few outstanding hires: Good developers are always ready to be a part of a winning team!

The post Are you having trouble recruiting Developers for your Project? Take a look at the following Ideas appeared first on SiteProNews.

Your Complete Guide to dealing with Orphan Pages

posted on July 18, 2021


Many online businesses lose out on leads due to simple SEO errors on their websites. This article will talk about orphan pages. Orphan pages are pieces of content on your site with no internal links pointing to them.

Orphan pages are also less likely to rank high on Google. That explains why a good percentage of SEO experts spend a considerable amount of time optimizing internal links to avoid orphan pages and spread domain authority across a site.

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This guide will cover everything you need to know about orphan pages. You’ll learn how to identify orphan pages and how to optimize your internal link structure. Let’s start by getting our definitions in order.

What are orphan pages, and why are they an issue?

An orphan page is a website page with zero internal links. These pages are inaccessible from the rest of your site, and that’s bad for several reasons. 

Firstly, by failing to link to an orphan page, you indicate to Google that the content is not that important.

At the risk of oversimplifying things, you naturally link to the most important content on your site through the main menu, footer, sidebar, and from various posts. These internal links are an indication of the importance of the content to your site.

The graphic below provides a simplified overview of how authority flows around a site.

As orphan pages have no internal links, they don’t get any of the benefits of that additional page authority. The higher your page authority, the better the chance of content ranking in the SERPs.

The second important consideration is user experience. If you are not linking to content on your site, that content becomes inaccessible unless the person arrives on that page. That could happen because they entered the URL, arrived on the page from the search results, or a third-party site, for example, social media or a paid ad. 

Finally, orphan pages are a problem for search engine crawlers because they are a little harder to find. Search engines crawl through a website using internal links.

The crawlers will probably find your orphan pages (through the sitemap XML file for example), but you’re more likely to encounter indexing issues with an orphan page than you are with a page that is easily accessible.

For example, a newly published blog post appears on the archive page. Google understands this, and so these pages are crawled frequently. However, if your new piece of content doesn’t appear on an archive page or no internal links point to the page, it’s harder for the crawler to find your content.

That is a vast oversimplification of how page authority and crawlers work, but it will hopefully make sense if this is all new to you. So, with that out of the way, let’s discuss how to identify orphan pages.

How can you identify orphan pages?

There are various approaches you can take to identify orphan pages on your site.

The easiest way to identify orphan pages is to run a site crawl of your site. There are various popular site crawlers you can use to review your site. For example, SEMRush, Ahrefs, Moz, and Screaming Frog are all tools that SEO professionals use.

A site crawler will go through all of the content on your site in the same way that a search engine crawler does. Following the site crawl, all of these tools generate reports that you can review. These technical SEO reports share a lot of valuable information about your site.

One output is the number of orphan pages on your site and the page URL. Here’s an example of such a report by Ahrefs.

Below the “indexable†heading, you have a column for orphan pages. Click on this link, and you’ll see a list of orphan pages.

You can do a site audit for any web property that you own with Ahrefs for free. However, some tools charge a fee to access their software. 

It’s possible to find orphan pages via Google Analytics, using a site: search in Google, reviewing your sitemap XML file, and also reviewing your websites pages and posts (via the backend).

How can you fix orphan pages?

At this point, you know two things: that orphan pages are something you generally want to fix and that you can identify them using suitable SEO tools and techniques. So now the question is this: How can you fix orphan pages?

There are three primary things you can do with orphan pages:

  • Delete the page: if the content isn’t relevant, you can just delete the content.
  • Do nothing: there might be a good reason why the page is an orphan. If that’s the case, you don’t need to do anything.
  • Optimize the page: find internal links to point to the page.

The first two options are pretty straightforward. I’ll discuss how you could optimize the page below.

1. Link to the page from your footer, sidebar, or menu

One of the easiest ways to add internal links to a page is to provide a site wide link. You can add a site wide link by including a link to the orphan page from your menu, footer, or sidebar.

Site wide links are a great way to highlight key content on your siteâ€â€for example, category pages or important resources. You’ll find that many sites add a limited number of links to the menu, which is the primary means of site wide navigation, and a larger number of links to the footer.

For example, the SEO tool Ahrefs has 44 internal links in the footer and 11 internal links accessible through the menu. Those footer links make it easy to access the core parts of the site in just a few clicks.

You should only add an orphan page link to your footer, menu, or sidebar if it’s really important. Don’t add content to your footer for the sake of it.

2. Add links from your content

The second solution is to add links pointing to your orphan pages from individual pieces of content. You can link to the content from your blog posts, product pages, or anything else as appropriate.

The internal links you add should always be thematically relevant. For example, using appropriate anchor text and incorporating links into content in a way that would add value to a person visiting your site. For more information about conducting an internal linking strategy, I suggest you read this guide from SEMrush.

Bottom Line

An orphan page is any page with zero internal links. They can appear unintentionally or intentionally. Whatever the case, it’s critical to fix them where needed.

You can use a crawler and other techniques to identify orphan pages. Once you’ve identified these pages, you have three options; do nothing, delete the content or link to the content from other places on your site. You should do regular reviews of your site to identify orphan pages. It’s good practice to perform regular audits and fix the issues as they occur.


David Pagotto is the Founder and Managing Director of SIXGUN, a digital marketing agency based in Melbourne. He has been involved in digital marketing for over 10 years, helping organizations get more customers, more reach, and more impact.

The post Your Complete Guide to dealing with Orphan Pages appeared first on SiteProNews.

5 Important Things to Know about Offshore Web Hosting

posted on July 15, 2021


Web hosting is an important part of running a successful website. If you’re looking for web hosting, it’s important to understand what is available and the benefits that come with each type. 

This article will discuss offshore hosting, which means hosting a website on a server that is located outside of your country. So if you’re considering opting for an offshore web host for your business site, here are five important things to know.

Offshore Web Hosts Value Data Privacy and Anonymity

If you want to run a website in the United States and you’re worried about your personal data being made public, offshore web hosting is the right option for you. The servers are located in other countries that have laws protecting information and restricting it from being shared with the government or any third party without consent. For instance, offshore web hosts from the Netherlands are praised for their strict data protection, as well as known to protect against identity theft. 

Certain offshore providers also accept more anonymous payment methods (such as Bitcoin), which help maintain the confidentiality of your personal information. 

They Have a Flexible Content Policy

Freedom of expression is still an issue in certain parts of the world. In some countries, content that is considered distasteful or offensive can be censored and taken down in an instant without warning. Offshore web hosts offer a more lax approach to this by only removing illegal material like child pornography and terrorist websites. This means you can host gambling and sites with adult content without fear of being shut down in an instant.

They also protect you from DMCA claims so you won’t have to worry about your site being taken down due to copyrighted content. This is crucial if you plan to start a video streaming website. In this case, you might want to check out some unlimited bandwidth VPS solutions as they will ensure great performance and security for your streaming site.

Offshore Web Hosts Provide Fast Load Times

It’s important to think about how your site will perform when it comes to loading times. Keep in mind that your site will load faster if it’s on a server that’s closer to your visitors. 

This is why offshore web hosts are such a good option. They have servers all over the world so your visitors will be closer to them, and this means faster load times for you. And let’s not forget that a fast site is crucial for good user experience and better conversion rates.

Offshore Providers Can Help Expand Your Business

One of the best benefits of using offshore web hosting is that it gives you access to potential customers in any country, so if your company already has an online presence but wants to reach new markets, this type of website hosting would enable your company to do so. They also offer great customer service which allows them to quickly deal with any problems so they don’t hinder your growth.

In case you need to scale your website, offshore hosts can make it happen in no time! You’ll be able to effortlessly upgrade your hosting from shared hosting to a VPS plan in case your web traffic starts growing. Just make sure to choose a web host that also lets you customize your virtual private server. 

Offshore Hosting Can Help You Save Money

Many offshore hosts provide low-cost solutions that can help you save on hosting fees, without sacrificing any of the features or functionality that is offered. Additionally, choosing a web host in a country with less strict tax policies can provide a significant advantage for your company, in terms of savings.

With offshore hosting, you can get secure and scalable solutions for your business website for an affordable price.


Choosing a web host is a very important decision for any company, and there are many factors that must be considered before making the final choice. Offshore web hosting can be a great choice for anyone looking for anonymity, security and freedom of expression for their site. 

There’s a lot more information in this area than most people realize, and these tips should serve as an eye-opener for anyone looking into getting their company online with a website that reaches all corners of the world!


Damien Reed is the lead writer for Prospected and UncensoredHosting. He covers various topics including business, technology, and digital marketing. He has over five years of experience in writing for different online mediums, and his work has appeared on sites such as Freelancer, HackerNoon and CodeMentor.

The post 5 Important Things to Know about Offshore Web Hosting appeared first on SiteProNews.