Customer testimonial: How a Danish bike shop owner started an online shop

posted on February 11, 2022


It all started at the beginning of the new year. One man had one dream… A dream of opening a bike shop! In 2021, Alf Henriksen started – a shop that converts regular bicycles into electric bikes. Hear his success story and how he turned his dream into reality. Duration: 00:01:26 Publisher: onecom You […]

Sell on Facebook With IONOS

posted on November 23, 2021


See how easy it is to start social selling on Facebook when you connect your IONOS online store to your Facebook Business Page. We’ve made selling on the world’s largest social media platform simple. Just how simple exactly? Here’s how it’s done: From your online store control panel, go to the “Sell on Facebook” page […]

Four Types of Remarketing

posted on June 11, 2021



Marketers know the majority of site visitors leave without taking any action. These people can be encouraged to return to the site with the help of traditional or dynamic remarketing.

Nowadays, however, the Internet is full of advertising, so it’s vital for each campaign to stand out from the crowd by using the most relevant and useful content. To achieve this, you can use the incredible potential of special types of remarketing.

The aim of this article is to expand your knowledge of remarketing possibilities and explain new ways to use remarketing to reach your goals.

Multi-level remarketing
Thanks to this function, you can show users different adverts promoting new offers, and even change the frequency of ad impressions, depending on the number of days since their last visit to your site. Such tactics are suitable for products or services that have a long sales cycle or trial period.

For example, we have a list of people who have bought a printer in our store. Our goal is to show them a banner with an offer to buy ink after three months. To do this, we’ll create one remarketing list with a 90-day duration, and an identical list with a 120-day duration. In the next step, we’ll combine these two audiences: choose the ‘Custom combination’ option from the drop-down menu.


Then we add the audience with the longer period of time by using the ‘Any of these audiences’ condition. The ‘None of these audiences’ condition will help us exclude the audience with the shorter period of time.


In the last step, you should create a new campaign or ad group for this new audience. As a result, our ads will start being displayed 90 days after the visitor bought a printer at our online store, and these ads will follow the customer for another 30 days.

Similar audience
Similar audience is a special kind of remarketing audience that includes people who are not visitors to your site, but their behavior and interests are very similar to those of your customers.
Using similar audiences is a simple and effective way to increase your traffic.

AdWords will record views of sites in Display Network over the last 30 days, and this information will be used for the automatic selection of a new group of potential customers within the network who have similar interests and behavior.

Google makes remarketing lists for creating similar audiences by itself, so lists with similar audiences will automatically appear next to your remarketing lists in Shared libraries. Please note that you won’t be able to see such lists if your remarketing audience contains cookies for fewer than 500 visitors:


We recommend creating a separate Google Display Network campaign for similar audiences, because quality indicators for these ads could be lower than for the traditional remarketing campaign.

Remarketing lists for search ads
With the help of traditional remarketing lists, you can display ads with special content or adjust your bids depending on the category of your site visitors.

To make your search ads visible to users from your remarketing list, the list should contain cookies for at least 1,000 visitors. You can check this from the Audiences tab in Shared libraries.


There are several strategies for using remarketing audiences for search ads:

  • Add an audience to the existing campaign and increase bids for recent visitors to your site;
  • Create a new campaign with a specific audience and adapt the text to your needs (offer a promotional coupon, promote special deals and so on);
  • Exclude past visitors to your site who are still interested in products similar to yours. It will help to attract new visitors only;
  • Target your ads at previous buyers who are interested in related products, or at high volume keywords that haven’t been used in a main advertising campaign.

Remarketing for YouTube viewers

If your brand has its own channel on YouTube, you can use remarketing for video viewers.

With the help of AdWords for Video, you can create remarketing lists of users who have completed one of the following actions:

  • Interacted with or viewed your YouTube videos;
  • Subscribed to or unsubscribed from your channel;
  • Viewed your TrueView in-stream ads;
  • Visited your channel.

To create a video remarketing list, your YouTube and AdWords accounts have to be linked. If you haven’t made advertising campaigns for video, please follow the guidelines at: To create a remarketing list for YouTube viewers, go to the navigation panel and choose the ‘Video Remarketing’ option in Shared Library, click ‘+Remarketing list’, then choose a new remarketing list type and fill in the other fields.


You will be able to manage your lists from the ‘Targets’ tab of the video campaign.

As we promised at the beginning, we will now explain two ways to optimize your remarketing campaign.

One of the options is to exclude placements with low CTR. On some sites, advertising banners aren’t placed in the best position, which is why users rarely spot the ads. To exclude such low-performing placements, go to the Display Network report, find the Placements tab and analyze the CTR, bounce rate and conversions.


Highlight placements like those shown in red, click ‘Edit’ and select ‘Exclude.’



Before you exclude large platforms such as YouTube, remember that you can only exclude individual URLs on the site. To identify such URLs, select the site and go to the See details menu, then choose the ‘Selected’ option.


You can also add to the list of excluded placements those sites where visitors have a high bounce rate (this information can be obtained from Google Analytics).

The second method of optimizing your remarketing campaigns is to exclude certain categories of sites, so you avoid displaying your ads next to any content that you would not like to be associated with your brand. By this we mean different kinds of sensitive content, mobile apps, games or social networks. By default, only gambling is excluded.

You can find this option by going to the ‘Display Network’ tab, then scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking on the green ‘+ Options’ button.


You can also turn off showing your banners below-the-fold here.


As you can see, remarketing is an evolving discipline, which provides plenty of opportunities for smart advertisers. To take advantage of the benefits of remarketing, you simply need to determine which types of retargeting are most suitable for your business, then add them to your traditional remarketing campaign.

Why is Japan’s handling of this pandemic so bad compared to their neighbors?

posted on June 11, 2021


I think the wealthy nations that fared the worst have something in common: Italy, Spain, Japan, Canada, the US, Brazil, Sweden in the early days, all treated the economy and health as being opposing priorities, and tried to get away with half-assing both.

The ones that did the best are the ones that had strong, swift lockdowns and made an effort to offer even-handed, if not always adequate, ongoing financial aid in the meantime.

Countries like Canada and the US and Japan, which applied ridiculously convoluted means testing and conditions on financial aid, saw undue politicization and partisanship, extreme processing delays, uneven distribution, extinctions of entire industries, and, most pertinent to your question, increased unwillingness among the public to cooperate with health measures.

If you give people a choice between potentially getting sick or definitely losing their jobs, they’ll typically choose the former. And then they’ll retcon whatever narrative it takes, even if it’s a crazy conspiracy theory, to manage the guilt.

To give you a sense of what I mean by a surge, here are Canada (where I live) and Japan on as of today (May 11):

There are no excuses for this. I think I should clarify, for those interested (it’s a long read), why, despite the low death toll and apparently low infection rate, I agree with the premise of the question, that Japan is performing poorly. As I’ve mentioned in several of my comments:

The people of Japan have sustained relatively well, all things considered. The lack of testing can hide case counts — and it’s definitely doing that — but a high death toll is harder to cover up, especially for a disease that’s so deadly that in many places it has become the number-one killer. That might be because of the ubiquity of masks, physiology, lack of handshaking and hugging, prior exposure to similar viruses, the vowelly nature of the language, or some other accidental or semi-accidental reason. In any case, it wasn’t the success of a national response to the pandemic.

The nation of Japan has utterly, catastrophically failed its people, and the evidence of that is in the overwhelmed medical system and the economic turmoil. The complete, deliberate refusal to develop an exit plan (a strategy which they call “with Corona”) is not only putting Japan at future risk, it is also causing current, palpable desperation, reckless defeatism, panic, fear and distrust of important institutions and of other people. That’s all very real damage.

Keep in mind that covid started with one patient. Covid’s growth, being that it infects more than one person per person, is exponential. Treatment for potentially fatal covid cases requires hospital resources, of which there’s only ever a more or less fixed amount — the discharge count can only grow linearly; the remainder die. An exponential minus a linear is exponential, which is to say that, even if things seem safe now, it can easily go horribly wrong overnight. The only way to fight a phenomenon of exponential growth is to nip it in the bud or to be ready to mobilize en masse in case it does explode — that is, to have the one thing that can outrun exponential growth: national policy. Japan has done neither.

Hospitals in many parts of Japan are, or are at risk of being overwhelmed. This is the beginning of a vicious cycle observed throughout the world, in which nurses and doctors become exhausted or themselves ill and quitting in droves, which in turn leads to poorer treatment both for covid as well as for other treatable illnesses, which in turn leads to worse health outcomes, which leads to more suffering, more sick people, and even more expensive treatment in the form of emergency room visits, palliative care and the need for more precious facilities such as respirators.

It’s only while the number of people being admitted to hospital is lower than the full capacity of the medical system that an illusion of success against the pandemic can been maintained. Most of the world learned that lesson in 2020, either through the news or through experience.

The economic suffering is profound. 1 in 5 female students are having trouble affording feminine hygiene products; even as of July of last year, the unemployment rate has been the highest it’s been since the end of the war (and lower-than-minimum-wage gig workers are counted as having jobs); 60,000 homeowners are having trouble paying their loans. It’s clear that even if you don’t see poverty on the streets every day where you live, it is quite severe now as a result of covid. There are too many such symptoms to list them all here, and the on-again, off-again, vague, symbolic, ineffectual states of emergency are only prolonging the suffering.

Until recently, every time the case count grew, it was in areas opened to Abe’s idiotic Go To Travel campaign, which had people supporting the tourism and service sectors by traveling for fun in the middle of a pandemic, in the winter. Japan, Germany and Italy have borrowed by far the most per GDP on covid, and yet people were forced to resort to this kind of insanity. Personally, I don’t lose sleep over the risks of overspending (Japan’s national debt has always been terrifyingly high, and yet it’s never seen very high inflation), but this should be a clear indication that something is wrong with the spending that is taking place.

Finally, the Olympics: the government and the IOC are dead-set on going through with it at any financial cost, public opinion cost or human cost, entirely out of sunk cost fallacy and in service of avoiding relatively small cancellation fees. A solid 80% of the nation opposes the Games, 70%+ of businesses report they will likely see little or no detriment in its cancellation, and it is already causing more outbreaks. Hokkaido saw the nation’s worst daily case number just recently, two weeks after Olympics rehearsals were held there. Nurses are being pulled out of hospitals to service the Olympics, and 70% of volunteer nurses in Ibaraki prefecture have already resigned

Granted, pressure from the IOC is largely to blame for this situation, but it’s quite clear that Japan is very much in a position to kick them to the curb. But the Japanese government wouldn’t know that, given they brazenly admit to never even having read the fine print on the matter.

By the way, I’m not letting Canada, the other nation with which I identify, off the hook, either. Canada hogged 9 times as many vaccine doses as there are people, presumably in an effort to hold for ransom the health of people in less affluent nations as well as global efforts to address the pandemic. Believe what you will about the importance or safety of vaccines, but I don’t know how to describe this behavior other than homicidal.

And yet numerous cities are still in disarray as of now (May 23), and vaccinations are only now ramping up, though quite sharply, as demonstrated by the 45% first dose vaccination rate vs. the measly 4.2% second dose.

Trusted Link Building Techniques

posted on June 9, 2021



Internet marketers are always searching for the latest, greatest technique to boost numbers. While it’s important, especially in digital marketing, to always keep one eye on what lies ahead, it’s also equally (if not more) important to remain focused on what has and currently is working for you.

When it comes to link building, lots of things have changed over the years. As search engines have cracked down on spammy and automated techniques, it’s important now more than ever to be using trusted and true strategies that actually work. While there are lots of new creative link building techniques, there are also the powerful strategies that have been around for sometime and are continuing to produce great results.

So, what are the five most trusted link building techniques that you can count on in 2015 (and beyond)? Check them out here.

Guest Posting

The most tried and true of all techniques lives on!

Yes, it’s 2015, and yes, guest posting is still one of the most tried and true link building techniques. Don’t let people tell you guest posting is dead, because it’s not. While it’s quite clear and obvious that guest posting has significantly changed from what it used to be, it’s by no means dead, and in fact it’s alive and well.

In terms of how guest posting has changed, it’s in fact become a much more legit form of link building than it used to be. While what once might’ve been easily automated and done in large scale numbers is now pretty much unattainable unless completed on a more personal level. Conducting real outreach to quality blogs, with real accomplished writers and journalists, is how you’re going to get links in today’s digital marketing climate.

Guest posting in 2015 is less about the link you’re getting, and more about the quality blog post you’re posting. The link is an added benefit!

How-To Guides

Become an information powerhouse, and get links while you’re at it!

Creating informative, niche how-to guides and hosting them on your website or blog is another great step to take in order to start gaining valuable links. It might take a significant amount of time or a lot of effort to create a guide valuable enough to really help you get good links, but the time and effort you put in will come back to you tenfold.

Using videos, images, quotes, and more in your how-to guides is imperative if you want to see them turn into link building powerhouses. Once you’ve built up a solid guide (or, for best results, multiple guides) it’s time to start promoting them. Conduct blogger and influencer outreach to a variety of different outlets, and share the guide with them. Share it constantly on social media, and be sure to target niche specific people and blogs.

Building how-to guides is a link building strategy that, with enough effort put in now, will pay off for many years to come.

Expert Interviews

Be the source of expert information, and the links will follow.

Conducting interviews with experts in the niche you’re link building continues to be one of the greatest ways to gain a high number of valuable links. While it’s a strategy that requires a lot of waiting, and a lot of time to put together and finally get live, it’s something that is almost a sure-fire bet to get a number of great links while at the same time networking with some of the more known names in the industry.

Craft a personal email with a number of questions for the expert that you’d like to interview. If you want this piece to just focus on one expert, that’s fine, but ideally you’ll craft a blog post or content page with quotes and analysis from a handful of experts, as this will likely get you the most links. Once you’ve collected the answers and quotes, and have packaged the content together, reach back out to the expert with what you’ve come up with. If you put a lot of work into it, it will show, and you’ll likely get some social shares and a link back to your work.

Consider reaching out to many more experts than you want or think you’ll need, because chances are many will flat or ignore your emails for whatever reason.

Event Sponsorships

Look to find sponsorship opportunities in your niche, and you’ll get relevant links.

Sponsoring events is another excellent link building strategy that companies across many niches are utilizing in 2015. Depending on the size of the event and level of sponsorship, the potential of gaining a huge number of quality links is substantial. Events such as conferences typically list every single sponsor, and as other blogs start writing about the event there’s a chance you’ll get some links back that way too.

While sponsoring events is a great way to get links, it’s important to keep in mind that there is a chance these links will eventually get removed. Use various search queries to find good events that you can sponsor.


One of the more up and coming link building techniques that more and more companies are starting to utilize is offering scholarships. Offering scholarships sort of follows the same idea as sponsoring an event, but scholarships will likely result in more links from more higher quality sites (and possibly for a cheaper price, too).

There are a myriad of locations out on the web that compile lists of scholarships available to high school or college students, as a helpful resource. Sponsoring a scholarship by offering, say, $1,000 to the winner will help your company appear on these lists. You build a page on your website with all the information needed to apply for the scholarship, and promote that page out to the scholarship aggregators.

While the initial startup cost of offering a scholarship might be high, chances are you’ll see a nice return on investment due to the number of high quality EDU links you’ll be getting.

What works for you?

All in all, these five strategies have worked for businesses small and large, for many years. Unless something dramatically changes, they’ll continue working in the future, too. But, just like with any online marketing strategy, it really boils down to what works best for you and your business, as it might vary dramatically from another business!

Article Marketing Kept My Websites Thriving

posted on June 7, 2021


You may even spend days on end tweaking the content on your website to make it more SEO-friendly, never really knowing if what you are doing will have any impact at all.

That is the biggest problem with search engine optimization in 2016. It is much harder to draw a straight line between the SEO activities you undertake and your rankings in Google’s search results.

When Google was still young, we could play SEO games all day long and move our websites up and down Google’s search results with simple changes to our websites.

But Google has matured a lot in the last several years, wiping out most of our ability to make simple changes to see massive results.

I was playing Google like a fiddle in the 2000s. I knew exactly what to do, and I had the skills to do it, to push anyone’s website to the top of Google’s search results. I was so good at what I was doing that I was even able to offer my services as a search engine optimization provider and collect monthly fees in the range of $18,000 per month.

Google killed my business in an afternoon by announcing it was going to kill paid links in their search algorithms.

Now, I tried to explain to my clients this announcement would have no effect on what I was doing, because I wasn’t paying anyone to place links to their websites.

But to no avail… each of my clients said, “We are paying you and you are creating links for us, so Google is talking about us.”

I am so glad I got out of the SEO-industry in 2008, because clients would freak out every time a Google employee sneezed.

Because I knew my clients were wrong, I continued to work my magic with my own websites, and I continue to benefit from those activities even today as 2016 is winding down.

I closed another of my websites in 2010. I didn’t shut it down, but I quit adding new content to it and promoting it actively. I also took down all of my buy buttons. We are coming up on the seven-year anniversary of when I stopped supporting that website. This particular website still received traffic from 142,000 unique visitors in 2015, and it is on track to match the same traffic levels in 2016.

The bottom line is, that I have been using article marketing to promote my websites online since circa 1999.

Article marketing works as well today as it did 17 years ago.

The Day Article Marketing Died

If you are like me, you might have heard about “the day article marketing died” – Feb. 23, 2011.

That was when Google introduced the Farmer/Panda updates, and lost 90 percent of its footprint inside of Google’s search results. lost 94 percent of its search rankings, lost 87 percent of its search results, lost 85 percent and lost 90 percent.

Google pretty much decimated all of the article directories in a single day.

The article marketing industry was turned on its head, and many providers in this niche lost their shirts.

Article directory marketing died, and it has never returned to prominence, despite hundreds of companies trying to hang on and find ways around the embargo.

But Here is the Thing That Might Surprise You

The traffic to my website was barely affected, because I had never really used the article directories to promote my articles.

My articles were published on websites, inside blogs and newsletters. The Farmer/Panda updates did not impact the websites where my articles were published. In fact, those properties likely benefited from the death of the article directories.

My articles were published in places where a human-editor chose my article from a stack of articles on their computers.

Online publishers who are driven by a need to keep readers happy will focus only on publishing articles that they have reviewed and decided were a good fit for their publications and their audiences.

This is the Article Marketing Secret Sauce

In order for your article marketing activities to be successful, you need to be able to get your content placed somewhere where a human-editor is reviewing your article for placement in their website.

The secret sauce is “human reviewed and audience approved.”

With the advent of social media, “audience approved” is easy for Google to identify. If people enjoy an article, they will share it on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Linked In.

If Google is able to see how often a particular article has been shared on social media, it knows that the particular article offers a lot of value to its readers.

The Proof of This Idea Can Be Found in Mashable

Founded in 2005, Mashable is the top source for news in social and digital media, technology and Web culture.

According to its advertisers page, Mashable has 45 million monthly visitors, and it has 29 million followers on social media. Mashable also indicates that one of its posts is shared on social media every three seconds, and 55% of its traffic comes from mobile users.

I took a few minutes to scroll through Mashable’s front page to look for articles on its website that might stand out in Google’s search results. Here are just three examples:

  • I found an article titled, “People Were Nuts About Guns This Black Friday”. This article had 490 social media shares. I Googled “people nuts about guns” and Mashable was the No. 1 listing. “Guns Black Friday” was also ranked in Google showing Mashable in the No. 8 listing.
  • Another article I found was called, “Online Sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday Broke All Records”. It had 547 shares. I queried “online sales black friday cyber monday” inside Google without the quotes, and Mashable was the No. 9 listing.
  • The final article I checked was titled, “Samsung Brand Autopsy: How Can The Company Earn Back Trust?” It had 513 shares. When I queried Google for “Samsung brand autopsy” and “Samsung brand”, the story inside Mashable was ranked No.1 in Google. Even a search for “Samsung company” shows the Mashable article in the No. 8 spot in Google’s search results. is ‘willing to take’ ( articles from people like you and me.  To increase the likelihood of seeing your articles published on Mashable, I encourage you to read the article ‘12 Things Not to Do When Pitching a Story to Mashable’ located here:

As seen above, Google has proven that article marketing isn’t actually dead to them. Article directories are dead, but article marketing is not.

Because That Is Where The Money Is

During his 40-year criminal career, Willie Sutton stole approximately $2 million and spent half of his adult life in prison for his crimes.

When asked why he robbed banks, he said “Because that is where the money is.”

Which brings us to the question of why I have always used this kind of article marketing to promote my websites… “Because that is where the traffic is.”

I don’t worry about doing SEO for my own websites. I worry about getting my articles into a website that already has tons of traffic.

For several reasons:

1. I want my share of their traffic.

2. If their readers share my article on social media, then Google will share my article with more of their users.

3. If social media shares impact how Google perceives the value of my article, on a major website, then that value will transfer also to my website via the link in my author’s resource box.

4. A few really valuable web pages linking to my website trumps thousands of links from low-value web pages.

In Conclusion

There is nothing really hard about this approach to search engine optimization.

All you really need to do is to focus on creating content that people will want to read, then put it in a place where lots of people already go to find the information that they want to read.

What are some easy YouTube SEO hacks?

posted on June 7, 2021


SEO — which stands for search engine optimization — means the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular piece of content, by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.

In a nutshell, SEO is the process of actively trying to get your content in front of the right audience. Even better, you want them to see your content when they happen to be searching for education on products or services similar to yours. This is achieved through the use of strategic keywords, as well as a few other factors we’ll discuss a little later.

How does SEO work for YouTube Videos?

YouTube sees more than 3 billion searches per month.

And there are a number of factors at play in the YouTube results algorithm, including video length and engagement rates. But SEO has a massive role to play, too.

Achieving great SEO rankings for your YouTube videos is a strategic process that involves optimizing your channel, playlists, and metadata descriptions for specific keywords. It also involves editing your videos themselves to follow specific SEO best practices.

Let’s round things off with a few bonus hacks to help your YouTube SEO soar:

Keep it long

YouTube was built to compete with television (and its advertising rates). Therefore, long high-quality videos tend to perform better in searches. Videos should last at least five minutes and include great information on your topic.

Share to social

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to share your video across your social networks. Not only will this drive users to your videos, but the backlinks will help the search engines index your content quicker.

Ask for the subscribe‍

At the end of your video, a simple one-line call to action can dramatically help you build your channel: “If you enjoyed this video, hit subscribe!” This request reminds people who like your content that they can follow you and hear more of the good stuff.

Where can I buy traffic to an affiliate link from ClickBank?

posted on June 7, 2021


I would feel remiss if I didn’t answer this question because it shows a HUGE flaw in this question of eleven words.

You DO NOT under any circumstance send paid traffic directly to a Clickbank affiliate link, YOU WILL lose your money. There are no if, and, or buts about it.

If you’re talking about building some sort of funnel and then sending traffic to that, then go right ahead- it’s a good ideal. But sending paid traffic to a Clickbank affiliate link is a huge mistake.

Here, let me walk you through a scenario:

You’re promoting a Clickbank offer that will earn you a 100% commission of $50. You go and buy $300 worth of clicks from a solo ad dealer. Let’s even put each click at $0.40, the lowest I’ve seen. That’s 120 clicks.

Out of those clicks, you get a 50% opt-ins, that’s 60 people entering their name and email. Out of that 60, you get two sales. Congratulations, you just made $100.

So, you decide to try again, with a different vendor (or the same). You pay the same amount, but this time no one opt-in. Well, now you just lost $100…

So, you buy more ads, but this time you filter for prime traffic, that’s a minimum of $0.10 per click and that’s being generous, most charge up to $0.30 extra. That’s $112 in solo ads.

This time, you get 100 people to enter their name and email address and you make, once again being generous, 5 sales. That’s $250. Basically, you’ve made back the $100 you spent before and the $112 you just spent to have $38 in profits.

Guess what, you still lost a combined at least of $800. Where did I get that number from?

Simple, by using a funnel and an email address, you can retarget the, what 160 people who opted in and make additional sales over time. And I’m low-balling this giving you 16 sales total when it’s possible you could make much more through automated email sequences or chatbots.

8 Tips for Writing LinkedIn Blog Posts That Expand Your Influence

posted on June 6, 2021



LinkedIn is a great professional network, assuming you know how to use it right. It doesn’t matter if you are a freelancer or are looking for a permanent office position -either way, you can make your profile more impressive as well as build your influence with the help of LinkedIn.

How can you do that? By writing interesting and compelling blog posts that would be valuable to your audience. Here are eight tips to help you do just that.

1. Know the message you want to deliver.

Before you start writing, you need to know what you plan to achieve with the help of your blog posts. Maybe you want to become a niche expert, to grow your network, to share your experience with the others, or to build up your professional value.

After you decide, focus on the message that would help you achieve your desired result. Maybe you could give valuable financing tips, or create amazing infographics to illustrate your posts or give some insights on working for a certain company, etc. Make sure that your content is focused on this type of message; this way you’ll become well-known for something specific and attract the attention of the people that you’re interested in.

2. Keep your network in mind.

Maybe you already have a network you want to expand, or maybe you want to build one. Either way, you should keep this network in mind while coming up with the ideas of a blog post.

Ask yourself: who are the people you want to attract and what things interest them? The answers could differ a lot, depending on the niche you’re working in. However, it’s important to stick to the related topics and to cover issues that are of current interest to your network.

3. Cover the trending topics.

Just as it’s important to the stick to the topics that seem interesting to your audience, it’s important to cover the latest trends in your niche. The reason behind this is very simple: it’s the latest trends that go viral and drive more traffic.

LinkedIn’s editors themselves look for posts that cover the latest trends — and if the posts are good, they promote them via Pulse channels, driving even more traffic to your page.

4. Don’t make them too long.

When it comes to ordinary blog posts, the principle ‘the longer, the better’ often works well (when the posts are informative and well-written, of course). However, when it comes to LinkedIn posts, you should stick to short ones (300-800 words) instead of long ones.

LinkedIn is a professional network mostly — and not all professionals have enough time to read long articles. That’s why, when it comes to LinkedIn promotion, it’s better to craft short and very informative articles instead of long and unclear ones.

5. Add a bit of personal information.

While your goal is to deliver informative content, this doesn’t mean that you have to strip it of your personality completely. After all, people can get similar advice in other places — it’s the personality that often makes them stay and continue reading the posts of a specific person.

Sharing something personal doesn’t mean telling the readers all about your life. Even adding some personal examples and coming up with your own advice counts as personal experience the readers would be interested in. For example, if you’re writing about essay topics, share some stories on how you came up with such topics during college years.

6. Polish your posts.

Once you are finished writing, found (or created) an image to illustrate your article, and crafted a proper headline, you can move on to polishing your article.

Of course, there are plenty of online services that can help you with the proofreading part, but polishing is not only about that. Proofreading is a must, yes, but it’s also important to check the formatting, to ensure that all links are clickable and lead to the right sites, that all the tags you want to use are included and all the images open.

Once that is done, proofread it manually one more time, paying special attention to grammar and spelling. While online proofreaders are good for an initial check, they still aren’t as effective as a manual check.

7. Don’t forget to be social.

Promotion is just as important as writing high-quality posts. However, promotion is not only sharing your post on other social media, it’s also about making the most of LinkedIn itself. Remember that it’s a social network — you can drive more traffic to your page simply by talking with people there.

Don’t settle for responding to comments only. Comment on other articles as well. Join some groups that are related to your niche and join the discussions there. This could help you become noticed by others, build your authority, and gain more followers.

8. Know your limits.

When it comes to any blog writing, consistency is definitely the key. You should post regularly, preferably at the same time to build an audience and to look professional. However, what exactly does ‘regularly’ mean? Should you do this every day? Twice a week? Once every two weeks?

It’s always better to start with small goals. For example, you can try posting once a month for a start, making sure that your posts are indeed valuable, informative, and fresh. Once you do this for a few months, consider increasing the frequency to twice a month. Once this becomes easy, you can move on to posting once a week if you have the time to do so.

Remember that quality is always better than the quantity and while the frequency is important, not overdoing it is even more important. Not everyone is able to dedicate themselves to the blogging only (at least, when they start). Most of us often need to combine writing with a full-time job. So when you decide to take it slow, you’ll ensure that you are able to produce high-quality content and monitor the results effectively without straining yourself too much.

How do I create a profile backlink?

posted on June 6, 2021


This is not as difficult as it seems, but specific expertise is mandatory for a high-quality and organic backlinks placement. Many people try to study a couple of articles about SEO and backlinks in a couple of days and start doing this, and after that, they are surprised that they are failing... It isn't wise to expect in this case that you will succeed.

I analyzed and studied a lot of all these processes to achieve success and get the desired result.
In addition to personal experience, I would like to provide a few excerpts from this source: Strong and Natural Backlink Profile: How Does it Look Like? - Crowdo Blog. Well, let's talk directly about how to create a profile backlink. First, in modern SEO, there is no "perfect" backlink profile as it differs from case to case. However, specific rules classify a healthy and natural backlink profile that can push your search results.

First, it is essential to use some tools to make it easier to track your backlink's health and performance. I'm talking about services like Keyword. You can even use Google's original keyword tracking service. I also know a few excellent backlink trackers, and they work fantastic. Second, you need to review and classify domains very carefully. Moreover, a healthy backlink profile will consist of both dofollow and nofollow (preferably around 70% DF and 30% NF). If all of your backlinks are dofollow, this may seem unnatural to the search engine.

Don't forget about Anchor Text - one of Google's factors when checking your backlinks' quality. More information about this can be found in that backlink profile article. If what I said seems complicated to you, then there is a video on YouTube that perfectly explains all this Even a beginner will understand what is presented in the video, but it will also be useful for experts. Finally, I would like to remind you of one crucial SEO moral: "There are worse crimes than breaking the rules of search engines. For example, not reading them."
Remember and consider all these rules, and you will see progress in the process of your optimization.

Can you make good money as an Amazon affiliate?

posted on June 6, 2021


Best Ways Make Money As an Amazon Affiliate, The Guru Is Going To Hate Me For This

Ask anybody to advise an online store, and probabilities are they may say Amazon. Amazon is one of the maxima relied on manufacturers on the Internet for on-line purchasing. Amazon is also one of the first to offer an affiliate advertising and marketing software. They noticed the price of creating possibilities for humans to work at home selling Amazon products. You can construct a business that agrees with and make cash as an Amazon affiliate.

What You Need

Before you join up as an Amazon associate, you need some sort of platform to sell merchandise. The most common manner to promote any associate products is through websites and blogs. Although there are numerous free weblog web sites inclusive of Weebly and Google's Blogger, a paid weblog or internet site appears more expert and could earn extra trust. You additionally want to set up a PayPal account so that your commissions can be sent to you.

Getting Started

Becoming an Amazon affiliate is an issue of going to their website online and signing up. Amazon calls its associate software "Amazon Associates", and the signup hyperlink is on the bottom of their page. Once you undergo the sign-up technique you are given an associate's identity. Be positive to study via all of their web pages to completely apprehend the way to region your particular identity for your links so that you get credit for sales and get paid.


When choosing products to promote as an Amazon affiliate, look for products that hobby you. One of the great techniques of promoting a product is by way of writing opinions or articles about the product. Remember that as an affiliate marketer, you are selling a product to a client without them seeing the product first hand. You need to create a purpose for them to buy the product. Amazon has many tools in the affiliate center to help you promote merchandise. The equipment they have got consists of product hyperlinks, banners, or even an opportunity to build an internet keep to vicinity on your website.

Earning Potential

As an Amazon affiliate, your income capability is unlimited. Unlike promoting an unmarried product or ebook, you have got a possibility to earn a fee on any object a client purchases at Amazon through your precise hyperlink. For example, let's consider which you have a web web site or weblog about cooking. You vicinity a few links to recipe books on your site. A reader at your site clicks on one of these links and they get taken to Amazon via your particular hyperlink. The patron buys the book, however, they also might also purchase a cooking device or a few other objects inside Amazon. Instead of just getting a fee on the e-book sale, you get a commission on the complete sale.

Amazon is the various exceptional in affiliate marketing applications and is a possible alternative for growing amazing profits. You can see just how fast you can come to be an Amazon associate and make cash at domestic promoting Amazon merchandise. Go to Amazon and take a look at the affiliate application for yourself.

Are Squidoo And HubPages Still Worth It?

posted on June 5, 2021



The content world has been monitoring the steady decline in quality of Squidoo and HubPages since 2012. Back then, the query revolved around these two, and all the rage was which one was the better choice. But today, both platforms are giving every indication of going out the door and off the SEO table. But is this really the case? Can platforms like Squidoo and HubPages still be useful, and if so, how?

The Squidoo vs. HubPages Debate

Squidoo is a “community website platform.” Created in 2005, it allows its users to create pages (referred to as “lenses”) to sell products for profit or charity. As of October 2010, approximately 1.5 million “lenses” were in existence.

Wikipedia defines HubPages as a “user generated content [and] revenue-sharing website.” It was initially launched in 2006. As of December 2013, the site encompassed approximately 910,106 “hubs,” which are magazine-style articles covering specific topics that are user created and published. Nearly 74,000 users and 2.5 million forum posts were recorded in 2013.

According to GreekGeek, the debate surrounding which platform offers more value or benefit boils down to a battle of impressions versus interaction. Since 2007, it’s been a fairly hot topic — numerous users of both platforms attempted to compare notes, run content on both sites, and discover which of the two held an advantage and why. At the end of the day, HubPages seemed to be more about content while Squidoo felt more like a sales pitch. Comparing the two was difficult. In 2014, the scene has changed notably.

In a recent report by Matt Southern of SearchEngineJournal, the announcement was made that Squidoo is moving its content over to HubPages. Why the move? HubPages has successfully acquired Seth Godin’s content platform.

Both platforms support content publishing, and they’ve both been labeled as “Web 2.0” sites. The unfortunate truth is that such sites are prone to abuse. As a result, both platforms have had unpleasant run-ins with Google’s Panda in the past.

Southern reports that, according to Godin, the acquisition will lead to “a stronger, more efficient, [and] more generous way to share great stuff online.” Over the coming weeks, traffic to Squidoo will be redirected to relevant HubPages, and transferring content between the platforms is said to be easy and primarily automatic. Squidoo pages are projected to no long be accessible by early this month.

The Controversial Acquisition

HubPages’ acquisition and subsequent transfer of content has sparked some controversy. Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Land poses the question of if it’s simply a transfer of content from one Google Panda victim to the next? After all, both platforms were hit hard by the Panda algorithm back in 2011. And although Squidoo is reportedly moving only “the best” of its content, the question of if HubPages is worthy of use is still relevant.

The Facts about HubPages

Just last year a SlideShare review of HubPages was posted. The review tackled two of the most relevant questions:

1. Does the platform provide the opportunity to earn an income online?
2. Should you use HubPages, Squidoo, or build your own website?
HubPages is built around the idea that content is part of marketing, which at face value is a solid plan. After all, content is the backbone of SEO these days. However, how you craft and implement that content is just as important as the who, what, when, where, and why of your copy. According to the SlideShare, the five steps to successfully leveraging the HubPages platform include:

1. Starting with a plan which, basically, is your niche.
2. Writing high-quality articles of approximately 1,000 words each.
3. Inserting some pictures and videos.
4. Picking the right keywords all of the time.
5. Publishing hubs in the same niche and inter-linking them.

Keep in mind that this platform is NOT for clickbank affiliate marketing, competitive markets, copied (let’s just call it what it is: plagiarized) content, or spun articles.
A quick review of HubPages official website can give you a fairly good picture of the advantages and disadvantages to leveraging this content platform. Here’s what our trained eye noted:

• Advantage 1: It’s free. People are attracted to this platform because it’s free. You can publish your content and engage in a bit of advertising (so long as it follows the rules) at no out of pocket cost. Moreover, you don’t have to spend money to make money (apparently).

• Advantage 2: It presents an opportunity to earn. Platforms like HubPages (and previously Squidoo) advertise the opportunity to use their site as a chance or opportunity to earn money. It doesn’t matter what your purpose is, it just matters that you join. What they don’t tell you is that you’ll have to work very hard to make money via the “opportunity” they’re handing you.

• Advantage 3: It’s easy to manage. Setting up and managing a hub is easy. In fact, it’s so easy that they say anybody can do it. They advertise themselves as easily accessible by everyone, and no skills or understanding of anything is needed.

• Advantage 4: It’s easy to register. The registration process isn’t complex, and it will not take a lot of your time. You’ll be up and running in no time flat.

• Disadvantage 1: Earnings are percent based. One of the most talked about cons of this platform is the percent based earning system, which (at last report) is set at a 60/40 split. You will only receive 60 percent of the amount you acquire via online moneymaking methods. It sounds a lot like affiliate marketing, doesn’t it? Let’s put this disadvantage into perspective. Say you had expected earnings of $1,500. After the split, you would receive $900 and lose $600 to HubPages. That’s a sizeable chunk of change lost to a “free” opportunity to make money, and that 40 percent chunk is going to come out every single time.

• Disadvantage 2: There’s no assurance. The primary use of HubPages is to publish written articles of about 1,000 words each. With that in mind, how long does it take you to write a 1,000-word piece? If you can’t write well and decide to hire a writer, you’re looking at a new expense to subtract from the $900 profit you’re set to earn. A quality writer, one that will help and not harm your reputation, isn’t going to come cheap. And to top off the conundrum you’re staring down the barrel of, HubPages doesn’t offer any type of assurance. What does that mean? It means there is absolutely no guarantee that the site will be up for very long. Imagine investing the time in writing your content or PAYING someone to write it for you, and suddenly, out of nowhere, it’s all gone! It’s a horrifying thought, isn’t it?

• Disadvantage 3: Advertising opportunities are limited. Your ability to advertise is limited, and you are bound by the rules set forth by the platform. There’s no true ability to think outside of the box and engage in tailored advertising campaigns. In short, it’s not a platform that lends itself to growth.

• Disadvantage 4: It takes time. Managing your page will take a solid time investment. Set-up is the easy part. Creating and publishing those articles and engaging in the limited advertising opportunities will require a substantial commitment of time—more so than usual if only to recoup the 40 percent loss in profit by increasing your overall earnings. Then again, can you really recoup when you’re putting in double or triple the effort and still bound by that 60/40 percentage split? It just doesn’t make good business sense, at least not for the serious minded businessperson.

The majority of the information about this platform’s unsavory run-in with the Google Panda is dated prior to the 4.0 update. Interestingly, we can’t find any credible information reflecting any positive run-ins since the update. We can only speculate that since the platform is a figurate breeding ground for thin content, it likely hasn’t improved dramatically. However, the update is still relatively recent and improvements may not be seen for a few months.

Our Conclusion: You could consider HubPages to be a content publishing platform with the perks of an online community, but the overall gist reads an awful lot like affiliate marketing jargon. If you’re reading this, we’re betting you’re interested in establishing and/or growing a strong online presence to promote your business and generate leads. Your ultimate goal is to create conversion. Instead of investing your precious time into a platform that’s had unpleasant run-ins with Google, why not invest more wisely? And this leads us to our hard-hitting recommendation:

Don’t Contribute to the Crappy Content Flood

Thanks to the “dollar days” of online content, we’re smack dab in the middle of a quality content drought. Your audience, aka that group of people made up of prospective buyers, is dying of thirst for high-quality copy. That’s why Google has pushed so hard to ensure that websites comprised of useful, highly relevant, and top-notch quality content are the first results search users see.

Unfortunately, the track record shows that platforms like Squidoo and HubPages have contributed to the drought. Moz’s Q&A forum holds a strong example of exactly why you shouldn’t waste your time with platforms like these. Marko poses his situation and asks if he should choose Squidoo or HubPages:

Three out of the four responders all agree that creating and attempting to construct content on crappy free for all’s like Squidoo or HubPages just isn’t the way to go. Instead, they encourage Marko to concentrate on creating informative and engaging content, the kind that’s useful to the customer. One responder even urges him not to feel “afraid of [linking] to outside sources.”

What’s the point? A “quick fix” publishing platform cannot replace an expertly crafted, high-quality, Panda-pleasing website stocked with strong content. Platforms like HubPages are generally not frequented by serious individuals interested in building a credible reputation.

If your goal is to grow your brand or business and earn credibility and authority in your industry, platforms like these are NOT the way to go, if only for the reason of HubPages Advantage 3 (anybody with no skills or understanding of anything can—and will—join). And let’s not even talk about how the lack of assurance encourages crappy content that the creator won’t care about should it disappear into the cyber version of the Bermuda Triangle.

Where Is The Value?

The recent announcement of HubPages acquiring Squidoo has certainly raised some eyebrows throughout the top resource sites for SEO education. Both Matt Southern of SearchEngineJournal and Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Land agree that the news is most interesting. Who knows? The acquisition and resulting merge just might result in a content publishing platform that’s more Google-friendly. But until that’s proven, it’s probably best to keep a safe distance and watch what happens.

Are Squidoo and HubPages worth it? Honestly? No. They’re not worth your time or attention. Your valuable time could be much better invested in learning how to create your own Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird friendly online presence. A presence that you will have the ultimate amount of control over; a presence that will only be limited by the boundaries of your creativity and passion.

Believe it or not, learning how to make it all happen isn’t rocket science. The fact that you will go the extra mile to learn, that alone will give you an edge over every single HubPage and soon to be disappearing Squidoo on the Internet, and THAT is well worth your time and every last bit of investment.

How do you get more leads on affiliate links from ClickBank?

posted on June 1, 2021


There are several ways to get leads for any offer you want to promote and I will give you two of the best ways I know.

This tactic is called lead generating an is something I’m fairly good at.

One way to get leads that I have yet to talk about on Quora is to do a little survey. This works because it is similar to giving away something for free in order to get leads.

Imagine this: You come across a website that says it can match you with your best chance for working at home, which is something you’ve been looking to do for months now.

In the middle of the site, there’s a button that says, “TAKE SURVEY NOW” so you click the button to begin the survey.

There are a few questions that ask stuff like, “Are you coachable,” “Are you willing to invest in your future and your family future,” and “How serious are you about working from home.”

Each of those questions is causing you to commit to your answer so when you get to the survey’s answer to your best match, you are more likely to opt-in and use that offer.

The second way of getting leads is to do a contest. This works best if you offer some sort of digital offer as the prize.

Let’s look at one of the methods I used to promote the Clickbank offer, CB Passive Income.

I offer a free 30-min coaching call where I gave away my “secret” traffic method. If I remember correctly, I got about 30 leads in the first day and 90 leads the second day.

This was back when I was blogging, so I basically had people to sign up to my mailing chimp landing page before sending them straight to CB Passive Income.

Mailing Chimp no longer allows you to promote affiliate offers, but you can use Builderall, The Online Business and Digital Marketing Platform | Builderall USA to build your funnels and landing pages.

If you do sign up using that link, you’ll also get unlimited support from me because you’ll sign-up under me and it’s basically a win-win for both of use.

If I remember correctly, out of those 120 leads I got 30 sales, which is $1,500, over a period of two weeks.

What is the best idea to start an online business?

posted on May 31, 2021


Virtually anything is a good business idea if it’s executed properly. I think anything can be grown or built if done right and you maintain persistence.

So, let’s distill down what doesn’t make an online business a good one?

High startup costs
Limited opportunity for growth
The idea doesn’t solve a problem or provide value
Think starting an online business is easy? It's not. It's extremely hard. But it's totally worth it in the end.

There's a common misconception that an online business is easy because they cost basically nothing to start.

Well, no cost means a ton of competition. Online businesses are pretty straightforward if you think about it.

Solve a problem and promote it. Rinse and repeat.

Want some motivation to finally start that online business? Or branch into a new one?

Top Online Business Ideas

Here are some amazing online business ideas that will help you build a business around your values. Not someone else's.

  • Start an impactful blog
  • Become a video content producer for vlogging, streaming and podcasting
  • Sell digital products
  • Create a niche forum or directory
  • Start an e-commerce website
  • Sell premium or membership oriented content
  • Start a social media agency
  • Start an SEO or digital marketing consulting business
  • Build a “micro-media business” where you own a number of different media channels like blogs, YouTube, podcasts, etc.
  • Start a digital publishing business. You can either start all your sites from scratch and/or acquire websites over time
  • Sell WordPress or Shopify plugins
  • Try your hand at becoming a social media influencer (good luck, lol!)
  • Start a Software as a Service Business.
  • The list goes on and on. You should focus on an online business that combines what you know, what you love and what actually makes the most money.

Facebook Marketing Tutorial

posted on May 30, 2021


Facebook Marketing - Overview

Utilizing Facebook for your digital marketing strategy is without doubt one of the best ways to connect and grow a social following online. Being one of the largest social media platforms, it provides insight into its users’ interests, likes, dislikes, personal life and buying behavior. This large database of information can be tapped into by your business or organization to generate high quality leads, sales enquiries and traffic to your website.


Types of Facebook Pages

Facebook pages assist businesses, brands and organizations in sharing information and reaching out to people. Users like the pages that they are interested in. With this, they can stay in touch and get updates about different activities. There are a number of different pages you can create depending on what sort of organization you are starting.

Following is a list of the types of Facebook pages that you can create −

  • Local business or place
  • Company, organization or institution
  • Brand or product
  • Artist, band or public figure
  • Entertainment
  • Cause or community

How can posts be effective to grow your business

Facebook is a fantastic way to reach out to your audience on different levels. By posting information, photos, videos and stories, the content you share can −

  • Personalize your brand
  • Drive users to your blog
  • Generate more traffic directly to your website
  • Educate and create awareness about your industry
  • Promote the culture of your organization

Facebook marketing is completely scalable as you create campaigns that are realistic and relevant to your brand. All of this is completely measurable by utilizing Facebook analytics, giving you the ability to test, evaluate and adjust the strategy that you are currently implementing.

Facebook Marketing - Profile Page Setup

We will discuss, in this chapter, how to choose the most optimized page that will suit your venture.

Choosing which page suits your venture

The first step to ‘create a page’ on Facebook requires you to select the page category. While all of the pages have the same look and feel, they have different information and features that you can highlight and promote.

Page category

Once you have decided what type of page you would like to create, you need to add in the basic details and sub-categories to get the page up and running. For each page type, different information is required.

The following is a snapshot of what information you put in to begin the creation wizard. You can change the page whenever and as many times as you would like after the setup. The only thing to keep note of is that if you change from a business or local place you will lose your reviews, maps and check-ins.

Create a page

The image above is what the information fields look like when you click on one of the categories in ‘create a page’.

Adding page details

The Facebook wizard will guide you through the process quite easily when you are creating your page. If you have decided that your page is a Local Business or Place, you can add tags that help improve the ranking of your page (which will increase visibility when people are searching interests related to your business).

You can also add a detailed description, website link and a custom Facebook web URL. You will also be required to confirm that you are the authorized representative to create a Facebook page for the business. Once you have finished this step, you will then be asked to add a profile picture, add the page to your favorites and have the option to claim any duplicate pages relating to your business.

The last step to getting your business or place page set up is to choose your preferred page audience. This will let Facebook know what demographics should see your page. The setting up of Facebook pages for other categories are fairly similar.

Set up local business

Once you have completed the Setup Wizard, you will be directed to your new page. It will look empty except for the information you put in during the setup.

Facebook Marketing - Page Navigation

After completing the initial setup, you will be redirected to your new Facebook page. Apart from the information you provided in the setup process, it will look rather empty. In this chapter, we will show you how to navigate through different areas of the page so that you are comfortable with modifying and utilizing the functionalities

In the ‘About’ tab, you can ensure that all your business details have been entered correctly. The areas you can update/modify include −

  • Address
  • Contact details
  • Website URL
  • Operating Hours
  • Price Range

You can also include a brief description about your business.

Description of business

Adding a display picture and a cover photo

To add a display picture and a cover photo, you will need to click on the camera icon located within the designated areas (see picture below). In general, the display picture should represent your business with either a logo or icon that people will familiarize with your brand. The cover photo is a great way to show off what makes your brand shine by giving your users a graphical image that promotes your service. Depending on the culture and values of your organization this can be professional, creative, informative or a mix, there are no set rules, it will depend on how you want to market yourself.

Display picture size − 180px x 180px

Cover photo size − 851px x 315px

Picture and cover photo

Create a ‘call-to-action’ button

Creating a call-to-action button on your page enables your audience to straight away be taken to a desired location. This is a great way to start generating leads, get traffic, bookings, subscriptions and much more. You will be able to choose what type of button you would like to have displayed and where it will take someone if they click on it. You can create call-to-action buttons for desktop, iPhone and Android.

call to action button

The image above is to create call-to-action button.

Different types of buttons

The image above shows the different types of buttons you can have displayed on your page.


The settings tab gives you the access to monitor and perform adjustments on your page. In the general page, you can choose whether your page is public or private. In the initial phase of setting up your page, you may wish to change the status of the page to private until you are ready for people to start finding/seeing what you are up too. Here you can also set who can post on your wall, you can choose to either just let the admin post or let your fans and people who find your page, post and comment on your wall. You can also set who can tag photos, message you privately, restrict age to see the page and which countries it will be available for. You can also merge duplicate pages you have or delete the page entirely.


Other notable areas in the settings are −

Page roles − Choose to add new people in to your page as either an admin, editor, moderator, adviser or analyst.

Messaging − Show your average response time in getting back to private messages. You can also let people know that you will be either just as or less responsive outside of business hours.

Preferred page audience − Change who finds your page by optimizing the age criteria, location, gender and users’ interests.

Facebook Marketing - Ad Options

There is a lot of flexibility when it comes to choosing the types of ads you want to produce for your Facebook page. This will depend on what you are offering for the campaign and the type of audience you want to promote. Over the last couple of years, Facebook has spent a great deal of time and effort to adjust the types of ads it offers to really be tailored to suit the needs of business owners and users.

The first question you want to ask yourself is what is the objective of the advertisement that you are going to post. Different types of ads serve the following purpose −

  • Generate traffic to your website.
  • Boost likes and engagement for your page.
  • Install and promote your mobile and desktop applications.
  • Direct people to your business, ecommerce platform or event.

Get traffic to your website

Following are some of the ways to generate traffic to your website.

Send people to your website

This option is utilized to set the destination when someone clicks on the advert to a custom URL of your choice. This ad simply displays a title, short description, and the URL of the link you wish to display.

This option is best if you want to direct someone to your homepage, online store, contact page or any other page on your website that you want people to see.

Increase conversion on your website

If you choose to implement and increase conversion on your website campaign you will be given a short code. This code is added to the page that you wish to track conversion on.

For example, if you want to track how many people subscribe to a newsletter on your page, you should add this to your newsletter confirmation page. You can then optimize the ad to reach out to people in your audience that you would like to convert.

Boost likes and engagement for your page

Boosting your post will create an ad from a post that you have already created on your page. This is best used when you want to get a wider audience to see what you have posted. The goal for a post boost is to increase the number of people viewing, liking, commenting and sharing the content that you have published.

Promote your page

Promoting your page gives you the ability to custom set and optimize a campaign to reach out to people in your target market. The primary goal of this is, getting users to like and follow your page. When you have a user liking your page your posts may appear in their news feed organically. This option is best used when you want to grow your support base.

Promote your page

Get installs for your app

This option creates an ad specifically for mobile and tablets. The ad contains a link that sends the user directly to the app store where they can install your app. This is great when you want to convert Facebook users to mobile app users. These ads can be optimized for the type of operating systems you want to target (For example, iOS/Android) and whether you want to target mobile or tablet.

Increase engagement in your app

This option sends users that click on your ad directly to specific areas of the app that you want people to go to. This can be integrated into the app with the Facebook SDK to measure how successful the campaign is going to be.

Raise attendance at your event

You can direct people to your business by creating localized ads. For this, you need to set a custom radius and target people in locations where you operate. This option is great for brick and mortar businesses to increase their in-store sales and local foot traffic.

Get people to claim your offer

If you want to create an advert with a couple or discount/deal code, then the best option is the “Get people to claim your offer campaign”. This ad can be optimized to choose the audience that sees your ad. You can also set a limit on how many people can claim the offer.

Reach people near your business

Reach people near your business by creating localized ads targeting people around where you operate by setting a custom radius. This option is great for brick and mortar businesses to increase their in-store sales and local foot traffic.

Facebook Marketing - Ad Management

To create a new advert when you are on your Facebook page, click on the dropdown arrow next to the notification toggle and go down to “Create ads”. This will open up the ads manager toolkit.

Ad Management

The first step will be to choose the objective that you would like the ad to perform. If you want to use a campaign that you have completed previously, you can click “use existing campaign”, which is located above the campaign objectives on the top right side of the screen. This will give you an opportunity to choose from the list of your previous campaigns. You can edit/modify them to be reused again to serve your next campaigns purpose.


Once you have chosen the objective for your campaign, you can then begin to build the campaigns purpose. This is broken down differently depending on the type of campaign created, but each campaign will give the option to set the −

  • Name of Ad
  • Target demographic
  • Age
  • Location
  • Users interests
  • Costing of advertisement

Facebook Marketing - Page Promotion

Let us now discuss in detail about creating a Facebook Social Media Marketing (SMM). When looking to promote your page, you need to clearly define a strategy on what you are looking to achieve. This can be done by −

  • Clearly defining your goals and objectives.

  • If you already have a Facebook page — Conducting an audit to find out what is working and what is failing.

  • Conducting research and competitor analysis.

  • Creating a content plan.

The two best ways to promote your page are to either promote the page itself or boost your posts.

Boost your posts

  • Create the post that you would like to promote. Once you are happy with the post and it has been published, click the ‘boost post’ button. You can schedule posts for a future publish time and still organize a paid boost campaign for when the post becomes active.

Boost post

  • Choose an audience that you have already created or select ‘create new audience’. If you choose to create a new audience, the following pop-up will be displayed. Here you can define who the post will be targeted at.

Edit audience

  • Choose budget and reach. You can optimize the boost to how much you want to spend and how long you would like it to run. Playing with these options will alter the reach of how many people will be estimated to see the post.

Promote your page

To promote your page, you will need to open up your Facebook Ads Manager Toolkit. In the toolkit, select the ‘Promote your Page’ option and the page you would like to promote. Then, click ‘Set Audience and Budget’.

Page Likes

This will open up an area where you can define the audience you would like to reach. This can be optimized by location, age, gender, language, interests as well as people and groups that you want to exclude.

New Audience

The following is a stepwise procedure that we need to walk through to promote a page.

  • Target a specific location.

  • Set the age between 28-40 as we want to target the young, and the active business owners on social media.

  • As the posts will all be in English, we have set English as the primary language of people. This sees to the promotion of page among native English speakers too.

  • As the page is called “Local Business and Place”, we need to match the interests of small business owners and people interested in small business.

  • We have also excluded the page boost to be shown to anyone that already likes the page, as we need not direct the campaign budget on people who have already joined.

This defines your audience and limits your potential reach with the goal of getting a higher conversion of people liking the page.

Audience Definition

The image above illustrates all that is mentioned in the steps above.

Facebook Marketing - Personal Branding

The actions that you do in a public domain, shapes the way in which people perceive you. No matter how much we try to ignore the fact, people do judge others around on what they see. They may judge you based on your actions. This has become more apparent with the actions that you perform on the social media platform. The posts that you share, the photos that you upload and the content that you share does affect your personal branding. It is always important to create a strategy that is aligned with the way you want to be represented.

Define yourself

To define yourself, you need to figure out how you want to be represented online. This should be consistent across all the platforms with all your social media profiles. The most important part of defining yourself is being genuine. A great way to do this is to think about who you are and create a list of your interests and the best qualities that define who you are. This way you are planning ahead and ensure that your actions will be consistent with how you will be perceived.

Think about a branding strategy

As funny as that sounds for a personal profile page, you are a brand. When someone comes on to your profile page they will be walking through the content, posts, pictures and videos posted on your page. You should analyze how you are being perceived and what your current brand stands for. You can look at your previous posts, games you are affiliated with and pages you have liked. See if these are truly aligned with your strategy. Removing things that are not necessary and seeing which content you are interested in, will assist in changing your profile’s brand.

Branding strategy

Set your privacy settings

Setting your privacy filters is very important as it ensures that you have set controls on who gets to see the information that is there on your profile. Depending on what you want different people to see, you can choose who has limited access and who has complete access to your profile. You can choose for people you are not friends with to only see very limited information. For example, you can choose to show only some basic information and work history to people who don’t know you (unclear, please rephrase).

Create your vanity URL

Your Facebook vanity URL is the domain link you can share with people to find your profile. For example, if your name is John Doe, you can set your vanity URL to

Fill in all professional details

Facebook gives you the opportunity to create your professional details and work history. Rather than just putting the position in, you can put the dates you worked there and information about what you did in the role. When someone visits your profile to see who you are, this area is a great way to showcase your work history and as such, promote your personal brand.

Network and increase your friendship base

You can network and increase your friend base by engaging in conversations and posts made by people in your current network as well as posts on pages that you like. By getting involved in a meaningful way, you can create dialog with new people and add to your current list of friends with people you are connecting with on issues that interest you/that you choose to discuss.


Create posts/share content

By doing this, you are making the people in your current network aware of the things that interest you. This could be an opinion, current situations going on in your life, photos of places you have been, information of an event you are attending and much more. This could also be sharing an article or video that you found interesting. Just remember, everything you post and share can affect your personal brand, for the good or the bad!

Facebook Marketing - Identify Targets

Identifying your target audience is important as it helps you narrow down on the people who see your posts to the ones that care the most. When you are using the ad creator, Facebook assists you in breaking down the target audience based on location as well as demographics like age, interests, and gender. You will also be able to target your ad based on what people do on the Internet outside of Facebook.

You get full control over the audience you want to reach. Depending on your business needs and the strategy you are currently implementing, you can choose from either one or a combination of the targeting options.

Choosing the right audience

When looking to identify your target, you will need to choose the right audience you want to reach. Before working out the right target market, ask yourself the following important questions −

  • What device do I want to reach my customers on? Desktop, mobile, tablet or a combination?

  • How many campaigns will I be setting up? Will there be relevant messages that I want to target to specific groups of people?

  • How will I get the most value from my advert?

Targeting options to choose from

We can choose from the following options when finding an audience −

  • Location, age, gender and language
  • Interests
  • Behavior
  • Categories
  • Connections (People who are already connected to any of your pages)

Targeting options

Identifying your target market is very important, as the better you have this defined, the more successful a campaign will be. This can make your Facebook marketing much more cost-effective. If you do not choose any target market, your cost per user acquisition would be much higher. For example, with no defined target audience, if 100 people see a boosted post maybe only 10 would be interested. If you targeted the post specifically for those 10 people, it would save you the cost of the 90 other people that would have no interest in seeing the post in the first place.

Facebook Marketing - Quality Posts

Creating quality posts plays a very important role. With this, you reach out to the people who are interested to follow your page and stay up to date with the content that you have to offer. There are different ways you can keep people engaged and entertained and it is necessary to offer a range of different formats that will keep people coming back and wanting more quality posts.

Quality Posts

When you are creating your SMM strategy, it is good to have a knowledge of and plan for the type of posts you want to publish. By creating a content matrix, you can plan out on the type of posts you will publish. Knowing that roughly −

  • 40% of your posts will drive the users to your blog.

  • 30% of your posts will be curated from other sources, for example, sharing photos and videos.

  • 25% of your posts will be enterprise content.

  • 5% of your posts will show of your brand’s culture.

The posts you publish should −

  • Promote your business, attract readers to your website, and generate profit.

  • Share content from thought leaders in your industry.

  • Initiate personal interactions that will build your business and compliment your businesses culture.

Types and Quality of Posts

Being consistent in the quality and types of posts you create helps people know what kinds of messages to expect from you and how they are related to your business.

Create link posts to get people back to your website/blog

In the post creation tool on your Facebook profile, you can add a link to either your website or a blog post and then press enter. This will take the title, description and a picture that you have entered in the link page and organise it on to your Facebook post. You can also add a caption with some information about the link you are posting. It is good to keep this caption simple and precise, no more than one or two sentences.

Post interesting copy, images and videos

Posting interesting information, images and videos that are engaging will get your profile more attention and assist you to make your brand message stand out in your users’ news feeds. These posts should also be short and succinct, usually between 50-100 words.

Posting interesting information

Publish posts that create conversations

Posting a question or story that will generate a conversation between you and the users is a great way to create unique, engaging and entertaining dialog. With this, the users will be able to spend time on your page reading and at times performing the required actions. This requires minimal input from you, the Facebook admin of the page, as it is the users who create the content.

Publish Posts

Publish exclusive information

Reward the users who follow your Facebook page by offering them exclusive offers and deals that are not accessible anywhere else. For example, if you have an ecommerce website, you can create a coupon code that will give them discounts when used on your website. This can help to grow your audience as your fans may share this information with their friends and family.

Facebook Marketing - Post Frequency

Post frequency is something that does not have a definitive answer. Finding the sweet spot for the amount of posts you should make per week will strongly depend on how your audience is engaging in the content you share. On one hand, if you are publishing one post per week, this will probably be not enough to keep the users from recognizing your online presence. But on the other hand, if you publish five posts per day, users will probably find this annoying and this could detract them from staying as a follower.

Facebook’s algorithms have been designed in favor of fresh and unique content being shown on news feeds. If you post repetitive information, this will not be beneficial to your page and your users will not appreciate repetition on their feed.

At the end of the day, you need to ask yourself the following questions −

  • How do I get more followers?
  • What information should I share?
  • What times should I be sharing this information?
  • How often should I be sharing information?

Experimenting with post frequency can take time. We would recommend you start with approximately 8-12 posts per week and tinker with it till you find a sweet sport for your business. You will notice that the likes, comments and shares on your posts will stop growing and the count will reduce further when you post too much information.

Facebook Marketing - Likes Philosophy

Getting likes from the posts that you publish are great, to a certain extent. It is now undeniable that social media is a viable method of marketing and a great way to grow your brand and generate more traffic and income for your business.


The great benefit of ‘likes’ on Facebook is that they are quantitative and verifiable means of measuring success of the content you are providing.

For example, when on your page you post links to a new blog article on your website you can gain important feedback on how good and relevant the blog articles are. The more engaging and enjoyable the article, the more likes, shares, and comments the post should get. It can also provide you with the important feedback on the topics to choose for your future blog articles.

Although it is not binary, there are both active and passive Facebook users. If you have a lot of passive Facebook users as fans, they may not like as many posts or engage in conversation through messaging. Attractive active Facebook fans like posts more and are much more likely to click on external links to your website — which, if the end goal is to get a sale on your site, could be make or break method in generating revenue.

Likes also lead to insights. These insights provide detailed data on the activity that the fans are making on your site. This can be important for market research. If you have an ecommerce platform, by posting links to different types of items, you can see what kind of products your fan base likes more and can utilize this in your marketing strategy.

Another benefit that Facebook likes provide is that they show legitimacy and build a trust factor linked to your page. When someone visits your page and sees that there is a lot of engaging activity coming from your users, they will be more likely to trust your brand, which can help shape the brands identification on Facebook.

Facebook Marketing - Create Fans

With over 1.55 billion active Facebook users each month, it is important for your business page to be able to tap in to your target market and start growing a fan base. Although this may be a daunting task initially, as the page grows in good content it should also increase in popularity.

Growing a solid fan base is important because −

  • It gives people a reason to trust you.
  • It is an indication of popularity.
  • The more fans you have; the more site traffic you should get.
  • It helps with your SEO strategy.

Once you have created your page, utilize your own personal network and add as many people as you can from your private Facebook page. You can also ask people in your closer network to share the page with their friends.

Create Fans

Add the Facebook Like Box Plugin to your website

Adding the Facebook Like Box Plugin to your website will benefit your business as it will −

  • Associate your website with your official Facebook page. This is a factor of SEO and helps in the identification and ranking of your Facebook page.

  • As you grow your Facebook fan base, a trust factor between the people and the website will be created.

  • It can help grow your Facebook page organically, without paid ads.

Share relevant content

We have written about this in more detail in the previous section of the tutorial. Having unique, engaging content gives a reason for Facebook users to become fans of your page. The more relevant the content is to your demographics, the more likely they will share it with their friends.

Create a blog or newsletter

Creating a blog or newsletter is a great way for people to follow you and share your page with friends who would be interested in what you have to offer. This is also a great option as it drives users to your website.


Be original

There are so many Facebook pages out there with SO MUCH content. In fact, there are five new Facebook pages and profiles being created every second. Try coming up with creative content that people will be interested in. Stay up-to-date with the changes taking place in the market of the industry you are part of. And, be at the forefront always. Let the people know about the new and exciting things that might interest them.

Facebook Marketing - Engaging Fans

When you are looking to engage your audience, you need to ensure that you have content that will drive users to stay interested in your posts. Even if someone is a fan of your page, if they are not interested in your posts they can un-follow your posts from there news feed and will not see anything that you post.

Engaging Fans

Following are some tips on how to keep your fans engaged −

Headline of your post

Keep the headline of your post short and to the point. If you are looking to drive someone to a blog article with a link to the blog post, make the headline of the post the contention of the article. For example, an article relating to health and beauty tricks could be something like “10 health and beauty tips to keep you looking young and feeling good”. The aim of this statement is to drive more clicks, likes, comments or shares.

Keep a good range of different types of posts

When consistently all your posts bear the same look, it will be hard for your audience to stay engaged. Posts come in many different forms and styles. It is worthwhile experimenting to seeing what kind of styles your audience become more engaged in. These experiments can come in from −

  • Link posts
  • Asking your audience questions
  • Photo posts
  • Video posts

Have a brand identity that is stronger than the trending fads

When there is a trend in your industry, you can utilize it to create rich content. The people who are interested will definitely follow the trend. This is great because your users are likely to like, comment, share, and follow your posts as they will want to stay up-to-date. This can help you become an authority in the industry. But piggy backing on the trends is only temporary and if you want to ensure that once the popularity slows down, you need to have a strategy and brand identity in place that lasts much longer.


Express yourself in ways that your fans are most likely to relate with

The way you write your content plays a key role in users wanting to keep reading/following your posts. It is important to understand your fans and know what they find engaging. This could be by using certain terminology, emoticons, slang and photos that are in line with the demographic you are looking to get to follow your page.

Always check your Facebook analytics

Facebook analytics will provide you with the most important feedback you can get for your page. You will be able to see −

  • How many people engaged with your posts?
  • How many likes, comments and shares your posts got?
  • Which country your likes are coming from?
  • Which age groups liked your specific posts?

If you see a constant drop in engagement for a certain type of post, it will be an indication that you should start experimenting with different options to make that post type more successful.

Facebook Marketing - Call-to-Action

The main goal of the call-to-action button is to bring businesses’ most important objective to the forefront of its Facebook presence. You can utilize the call-to-action button to send your fans to any link that you desire. This is a great way for people that visit your page to straight away interact and gain access to your pages’ primary objective.

You can select from a group of call-to-action buttons depending on what you are looking to do. Following are the main call-to-action buttons

Book Now

This option can be used by service-based businesses for your users to book appointments.

Contact Us

It is what it says; you share your business/brand contact details here. Make sure this button is linked to your website’s contact us page.

Use App

If you have a mobile app page or mobile app, you can drive users to download the app.

Play Game

This option gives the users the ability to play an online game or try a demo. Great when you have a new game and want to show it off.

Shop Now

The show now button can be used to direct your fans to an ecommerce store.

Sign Up

This is the best option if you are looking to build a database for email, newsletter, etc.

Watch Video

With this option you can drive your users to a video. This can be either on your website, Facebook, YouTube or any other online application.

How to add the call-to-action button

To add the call-to-action button, follow these steps −

Step 1 − Go to your Facebook page and click the ‘add action button’.

Step 2 − Select the call-to-action button option that is most applicable to what you are looking to do.

Step 3 − If you want to drive your users to a website, click website, otherwise if you want to drive your users to a mobile application, click app.

Step 4 − Click ‘create’.

Step 5 − Test to make sure it works the way you want it to and you are done!

call-to-action steps

Facebook Marketing - Video Promotion

Video promotion provides a different dimension to your social media campaign. Whilst content and images are static, a video can provide entertainment and education in a faster and for some users more interesting way. Even if it is not something you have initially done with your Facebook page, it might be good to try and create a video that is in alignment with your brand and see what kind of feedback you get.

Video Promotion

Following are the different types of videos that you can create −

Videos that educate

Creating educational videos in your industry is a great way to show validation in what you do. This could be from picking a topic and teaching people about it to uncovering truths about questions people have been asking you on your page.

Videos that inspire

Inspirational videos convey the most powerful messages on the Internet and tend to be the ones that go viral the most. By telling a story or showing the story with music and captions, you can convey an inspiring story that people will remember.

Videos that entertain

Entertaining videos are a great source of fun. Especially, they tend to break the monotony of working continuously. These short videos give people a break from their routine work and bring smiles on their faces.

Promoting your video

After spending the time to create a video and putting it on Facebook, it would be a good idea to run a paid campaign so you can extend your reach. The goal should be such that the video is high on content value. This will lead people to like your page and share the video on their wall. Once you have posted the video, either go to the ads manager or in the video post, click boost photo. Applying the steps required to boost your page, you can also create an effective boost campaign for your target demographic.

With the steps required to apply the ‘call-to-action’ buttons, you can also create a watch video call-to-action on the top of your Facebook page. This directs people to the video post following a click.

Facebook Marketing - Tricks

There are many different ways to gain traction and get new fans on Facebook, the most successful campaigns have always been the ones that have been the most creative. The best advice to be given when looking to create a marketing strategy is to create a campaign that is unique and stands out from the rest but at the same time being concise and to the point of your brand identity.

Following are the different ideas that can be implemented to grow your Facebook page.

Offer a special deal just to Facebook fans

This is most effective if you have an ecommerce website. You can create a coupon code that can be used on their next purchase. This coupon code would be exclusive to people on your Facebook page. This is great, because the people who like your page are interested in your product, it may entice those who have not made the purchase to do so. It also has the benefit of being shared by people from your page to other people’s page. These people who may not know about you, as the person sharing, believe the discount would interest one of their friends, family, colleagues or themselves.

Ask your users a question

By asking your users a question, you can start a discussion on the post. People may also attach a friend of theirs to the conversation to get them involved.

Add multiple images to your Facebook Ads

When you post an ad with multiple images, it creates a carousel for users to go through. You can really be creative here and tell a story in your ads through images. This will engage the person looking at the ad to scroll through all the images to get the complete story. The final image can contain a call-to-action button to drive users to the page or your website.

Keep text under 20% on ad images

Facebook guidelines will not accept a boosted post if the image include more than 20% text. Ensure when you or your designer is creating the image is aware of this, if you plan to boost the post as a paid advertisement.

Create a contest

In the past, it was cumbersome to create a contest and the users going on it. The recent changes have made it easier now. Creating a contest or giveaway is a great way to grow your audience as you can tell people to share and comment on the giveaway post for a chance to win. This increases engagement and the shared post will give the opportunity for organic advertising on other people’s page.

Utilize hashtags

Facebook has the option to add hashtags to each post. This helps people to filter and find related and relevant content. This gives you an edge to get recognized organically. Although hashtags have not become as popular on Facebook as they are on Instagram, they still do provide an opportunity to gain more reach. When using hashtags on Facebook it would be wise to limit them to one or two well-defined hashtags rather than spraying the post with many hashtags that people won’t usually search.

Share fan created/suggested content

Sometimes a fan will send you something interesting. Rather than dismissing it, maybe have a look at incorporating it into one of your posts and giving credit to that fan. This shows that your brand is a community that your fans are so passionate about. You collaborate and work with your fans, rather than just publishing or releasing information.

Facebook Marketing - A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method of working out which part of your post works the best with your audience. It splits the post from its −

  • Headline
  • Body copy
  • Images
  • Call-to-action
  • A combination of the above

When starting out a campaign, it is important to experiment with what will be most likely for the audience to engage with your posts, on which devices the posts work best for the audience that will eventually use your product/service.

Apart from testing post content you can also run tests on the following −

  • Countries
  • Precise interests
  • Mobile OS
  • Age ranges
  • Genders
  • Images
  • Titles
  • Relationship status
  • Landing page
  • Interested in

Creating a test

The best way to implement a test is to create two similar ads in your ads manager. Don’t post these ads to your wall but run a small paid campaign. In these ads, you may decide that ad A will have a short one-line sentence with an image and a caption. Ad B could have more content in the post but no writing on the image. You can run these ads with the same demographic type to see how people will react to the posts.

You also may want to try split testing the image itself. Think about what colors you are using, the psychology behind the colors and the way it makes the post feel. Keep the colors in an image to around three predominant ones as you don’t want the image to look too busy.

Although this type of testing can take time, it will eventually ensure that you know exactly who to target your advertisements to and how they should be designed.

Facebook Marketing - Analytics

Facebook analytics, also known as insights, provide you with very important statistical analysis of how your campaigns are going and what sort of engagement your posts are receiving.

Following is an image of the front page of the analytics section. It gives you an insight if your audience is large enough. In addition, it also helps you know the types of devices your audience uses and you can also have a track of the page/video views.


On the right hand side, there is a toolbar with the different sections that you can go through to find various insights. We will go through each area on what information you can get from them.


In this section, you will be able to see the total likes for your page. It will give you a graph with a 30-day overview and you can see how to track your progress. You will also be able to view your net likes, which shows how many likes you get for each day as well as how many unlikes your page is getting each day.

Finally, you can see where your likes are coming from — from people coming on your page and clicking like, finding you through ads and through the API.


This indicates how many people see your post. As seen in the following graph, it is separated with organic reach and paid reach. In this section, you can also find the graph for reactions and shares for all posts.


Page views

This gives you an insight into how many people are viewing your page on a day-to-day basis. This is great because, especially in the early days when you are testing different post types, you can see the analytics over a period of time and see which days are working better to get click through on to your page.

The following first graph shows you total views for each day, while the second graph gives you the ability to break it down by total page views, by section, age and gender, country, city and by device.

Page views

Actions on page

Page actions tell you what people are clicking on whilst they are looking at your page. Here you can see which people are clicking −

  • Directions
  • Phone numbers
  • Website clicks
  • Page call-to-action button

This is also broken down by the same insights as the page views (age and gender, country, city and by device).


This insight is great because it shows some important information. This brings you clear data sets and shows when your fans were online over the last 7-day period.


Underneath the graph of when your fans are online, you will see a list of all the posts you have made for your page. This breaks down all your posts and tells you how much engagement each post has had. It also gives you data on how much reach each post has received. There is a button to boost posts and to see the results of previously boosted posts.


The events insight gives you statistical data on how much awareness your event has received. It also gives you information on the audience/demographic that are attending the event, how much engagement the event has received and if you have a buy tickets button, it will tell you how many people have clicked the link.


This insight is very similar to the posts insight. It breaks down how your video reach has gone for each video and a breakdown of the demographics.


This is a very important insight as you get a complete breakdown on the age and gender of your Facebook fans. You also get a breakdown of which countries your fans are from, the cities within the countries and the language your fans speak.


This helps with future campaigns as by now you have an idea of who is using your page.

Digital Marketing Tutorial

posted on May 30, 2021


In simple terms, digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital marketing is often referred to as online marketing, internet marketing or web marketing.

Digital marketing has been around for quite some time but it hasn’t been very well defined. We tend to think that digital marketing encompasses banner advertising, search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click. Yet, this is too narrow a definition, because digital marketing also includes e-mail, RSS, voice broadcast, fax broadcast, blogging, podcasting, video streams, wireless text messaging, and instant messaging. Yes! digital marketing has a very wide scope.

What Digital Marketing is Not?

To clearly define what digital marketing is, it’s sometimes easier to start with what it’s not. For instance, it does not include more traditional forms of marketing such as radio, TV, billboard and print as they do not offer instant feedback and report.

Digital Marketing

Why Digital Marketing?

In digital marketing, a reporting and analytics engine can be layered within a campaign which allows the organization or brand to monitor in real-time how a campaign is performing, such as what is being viewed, how often, how long, as well as other actions such as response rates and purchases made.

  • The use of digital marketing in the digital era not only allows for brands to market their products and services but also offers online customer support through 24x7 services to make the customer feel supported and valued.

  • The use of social media in digital marketing interaction allows brands to receive both positive and negative feedback from their customers as well as determine what media platforms work well for them.

  • Digital marketing provides increased advantage for brands and businesses. It is now common for consumers to post feedback online through social media sources, blogs, and websites about their experience with a product or brand.

Not surprisingly, billions of marketing dollars spent on traditional channels is already starting to shift to digital marketing campaigns and this will continue to increase as the Web matures.

Digital Marketing - SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of getting traffic from the free, organic, editorial, or natural search results on the search engines. Simply put, it’s the name given to the activity that attempts to improve search engine rankings. In many respects, it's simply quality control for websites.

SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, and news search engines. Employing a sound SEO strategy will help you position your website properly to be found at the most critical points in the buying process or when people need your site.

Search Engine Crawlers

The leading search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo!, use crawlers to find the pages for their algorithmic search results. Pages that are linked from other search engine indexed pages do not need to be submitted because they are found automatically.

Search engine crawlers may look at a number of different factors when crawling a site. Not every page is indexed by the search engines. Distance of pages from the root directory of a site may also be a factor in whether or not pages get crawled.


Points to Note

You should be careful to keep the following points in mind in order to ensure your brand is well positioned on search engines −

  • Search engines want to do their jobs as best as possible by referring users to websites and content that is most relevant to what the user is looking for. This is determined by the site content, how fast your site loads, how often your site is linked to from other credible online resources, and user experience, including design, navigation and bounce rate.

  • The items that the search engines don’t want are: keyword stuffing, buying links, and poor user experience (too many ads and high bounce rates).

  • Domain naming is important to your overall branding. As a best practice, use sub-directory root domains ( versus sub-domains ( Other best practices with domain names are to use consistent domains and keywords in the URL.

  • Optimize for different types of results. In addition to optimizing for desktop experience, focus on mobile and tablet optimization along with other media.

  • Content on the site should have title tags and meta descriptions. Although meta tags aren’t as important as they used to be in the past; if you do use them, ensure they are formatted correctly.

Digital Marketing - Social Media

Social media today is essentially word-of-mouth marketing. Getting people to connect with you online in the social arena helps spread the word about what your company is and what are your products and services.

SEO and Social Media

For many teams, there are different sets of people who work on SEO and social media separately; however, this scenario is changing lately.

  • The two may still officially belong to separate teams, but social media marketers will need to be more informed on the SEO strategist’s agenda, so that the SEO strategy can go hand-in-hand with content promotion.

  • SEO strategists too need to know how to work with social media marketers in order to receive the social signals it needs to make sure their company ranks high in search.

Social Media

There are two functions of social media for business −

  • Are you participating in the conversation and sharing?

  • Are you listening and monitoring what is being said about you?

Start Social Media Marketing

If you’re starting from scratch with your social media strategy, here are the basic steps to get you started −

  • Step 1 − Choose your social networks

  • Step 2 − Fill your profiles completely, remembering to load in your keywords

  • Step 3 − Find your voice and tone

  • Step 4 − Pick your posting strategy - how often, when, and what type of content

  • Step 5 − Analyze and test

  • Step 6 − Automate and engage

Although we’ll be getting into the specifics in the latter half of the tutorial, here are a few things to consider in your general social media strategy.

Facebook tops the list of social media strategy

For many, social media starts with Facebook. Just having a page, however, does not suffice. Sophisticated content marketing is now the way to foster engagement on Facebook. If your business doesn’t have a content marketing strategy or a blog, but wants to maintain a strong Facebook presence, it may be time to create a content marketing strategy for Facebook. We’ll get to know more on this in a subsequent chapter.

Optimize for mobile

All social media efforts need to be optimized for mobile. You’ve probably heard, but everyone needs to make sure their websites are optimized for mobile. Social media managers need to be aware of this to ensure that the format of any promotions they do (especially those that include driving people to their company websites) are optimized for mobile. Any images used on social media should also be viewable on mobile for optimized user experience.

Emphasize on human experience

It may be digital, but you need to consider the “human experience.” Google and Facebook have made changes to their platforms to push businesses to focus more on the “human experience.” For social media marketers, your social media posts need to be more relevant, provide more value to your audience, and the engagement needs to be more “human.”

Digital Marketing - Content

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. It ultimately aims to drive profitable customer action.

Content Pyramid

Content marketing is an umbrella term covering a set of strategies, techniques, and tactics to fulfil business and customer goals by using the most relevant content to serve, attract, convert, retain, and engage customers. Content uses blogs, podcasts, video, and social media sites as a vehicle. It’s a practice now being used by 86% of businesses today. However, effective content marketing is not so easy to find.

Goals of Content Marketing

Given the fact that content plays a role in virtually all marketing techniques and tactics, there are no goals that can’t be reached using content. However, from a content marketing perspective, we see that marketers focus on some key goals such as −

  • Brand awareness
  • Lead generation
  • Engagement
  • Sales
  • Lead nurturing
  • Customer retention and loyalty
  • Customer evangelism
  • Up-selling and cross-selling

Although these are the typical goals found in content marketing research, think out of the box and look at the goals of your “audiences”.

Start Content Marketing

Here is brief set of guidelines that you can follow to start content marketing −

  • First, find a reason to start using content marketing. Knowing what the reason and the purpose is important. In a few years from now, people will say content marketing doesn’t work. It’s like in social media: people start saying it doesn’t work because they often forget for what and whom they wanted it to work in the first place.

  • Know the different people and types of customers and prospects you want. Be aware of how they “act”, what they want, and how they will use your content.

  • Don’t reinvent the wheel. Before dreaming up new content, see what you already have. Often, the best content for your customers and business is already in the mind of your customers and the people in your business. You just need to present it in a way everyone understands.

  • Once you know what content you have, figure out what you need.

  • Now, it’s time to get that content organized and check out the best formats and channels. Know the different formats of content your prospective customers use and there are some good tips and tricks to make sure that your content is “engaging”. Align the content to the types of channels you think that it will be best received.

  • It’s time to make sure that the content is found or used! If not there is little sense in spending all the energy, is there? Promote, connect and engage.

Finally, test, measure, and optimize continuously. Try different types of content. Check analytics. Monitor your expenditure. And always adapt.

Digital Marketing - Email

In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It usually involves using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or donations.

Any email communication is considered as email marketing if it helps build customer loyalty, trust in a product or company, or brand recognition. For instance, when a company sends a commercial message to a group of people using electronic email mostly in the form of advertisements, requests for business or sales, or donation solicitation.

Email marketing is an efficient way to stay connected with your clients while also promoting your business. Doing so, you can easily and quickly reach target markets without the need for large quantities of print space, television or radio time, or high production costs.

Target Markets

Additionally, while using email marketing software, you can maintain an email list that has been segmented based on several factors including the length of time addresses have been on the list, customers’ likes and dislikes, spending habits and other important criteria. Emails are then created and sent out to specific target members on the list, providing them with a personalized email detailing information that they are interested in or have requested.

Email marketing can be carried out by −

  • Email newsletters
  • Digests
  • Dedicated Emails
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Sponsorship Emails
  • Transactional Emails

Email Newsletters

Email newsletters offer the following three advantages −

  • They can spread your brand awareness. By building habitual communication with your email subscribers, you enable them to recognize your brand and associate it with a positive sentiment.

  • They can leverage the existing content. Many companies do quick summaries of their most popular blog posts and link to the articles from their newsletter.

  • They give you the freedom to include different types of content that might be important to your organization.



Digests are generally easier to consume than newsletters as they generally consist of links and lists. One popular option is the blog digest, which collects notifications about the articles you publish throughout a certain time frame and releases an email with the links.

Return Path

Dedicated Emails

Dedicated emails also known as stand-alone emails, contain information about just one offer. For instance, you can use a dedicated email to notify your target audience about a new whitepaper you've released or invite them to attend an event that you're hosting. Unlike newsletters, dedicated emails don’t need to include many graphical elements to separate the different blocks of text and prioritize information.

Lead Nurturing

The concept of lead nurturing introduces a tightly connected series of emails containing useful content with a coherent purpose. Lead nurturing is timely, automated, and is typically a low financial investment.

Sponsorship Emails

If you want to reach a totally new audience and generate net new leads, you might want to try sponsorship emails. In sponsorship emails, you pay for inclusion of your copy in another vendor’s newsletter or dedicated send.

Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are the messages that get triggered by a specific action your contacts have taken, enabling them to complete that action. For instance, if you are signing up for a webinar, you will fill out a form and then receive a transactional (thank-you) email that provides you with the login information in order to join.

Transactional emails are also the messages you receive from ecommerce sites like Amazon that confirm your order and give you shipment information and other details. The biggest advantage of transactional emails is that they enjoy a high click-through rate (CTR).

Transactional Emails

Popular email marketing services include MailChimp, Constant Contact, and My Emma.

Digital Marketing - Mobile

Mobile marketing is marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a smartphone. Mobile marketing can provide the customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services, and ideas.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is similar to advertising delivered over other electronic channels such as text, graphic and voice messages.

  • SMS messaging (text messaging) is currently the most common delivery channel for mobile marketing.

  • Search engine marketing is the second-most common channel, followed by display-based campaigns.

New Mobile Marketing Channels

The expanding capabilities of mobile devices enable new types of interactive marketing. New mobile marketing channels include −

  • Location-based Service (LBS) involves detecting the area the user is connecting from (geolocation) and sending marketing messages for businesses in that area.

  • Augmented reality mobile campaigns overlays the user's phone display with location-specific information about businesses and products.

  • 2D barcodes are barcodes that scan vertically as well as horizontally to include much more information. A mobile user can scan barcodes in the environment to access associated information.

  • GPS messaging involves location-specific messages that the user picks up when he comes into range.

Ways to Drive Conversions

Beyond having a mobile-optimized site or app, certain strategies are more likely to improve the user experience, while boosting sales. In this section, we will discuss the four ways to drive engagement and conversions.

Optimize for micro-moments

Increasingly, users turn to their mobile devices for quick, in-the-moment advice, help, or information. Instead of sitting down to research a topic or issue in depth, they’re more likely to take immediate action, and to expect instantaneous answers.

Use QR codes to streamline user experience

One way to provide relevant information as quickly and seamlessly as possible to mobile users is through the use of QR codes. Whatever you’re using QR codes for, they should ideally act as shortcuts for getting valuable information into the hands of your customers and prospects.

QR Code

Use hyperlocal marketing

More than ever before, consumers are turning to their smartphones for location-specific information. And not just citywide information – but hyperlocal based on very small, specific geographical locations (like neighborhoods or even specific streets).


Use SMS marketing

Use SMS marketing to connect with users on-the-go. A few ways to do this include offering incentives, publicizing sales and events, sending appointment reminders, and sharing customer surveys.

Digital Marketing - Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click, commonly known as PPC, refers to a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked. Pay-per-click is calculated by dividing the advertising cost by the number of clicks generated by an advertisement. The basic formula is −

Pay-per-click ($) = Advertising cost ($) ÷ Ads clicked (#)

Essentially, PPC is a way of buying visits to your site, rather than attempting to earn visits organically.

Search Engine Advertising

Search engine advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC. It allows advertisers to bid for an ad placement in a search engine's sponsored links when someone searches using a keyword that is related to their business offering.


For example, if you bid on the keyword “marketing classes,” several ads might show up in the very top spot on the Google results page. Every time a specific ad is clicked, sending a visitor to their website, they have to pay the search engine a small fee. When PPC is working correctly, the fee is trivial, because the visit is worth more than what is paid for it.

Advantage of PPC Marketing

The unique advantage of PPC marketing is that the ad networks used to manage PPC campaigns don’t just reward the highest bidders for that ad space, rather they reward the highest-quality ads (meaning the ads that are most popular with the users).

  • Ads are rewarded for good performance.

  • The better the ad, the greater the click-through rates and lower the costs.

  • Many marketers choose to use Google AdWords to manage their PPC campaigns. The AdWords platform enables businesses to create ads that appear on Google’s search engine and other Google properties.

Factors behind Successful PPC Advertising

How often your PPC ads appear depends on which keywords and match types you select. While a number of factors determine how successful your PPC advertising campaign will be, you can achieve a lot by focusing on −

  • Keyword Relevance − Crafting relevant PPC keyword lists, tight keyword groups, and proper ad text.

  • Landing Page Quality − Creating optimized landing pages with persuasive, relevant content and a clear call-to-action, tailored to specific search queries.

  • Quality Score − Quality Score is Google's rating of the quality and relevance of your keywords, landing pages, and PPC campaigns. Advertisers with better quality scores get more ad clicks at lower costs.

Your entire PPC campaign is built around keywords, and the most successful AdWords advertisers continuously grow and refine their PPC keyword list.

In conclusion, PPC advertising offers a unique opportunity to −

  • Grow Your Customer Base − Connect with searchers actively looking for products and services like yours, and respond to the need by providing them with an offer relevant to their search query.

  • Generate Leads at Low Costs − As pay-per-click marketing allows you to reach leads and prospects when they’re researching and looking to buy, it’s a highly effective way to bring interested visitors to your site. In addition, you can enjoy an algorithmically generated discount from the search engines in exchange for making their users happy.

Digital Marketing - CRO

CRO stands for Conversion Rate Optimization. Whatever may be the ultimate goal of your website, a conversion is the successful completion of that action. CRO is the process of optimizing the site to increase the likelihood that visitors will complete a specific action.

Conversion Rate is a key metric in e-commerce, as it reveals the percentage of the site’s total traffic completing a specific goal. The higher the conversion rate, the better.

Conversion Rate

Once you have defined what conversions you want to track, you can calculate the conversion rate.

Let’s assume you regard a sale as your conversion. As long as you are tracking the number of leads you get and the number of resulting sales (conversions), you can calculate your conversion rate −

$$Conversion Rate = rac{Total Number of Sales }{Number of Leads} imes 100$$

When you know what the value of a lead is, you can determine how many leads you need each month to sustain your business and how much you should pay for advertising. This is true whether you are using pay-per-click (PPC) or any offline advertising like mailers or print ads.

What is CRO?

Conversion Rate Optimization is −

  • A structured and systematic approach to improving the performance of the website.

  • Informed by insights − specifically, analytics and user feedback.

  • Defined by the website’s unique objectives and needs (KPIs).

  • Taking the traffic that you already have and making the most of it.

What CRO is Not

Conversion Rate Optimization is not −

  • Based on the guesses, hunches, or what everyone else is doing.

  • Driven by the highest paid person’s opinion.

  • About getting as many users as possible, regardless of the quality or engagement.

Why do Companies Use CRO?

CRO plays an important role in improving the efficiency of critical processes. Here, we will discuss the most common areas where companies evaluate CRO.

  • A/B testing − What is A/B testing? In basic terms, you set up two different landing pages, each has a different element from the other. Your site presents the “A” version of these pages to half your traffic and the “B” version to the remaining half. Then you can see whether or not a small change to a call-to-action (CTA) can make a difference in conversion rates.

  • Customer Journey Analysis − How did your customers progress from brand awareness to purchase? Also often referred to as a Conversion Funnel.

  • Cart abandonment analysis − Investigate the cause of not checking out, once the items have been added to a shopping cart.

  • Segmentation − Segmentation shows approaches to grouping prospects and customers to deliver more relevant communications and offers for better response rates to these communications.

In addition, CRO is used for copy optimization, online surveys, and customer feedback.

Digital Marketing - Web Analytics

Web Analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of Internet data for the purposes of understanding and optimizing Web usage.

The focus of web analytics is to understand the users of a site, their behavior, and activities. The study of online user behavior and activities generate valuable marketing intelligence and provides −

  • Performance measures of the website against targets.

  • Insight on user behaviors and needs, and how the site meets those needs.

  • Optimization ability to make modifications to improve the website based on the results.

Website Modifications

Web Analytics Tools

An average web analytics tool offers hundreds of metrics. All of them are interesting but only a few would be useful for measuring the website’s performance. Focus on what is important to get meaningful insights on your website, and start your web analytics initiative by defining realistic and measurable objectives for your site.

  • In order to identify the users, web analytics tools need to report on user sessions (also referred to as visits). There are different techniques to identify users such as IP addresses, user agent and IP address combination, cookies, and authenticated user.

  • Nowadays, the most common user identification technique is via cookies which are small packets of data that are usually deposited on the user’s computer hard disk when the person visits a website.

How to Review Web Metrics

When reviewing metrics, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you are encompassing the set of data that best evaluates your efficiency −

Think People and Process

No doubt, technology is important, but you need to go beyond it. Take time and care to thoroughly understand your stakeholders’ measurement needs.


There’s more to data than just total number of page views. Many organizations unfortunately still report on total page views and miss out on all the non-page view interactions such as video, downloads and rich media.

Analytics platforms such as Google Analytics, MixPanel, Flurry and others, are very powerful and allow us the ability to go beyond simplistic hit collection, and really dive into rich data and patterns.

You can easily report and derive insights with visitor segmentation, have quick visibility into buyer or non-buyer behavior, group content by asset type, measure gated or ungated content consumption, and with relatively ease run a cohort analysis. These are just a few views that could be utilized while segmenting your data.

Think Visitors, Not Visits

Explore data such as where visitors came from, what course they took between pages while on your website, and where they spent the most (or least) time during their visit. Later, after two or three visits they got converted to customers. With this information, you’re able to gain increased awareness of visitors and how they interact with your content throughout the buying cycle.

Optimize What Matters Most

Optimize conversions on all things digital. Take it one notch higher and optimize on the Lifetime Value of a customer. Put into place a system that gives you the ability to measure behavior and interaction across multi-devices and multiple channels for (most) users that come from mobile, web, etc.

Maximize Returns

You’ll maximize the return on gathering, reporting and analyzing data, when you do so consistently. Commit to the process and develop a list of priorities and a measurement “roadmap.” Audit what you have periodically. Websites and mobile apps are constantly evolving, so ensure your analytics implementation is in-line with such changes.

Digital Marketing - Facebook

Facebook has 1.28 billion active users and is currently the largest social network – that adds up to a lot of potential brand exposure.

Facebook Page

Your Facebook Page makes your business −

  • Discoverable − When people search for you on Facebook, they’ll be able to find you.

  • Connected − Have one-on-one conversations with your customers, who can like your page, read your posts and share them with friends, and check in when they visit.

  • Timely − Your page can help you reach large groups of people frequently, with messages tailored to their needs and interests.

  • Insightful − Analytics on your page will give you a deeper understanding of your customers and your marketing activities.

Start Facebook Marketing

Ready to get started? Let’s walk through the steps!

Step 1: Set Goals

Any strategy begins with goals. What do you want out of your Facebook Page? Sales is the obvious choice, but there can also be secondary goals that lead to sales.

Consider some of these Facebook marketing goals as you craft your plan −

  • Increase overall exposure and awareness.

  • Create a loyal and engaged community.
  • Establish authority and showcase your knowledge.

Step 2: Research

Your Facebook research will include these areas −

  • Identify your audience and where they spend their time.

  • Research your competition and watch what is working for them.

  • Understand the latest techniques. Make sure you know the latest techniques on Facebook that are effective. Keep up with the trends so you know what is working for others.

Step 3: Design the Facebook Experience

Now that you have your goals set up, work backwards from those goals to determine how you will achieve them.

  • Set up an editorial calendar. Plan your content that you want to share. You can schedule your daily activity, weekly activity and monthly activity by using a simple Excel spreadsheet.

  • Set up an activity calendar. Map out your long-term activity and marketing plan, along with an estimate of your outcomes. Also decide when and how often to engage with your key influencers.

Step 4: Measure Your Progress

Take time to look back at your progress on Facebook so you know if your marketing is working. Become familiar with how Facebook Insights work so you know which posts are working for you.

Digital Marketing - Pinterest

Pinterest helps people discover things in a simple, visual way. Pinners might find something they love while browsing your boards, scrolling through a category you’re listed in or searching for you directly.


Pinterest Pins

On Pinterest, each Pin is an idea - a gift, recipe, or even a quote. They always point back to the sites they came from (like yours!) If you add the Save button to your site, people can use it to add your content to Pinterest.

Pinterest pins are 100 times more spreadable than a tweet, with the retweet average hitting only 1.4%. And, as for Facebook, the half-life of a pin is 1,6000x longer than a Facebook post.

Boards are where people collect and organize their Pins. Each board tells a unique story about what that person cares about. People can follow boards whose Pins they like.

Pinterest Business Account

If you don’t have an account already, or if your account is personal, you’re going to need to sign up for an official Pinterest for Business account in order to tap into the full potential of Pinterest.

By creating a business account, you’ll also be getting access to Pinterest Analytics, one of the newest and most awesome features of Pinterest for Business account. When you verify your account, you get access to important tracking information. You’ll be able to see which strategies and content work, so you can constantly improve your marketing.

Must-follow Rules of Pinterest

When it comes to basic Pinterest Marketing Strategy, you should always follow the set of rules discussed here −

Keep clean and organized boards

A large part of Pinterest’s popularity is based on its clean and organized structure. Even with large boards with loads of content, it’s naturally pleasing to the eye and easily digestible. This means creating multiple boards where the content is broken down by category so that the relevant content is lumped together.

Pin shareable images

The goal of a Pinterest campaign is to get the most exposure possible with repins, likes, comments, and new followers. A large part of this revolves around pinning images that people find captivating and want to share.

As this is one of the most image-centric social networks, try to pin appealing images based on user psychology. Research has shown that images with several dominant colors perform well, and reddish images do better than blue-toned images; light images perform better than darker images.

Follow the right people

Acquiring some initial followers is often one of the hardest parts because it takes time to build credibility. To speed up this process, it helps to follow some relevant pinners. This is advantageous because every person you follow will be notified, which can bring immediate exposure.

Assuming you have quality content, a considerable number of those people will be inclined to follow you back. Once you gain a few followers, there tends to be an accumulative effect where your follower count will continue to grow.

Pinning frequency

It’s important to find the right balance of pinning! Too much can annoy your followers, too little and you’ll be forgotten.

Pin content that matches your audience

Food, crafts and beauty tend to do really well on Pinterest, but don’t force a category that doesn’t relate to your brand just to try and get impressions.

Create unique content for Pinterest

Image sizes vary across social media channels. On Pinterest, all pins have the same width, with an unlimited length. A good size to shoot for is 736×1102 pixels for a typical pin. It’s not too big, and not too small.

Digital Marketing - Twitter

With hundreds of millions of users and over 500 million tweets being sent each day, there is a great opportunity for businesses to reach a global audience of new and existing customers through Twitter.

Twitter is a social communication tool where people broadcast short messages. These messages, called tweets, are limited to 140 characters in length. As a Twitter user, you select which other people you wish to follow; when you follow someone, their tweets show up in a list known as your Twitter stream.

Anyone who chooses to follow you will see your tweets in their stream. It is not necessary to follow everyone who follows you, and not everyone you choose to follow will follow you back.


Conversations on Twitter are just like the face-to-face encounters you have with customers each day. Compelling content will help you attract new followers and keep them engaged over time, building awareness of your brand and asserting yourself or your brand as an authority in the industry or niche area.

Media Marketing

Points to Note

If you want real success and want to build your brand on Twitter, then you should always keep the following points in mind −

  • Use your brand name as your Twitter name. It may seem obvious, but it needs to be said!

  • If branding a company is your number one priority, use your logo as your Twitter picture.

  • You should tweet 10 to 20 times a day to keep your brand name in the Twitter stream.

  • Schedule the tweets that have links to valuable content and complement that with 10 or so personalized tweets where you are interacting with other Twitter users.

  • Reply to Everything! Really, everything.

  • Learn to give. To build a strong brand on Twitter you will need to give back as much as you get. Share content from your “tweeps,” retweet, and favorite relevant content.

  • Follow at least two new people a day. Follow back anyone who followed you. It’s the best way to keep followers! Click on “Followers” and then follow anyone in your stream that you are not connected with.

  • One of the biggest mistake people make on Twitter is not using relevant hashtags. You may want to create your own personal hashtag to archive your tweets but use hashtags that are trending when posting, so that your content gets seen.

  • Tweet questions or a call-to-action when you post. People are more likely to respond when they’re asked something. There’s an option to create polls too.

Digital Marketing - Linkedin

LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for individuals and companies looking to make new connections, generate leads, and build their brand. In addition to being a great way to recruit new talent, LinkedIn marketing is a likely top marketing tool to employ for B2B businesses. It consistently proves to be the platform of choice for marketing product launches and lead generation.

Linkedin Page

A comprehensive LinkedIn marketing strategy requires ongoing management, monitoring, analysis, and adjustments.

Here, we have listed down a set of important tips to help you get the most out of your LinkedIn Marketing strategy −

Create a dynamic company page for your brand

To create a business presence on LinkedIn and gain access to additional features that enhance your visibility, you must build a LinkedIn company page. Consider this page an extension of your website and fill out the complete profile, including products and services. Invite your employees and customers to follow the page.

Be an authority in your industry

You need to plan out what type of content you can provide that will have decision-makers thinking twice about the approaches they're taking. Think about the discussions you can create that make you stand out as a thought leader. Also determine whether the content is relevant and for whom, and whether the content inspires prospects to want to take action.

Engage in the community

It's not about how many connections you make or followers you have on LinkedIn and other social media platforms. It's about how many people you reach and engage with. The best way to engage in social media is to create a community.

In LinkedIn, you can create actual groups that you manage. Consider taking an active role and creating a group in the industry that you are active in. Or, simply join an existing group and share the relevant content. Either way, you’ll be creating new contacts and participating in worthwhile conversations with industry leaders in your field.


View the stats

The new LinkedIn Publisher stats offer amazing insight into not only how many people are viewing each post, but the lifespan of each post, reader demographics, and the people who engage with your posts.

To see your stats, go to the Who’s Viewed Your Posts tab, which is located under Profile in the main navigation under Who’s Viewed Your Profile. Click on any post to see a graph that shows the number of views in the last 7 days, 15 days, 30 days, 6 months or 1 year.

This gives you incredible perspective to see the shelf life of each post. Review these numbers, as well as the elements of the posts themselves, to see patterns that will tell you what topics, format, and length your readers are most interested in.

Digital Marketing - Youtube

YouTube is no longer a new platform; it’s over ten years old! However, it is seeing tremendous growth. If it isn’t already a part of your online marketing strategy, it needs to be. But what types of YouTube videos should you be making? The key is to find the place where, what your brand stands for and what your audience cares about intersect.


Creating the relevant content is step one, but optimizing it on YouTube is what gets that content seen by those that matter to your brand.

Common Video Themes

Not sure what type of content will resonate with your audience? Here are some commonly employed video themes that are used by businesses and brands −

  • Tutorials − Show your viewers how to perform a task or demonstrate how to use your product.

  • Customer testimonials − Interview a satisfied customer, or share a usergenerated testimonial on your YouTube channel.

  • Behind-the-scenes videos − Take your viewers on a tour of your office or workspace, or introduce them to your staff or co-workers.

  • Tips and tricks − Share useful insights that will help your prospects.

  • Live presentations − Speaking at a conference or tradeshow? Record and share it with your YouTube viewers.

  • Product launches − Share the release of new products with your YouTube viewers.

  • Statistics − To establish yourself as an expert in your field, share industry-related statistics, data, and research via a simple slideshow-like video.

  • FAQs − Compile a list of frequently asked questions and respond to them via video.

Optimize Your Videos

Next, you’ll need to optimize your videos for on-site and Google search. Utilizing relevant keywords in your title, tags, and description can help the users find your videos for related searches.


Google recommends using your keywords first, and branding second. Use seasons and episodes if relevant. Tags are your keywords. Put the most important ones first. Include a call to action in your description and be sure to enable closed captioning (loaded with those keywords).

When viewers are scrolling through search results, thumbnails can have the biggest impact on clicks. Make sure you use captivating, colorful, high-contrast images that work well both in small and large formats. The optimal size for your thumbnail image is 1280 x 720 pixels.

Digital Marketing - Google Adwords

Google AdWords is a marketplace where companies pay to have their website ranked right with the top organic search results, based on keywords.

The basic gist is, you select to promote your brand based on keywords. A keyword is a word or phrase the user searches for, who then sees your ad. Your ads will only show up for the keywords you pick.

Google counts the clicks on your ads and charges you for each click. They also count impressions, which is simply the number that tells you how often your ad has already been shown when the users searched for that keyword.

If you divide clicks by impressions, you get the click-through-rate or CTR. This is the percentage of users who land on your advertised page, because they clicked on your ad.

Adwords Click

Consider Google AdWords to be an auction house. You set a budget and a bid. The bid sets how much you are willing to pay per click. If your maximum bid is $2, Google will only show your ad to people, if other aren’t bidding more on average.

Google doesn’t just want to show people the ads by the highest bidder – they could still be horrible ads. They care about their users so much that they’d rather show them a more relevant and better ad by someone who pays less.

Therefore − Quality ads + good bid = win!

Create a Google AdWords Account

To create a Google AdWords account, visit − From there you’ll create your account, and set up your first campaign. Here are the steps −

Step 1

Select your campaign type and name.

Step 2

Choose the geographic location where you’d like ads to show.

Step 3

Choose your “bid strategy,” and set your daily budget. Change the default “Bid strategy” to “I’ll manually set my bids for clicks”. This gives you more control and will help you learn AdWords at a greater level of understanding.

Step 4

Create your first ad group, and write your first ad. More people click on ads when the headline includes the keyword they’re searching on. So use your keywords in your headline when you can.

You’re limited to 25 characters here, so for some search terms, you’ll need to use abbreviations or shorter synonyms. Here’s the short version of your ad template −

  • Headline: Up to 25 characters of text
  • 2nd line: Up to 35 characters
  • 3rd line: Up to 35 characters
  • 4th line: Your display URL

Step 5

Insert your keywords into the keyword field in your account. Paste in your keywords. Start with just one set, and add plus signs (+), brackets ([ ]), and quotes (“ “) to see precisely how many searches of each type you’ll get.

Step 6

Set your maximum cost-per-click. Set your maximum price-per-click (called your “default bid”). However, realize this: Every keyword is theoretically a different market, which means that each of your major keywords will need a bid price of its own. Google will let you set individual bids for each keyword later.

Step 7

Enter your billing information and Voila!

Digital Marketing - Google Analytics

Do you have a blog? Do you have a static website? If yes, then you need Google Analytics. This tool can do so many things. Even if you just use it for the most basic of information, you can learn a lot about your website visitors and traffic.

A quick glimpse at Google Analytics can tell you −

  • How many people visit the website?

  • Where do the visitors live?

  • Is there a need for a mobile-friendly website?

  • Which other websites send traffic to the website?

  • Which marketing tactics drive the most traffic to the website?

  • Which pages on the website are the most popular?

  • How many visitors got converted into leads or customers?

  • How to improve the website's speed?

  • Which blog content the visitors like the most?

  • Which place do the converting visitors belong to and what did they visit on the website?

Let us now understand in detail how you can make use Google Analytics.

Create a Google Analytics Account

First, you need to have a Google Analytics account. If you have a primary Google account that you use for other services like Gmail, Google Drive, Google Calendar, Google+, or YouTube, then you should set up your Google Analytics using that Google account. Otherwise, create a new one.

  • Once you have a Google account, you can go to Google Analytics by clicking the Sign into Google Analytics button.

  • After you click the Sign Up button, you will need to fill out information for your website. You can have up to 100 Google Analytics accounts under one Google account.

  • Once you’ve filled in the properties for your website, click the “Get Tracking ID” button. Agree to the terms and conditions and you will get a Google Analytics code. This must be installed on every page on your website. The installation will depend on what type of website you have.

  • After you install your tracking code on the website, you will want to configure the Goals Setting. Goals will tell Google Analytics when something important has happened on your website.

  • In Google Analytics, click the New Goal button. From there, you will choose the custom option or template options. You can create up to 20 goals on your website. Be sure that the ones you create are highly important to your business. This is the simplest of all conversion tracking in Google Analytics.

  • If you want to add a new Google Analytics account, you can do so by going to your Admin menu, clicking the drop-down under the Account column, and clicking the Create New Account link. Once you've installed Google Analytics on your website(s), set up your goals, and wait about 24 hours for it to start getting data.

How to Use Google Analytics?

Each time you log in to Google Analytics, you will be taken to your Audience Overview report, from where you can access one of more than 50 reports available through Google Analytics.


  • In the report at the top-right corner as shown in the above screenshot, you can click on the dates to change the date range of the data you are viewing.

  • You can also check the Compare box to compare your data from one date range (such as this month) to a previous date range (such as the last month) to view your data.

  • Beneath the main metrics, you will see reports that you can switch through to see the top ten languages, countries, cities, browsers, operating systems, service providers, and screen resolutions of the visitors.

Make Optimum Use of Google Analytics

Using the endless tools available through Google Analytics, you can view various details. We have given here a few examples −

Audience - Demographic – Age

You can use Google Analytics to find demographic details of the visitors to your site.


Audience - Geo – Location

You can find out where the traffic is coming from. It can either be global or local information.

Geo Location

Acquisition Overview

You can determine which channels your traffic is coming from.

Overview Analytics

Behavior - Site Content

You can determine which pages on your website are being viewed the most.

Behavior Site

Translating Insights into Action

Unfortunately, many firms find their digital marketing analytics programs fail to translate analytics into action. However, most of the times, translating insights into action involves manipulating your data for distinct insights. Some of them include −

  • Looking for relationships among your data. For instance, you might uncover a relationship between top performing posts and specific keywords used or publication timing.

  • Looking at trends rather than data points. Trends often help you identify meaning in your data such as cyclical trends or when a particular data point stands out from others versus simply representing normal fluctuation.

  • Turn data into predictive models. Don’t stop with viewing data as isolated points and basing forecasts on simple linear extrapolations. Predictive models use historical data to determine the relationship among a set of factors and desired outcomes (like KPIs).

  • Predict future KPI performance. Analysts use algorithms to predict future KPI performance. You can even play “what-if” games to determine the impact on the performance of various actions. This helps determine which changes represent the greatest impact on performance.

Don’t forget that data analysis is part Art and part Science. Translating insights into action involves a certain amount of playfulness with the data to discover deeper insights.

What is a robots.txt file?

posted on May 30, 2021


What is a robots.txt file?

In a robots.txt file, site crawlers are told with restrictions not to crawl certain pages or sections of a website.

In order to avoid your site being overwhelmed, you should deploy this feature. A website will not be prevented from appearing in Google or in any other search engine as a result of this extension.

Using the robots.txt file, you can prevent any unimportant page from being indexed in search engines. This includes blog labels, demo pages, and any other page on your site that you do not want to be found by search engines.

Why Robots.Txt File Is Important?

Among many other benefits for professionals, blocking undesirable pages and optimizing crawl budgets are among its most important functions.

Also, you do not need to add a robots.txt file to your website since Google will automatically find and index most of your website's important pages.


It is a good idea to hide files that are of little or no value to search engines, such as those that contain little or no information.

The search engine should be able to manage your crawl budget effectively if a file used internally is hidden from it.

This is due to the fact that a robots.txt file must be added.

By blocking unimportant pages via robots.txt, you can manage your crawl budget. If you have a big website and are experiencing indexing problems, you might be experiencing. crawl budget issue in robots.txt, you can restrict the crawl of unimportant pages

Occasionally, you may want to block or stop indexing certain pages of your website. There may be a login page and O-Auth authentication pages, for example.

Pages like these are necessary. They shouldn't be accessed by random people. When that happens, robots.txt becomes extremely important.

The robots.txt file can also be used to exclude certain types of resources from being indexed, including multimedia such as PDFs, Images, or Documents.

How to Scale Your Affiliate Marketing During COVID-19?

posted on May 30, 2021


Image Source:

We are living in a changed world. The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has had an enormous impact on every aspect of the way we live and work, and the full extent of its consequences are not yet known. Many brick and mortar stores, along with other non-essential businesses, have been closed for an extended period.

Few industries have been spared from the impact of COVID-19, including affiliate marketing, which has seen both positive and negative effects. Many consumers are watching their spending, and longer delivery times and supply chain disruptions have a knock-on effect. Many affiliate networks, notably Amazon, have slashed commission rates.

However, other areas of the affiliate marketing industry have enjoyed a positive impact. Demand for certain products has increased dramatically, and more people are shopping online than ever before. This increased demand and the potential for affiliate marketers to reach new customers has resulted in some experiencing an unexpected boom in their income.

How to scale your affiliate marketing in the era of COVID-19

If you’re worried about the impact of the pandemic on your business and your income, you’re not alone. Depending on your industry and niche, you may indeed see a dip in revenue over the next few months. 

First: don’t panic! 

In this section, I’ll share some of the best ways to keep the money rolling in and position yourself to continue to thrive when the pandemic is over. Read on to learn how you can maintain and grow your affiliate marketing income. 

Find Alternatives to Amazon

Many affiliate marketers rely on Amazon for their income. This makes sense due to the ubiquity of Amazon, as well as its range of products and competitive prices. However, as I mentioned previously, Amazon has cut affiliate commissions – and many of them were at the lower end to begin with. For example, the affiliate commission rate for home improvement products and furniture was slashed from 8% to 3% in April. 

If your affiliate income comes mainly or entirely from Amazon, it’s time to consider other options. You don’t have to ditch Amazon completely – it will still be many people’s go-to for their purchases. But take the time to explore alternatives and other affiliate networks. 

Some of the best affiliate networks outside of Amazon include ShareASale, Clickbank, and Rakuten. Which ones will be best for you depends on your niche. Take your time to research the various options, and don’t be afraid to switch if you try one and it doesn’t work for you. 

Research the most profitable niches

As our lives have changed, so have our shopping habits. Here are just a few of the e-commerce categories which have seen an increase in sales as a direct result of COVID-19:

Essentially, what we’re seeing is an increase in spending for activities that you can do in the home. This covers things ranging from exercise equipment through to arts and entertainment, adult products, furniture, and things for the garden.

If you’re already active in one of these niches, then you’re probably already profiting from increased spending. That’s obviously great for you.

There could be the opportunity for you to promote products in these niches. Of course, the products you’re selling must be relevant to your content. There is probably no point in plugging web development tools if you run a travel blog, for example! But if you think creatively, you might be able to expand the products or services you promote in a way that will still resonate with your audience. 

Scale Your PPC

You might also wish to explore different niches entirely. If you take this route, you’ll need to look at paid advertising options such as pay-per-click (PPC.) This is because it can take weeks or months to get new content ranking highly in search results with SEO alone. 

Pivoting into a different niche might be the best option for you, depending on your circumstances. But be aware that there will be some advertising costs involved. 

Even if you’re staying within the same niche, this is a great time to start or scale up your PPC. Falling advertising spending due to the pandemic means you’ll get more bang for your buck if you can afford it. If you’re new to PPC, don’t be afraid to give it a go. 

Here’s the process you’ll need to follow to get started:

  • Choose a PPC network. There are many to choose from, with different benefits and drawbacks, but I recommend starting with Google Ads or Facebook PPC.
  • Choose the right keywords. You’ll want to focus on a mix of short tail (generic) and long tail (longer and more specific) keywords. The best keywords are high-volume, low-competition, which means that a lot of people are searching for them but few businesses are trying to rank for them. You can use the Keywords Everywhere plugin to help you find the best keywords to use. 
  • Create your content. You’ll need fantastic copy and visual assets for your ad, as well as a stellar landing page to encourage conversions. 
  • Decide how much you want to spend and set your budget. Start out with a small amount and scale from there. 
  • Monitor the progress of your ad campaign and your results. 

Don’t worry if you don’t get it right straight away! If something isn’t working, you can always tweak your ad and try again. The low costs at the moment mean it’s less of a risk to try it out and see what happens. 

As well as using PPC to make affiliate sales, you can also use it to grow your email list. Once visitors click your ad, you should give them a quick and easy way to sign up for your mailing list on your landing page. You can even offer a lead magnet, such as a free ebook, whitepaper, or a discount code, to encourage them to give their email address. By building your email list, you’re laying the groundwork for growth later. 

Improve Your Content & Optimize User Flow

People are at home more than ever, and as a result, many of us are spending significantly more time online. That means it’s the perfect time to focus on improving your content, getting it to rank more highly, and optimizing your user flow to get more clicks on your affiliate links.

When creating content, you need to make sure you’re providing value to your audience and giving them what they’re looking for. Look closely at your analytics and use Google Search Console to see what search terms people are using to find you. If a significant number of people have found you through the same or similar keywords, that strongly indicates a topic you should be focusing on. 

Aim to inform, advise, inspire, or entertain with every piece of content you produce. Reviews, product or service comparisons, round-ups, and how-to articles are all valuable forms of affiliate marketing content. 

Don’t forget to continually optimize your content for search engines and take into account the customer journey. You will only see growth as a result of your content strategy if you can get your content to rank. 

The user flow is the process through which visitors navigate your website. This process should be as easy and painless as possible. If you make it overly difficult or complicated, most users will just leave and not come back. 

Here’s an example of a user flow diagram. I recommend mapping yours out in a similar way:

Once you’ve mapped out your customer’s journey through your website, here are some of the ways you can optimize your user flow: 

  • Place an intuitive and easy-to-use menu in an obvious place. The user should be able to quickly find where they want to go. 
  • Identify chokepoints. At what point do a lot of people leave your site? Chokepoints are indicative of a problem with that page or step of the journey, so investigate and see what barriers you can remove.
  • Optimize for improved page speed. Pages that load too slowly are one of the main causes of high bounce rate. 
  • Hold their attention! Too many options or internal links will confuse your visitors and most likely send them away from where you want them to be. Condense and simplify. 
  • Use an exit intent opt-in form. An exit intent form pops up when a visitor clicks to leave your site. If you offer a compelling freebie or special offer, you can get them to give you their email address before they go. 

Fantastic, useful content and an intuitive user flow are two of the most critical factors in getting your visitors to stick around and click on those affiliate links. 

Utilize social media

According to a study by Numerator, 64% of adults said that their use of social media had “increased some” or “increased significantly” since the COVID-19 outbreak began:

Therefore, you can’t afford to ignore social media in your affiliate marketing strategy. Ensure you share your content across the main channels, paying attention to where you get the most engagement and scaling activity on those platforms. 

Include images, infographics, video, and audio in your social media posts. According to Venngage, content with images enjoys 180% more engagement. Demand for video content is also increasing:

Use a mix of organic and paid reach, if possible. You have to spend money to make money, as the saying goes! The most important things are to know your audience so that you can target the right people, create killer content, and include a clear and prominent call to action. 

Look for guest posting opportunities

Guest posting refers to providing a piece of content for someone else’s site or blog. In return, you get a link back to your site. This has two main benefits. First, you build a profile of quality backlinks, which affects your ability to rank highly in search engine results. And second, you introduce your content to new readers via the host site’s audience. 

To find sites to approach for guest posts, use Ahrefs’ backlink checker. Search for a high-ranking site in your niche and see which websites are linking to it. Here are the results when I search for my site, Diggity Marketing:

Pay attention to the Domain Authority or Domain Rating (DR) and aim for those with a score of 50 or higher. Send a friendly introductory email to the site owner and ask if they’d be open to accepting a guest post. Guest posting takes time and effort but will be hugely beneficial to your SEO and, ultimately, to your affiliate marketing efforts.  

A word of warning: promote ethically 

People are, understandably, very sensitive to how business owners and marketers behave during this crisis. The last thing you want is to be seen as callously capitalizing on the disaster. 

Avoid language which plays on people’s fear or is likely to induce panic. You should also avoid cashing in on promoting hard-to-get essential items such as hand sanitizer, face masks, or medical supplies. 

Thriving in the new normal

Savvy marketers can continue thriving in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you’ve seen a dip in your income and are ready to get back on track or you want to use the recent e-commerce boom to scale your efforts, I hope the tips in this article will help you get closer to your goals. 

Remember my top tips: 

  • Explore the most profitable niches and consider how you could authentically promote them. 
  • Focus on providing high-quality, valuable content that will entice people back to your site again and again. 
  • Use social media to its full potential, including a mix of organic and paid content. 
  • Boost your SEO by seeking out guest post opportunities which will drive new traffic to your website and grow your backlink profile. 

Whatever strategies you employ, make sure you’re behaving ethically – the goal is to weather this storm, not exploit it for short-term gain. If you focus on content and provide the value your audience is looking for, you’ll not only scale your affiliate marketing business in the time of COVID-19 but lay the groundwork for ongoing success.