Four Types of Remarketing

posted on June 11, 2021



Marketers know the majority of site visitors leave without taking any action. These people can be encouraged to return to the site with the help of traditional or dynamic remarketing.

Nowadays, however, the Internet is full of advertising, so it’s vital for each campaign to stand out from the crowd by using the most relevant and useful content. To achieve this, you can use the incredible potential of special types of remarketing.

The aim of this article is to expand your knowledge of remarketing possibilities and explain new ways to use remarketing to reach your goals.

Multi-level remarketing
Thanks to this function, you can show users different adverts promoting new offers, and even change the frequency of ad impressions, depending on the number of days since their last visit to your site. Such tactics are suitable for products or services that have a long sales cycle or trial period.

For example, we have a list of people who have bought a printer in our store. Our goal is to show them a banner with an offer to buy ink after three months. To do this, we’ll create one remarketing list with a 90-day duration, and an identical list with a 120-day duration. In the next step, we’ll combine these two audiences: choose the ‘Custom combination’ option from the drop-down menu.


Then we add the audience with the longer period of time by using the ‘Any of these audiences’ condition. The ‘None of these audiences’ condition will help us exclude the audience with the shorter period of time.


In the last step, you should create a new campaign or ad group for this new audience. As a result, our ads will start being displayed 90 days after the visitor bought a printer at our online store, and these ads will follow the customer for another 30 days.

Similar audience
Similar audience is a special kind of remarketing audience that includes people who are not visitors to your site, but their behavior and interests are very similar to those of your customers.
Using similar audiences is a simple and effective way to increase your traffic.

AdWords will record views of sites in Display Network over the last 30 days, and this information will be used for the automatic selection of a new group of potential customers within the network who have similar interests and behavior.

Google makes remarketing lists for creating similar audiences by itself, so lists with similar audiences will automatically appear next to your remarketing lists in Shared libraries. Please note that you won’t be able to see such lists if your remarketing audience contains cookies for fewer than 500 visitors:


We recommend creating a separate Google Display Network campaign for similar audiences, because quality indicators for these ads could be lower than for the traditional remarketing campaign.

Remarketing lists for search ads
With the help of traditional remarketing lists, you can display ads with special content or adjust your bids depending on the category of your site visitors.

To make your search ads visible to users from your remarketing list, the list should contain cookies for at least 1,000 visitors. You can check this from the Audiences tab in Shared libraries.


There are several strategies for using remarketing audiences for search ads:

  • Add an audience to the existing campaign and increase bids for recent visitors to your site;
  • Create a new campaign with a specific audience and adapt the text to your needs (offer a promotional coupon, promote special deals and so on);
  • Exclude past visitors to your site who are still interested in products similar to yours. It will help to attract new visitors only;
  • Target your ads at previous buyers who are interested in related products, or at high volume keywords that haven’t been used in a main advertising campaign.

Remarketing for YouTube viewers

If your brand has its own channel on YouTube, you can use remarketing for video viewers.

With the help of AdWords for Video, you can create remarketing lists of users who have completed one of the following actions:

  • Interacted with or viewed your YouTube videos;
  • Subscribed to or unsubscribed from your channel;
  • Viewed your TrueView in-stream ads;
  • Visited your channel.

To create a video remarketing list, your YouTube and AdWords accounts have to be linked. If you haven’t made advertising campaigns for video, please follow the guidelines at: To create a remarketing list for YouTube viewers, go to the navigation panel and choose the ‘Video Remarketing’ option in Shared Library, click ‘+Remarketing list’, then choose a new remarketing list type and fill in the other fields.


You will be able to manage your lists from the ‘Targets’ tab of the video campaign.

As we promised at the beginning, we will now explain two ways to optimize your remarketing campaign.

One of the options is to exclude placements with low CTR. On some sites, advertising banners aren’t placed in the best position, which is why users rarely spot the ads. To exclude such low-performing placements, go to the Display Network report, find the Placements tab and analyze the CTR, bounce rate and conversions.


Highlight placements like those shown in red, click ‘Edit’ and select ‘Exclude.’



Before you exclude large platforms such as YouTube, remember that you can only exclude individual URLs on the site. To identify such URLs, select the site and go to the See details menu, then choose the ‘Selected’ option.


You can also add to the list of excluded placements those sites where visitors have a high bounce rate (this information can be obtained from Google Analytics).

The second method of optimizing your remarketing campaigns is to exclude certain categories of sites, so you avoid displaying your ads next to any content that you would not like to be associated with your brand. By this we mean different kinds of sensitive content, mobile apps, games or social networks. By default, only gambling is excluded.

You can find this option by going to the ‘Display Network’ tab, then scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking on the green ‘+ Options’ button.


You can also turn off showing your banners below-the-fold here.


As you can see, remarketing is an evolving discipline, which provides plenty of opportunities for smart advertisers. To take advantage of the benefits of remarketing, you simply need to determine which types of retargeting are most suitable for your business, then add them to your traditional remarketing campaign. Tutorial

posted on June 11, 2021


What is is a JavaScript library built on top of the Prototype JavaScript Framework, enhancing the GUI and giving Web 2.0 experience to the web users. was developed by Thomas Fuchs and it was first released to the public in June 2005. provides dynamic visual effects and user interface elements via the Document Object Model (DOM).

The Prototype JavaScript Framework is a JavaScript framework created by Sam Stephenson that provides an Ajax framework and other utilities.

How to Install

It is quite simple to install the library. It can be set up in three simple steps −

  • Go to the download page to download the latest version in a convenient package.

  • Unpack the downloaded package and you will find the following folders −

    • lib − contains prototype.js file.

    • src − contains the following 8 files −

      • builder.js
      • controls.js
      • dragdrop.js
      • effects.js
      • scriptaculous.js
      • slider.js
      • sound.js
      • unittest.js
    • test − contains files for testing purpose.

    • CHANGELOG − File that contains the history of all the changes.

    • MIT-LICENSE − File describing the licensing terms.

    • README − File describing the installation package including the installation instructions.

  • Now put the following files in a directory of your website, e.g. /javascript.

    • builder.js
    • controls.js
    • dragdrop.js
    • effects.js
    • scriptaculous.js
    • slider.js
    • prototype.js

NOTE − The sound.js and unittest.js files are optional

How to Use Library?

Now you can include script as follows −

      </span><span class="pln"> examples</span><span class="tag">

Dragging Things Around

It is very simple to make an item draggable using It requires creating an instance of the Draggable class, and identifying the element to be made draggable.

Draggable Syntax

new Draggable( element, options );

The first parameter to the constructor identifies the element to be made draggable either as the id of the element, or a reference to the element. The second parameter specifies optional information on how the draggable element is to behave.

Draggable Options

You can use one or more of the following options while creating your draggable object.

Option Description Examples
revert If set to true, the element returns to its original position when the drag ends. Also specifies whether the reverteffect callback will be invoked when the drag operation stops. Defaults to false.


snap Used to cause a draggable to snap to a grid or to constrain its movement. If false (default), no snapping or constraining occurs.
  • If it is assigned an integer x, the draggable will snap to a grid of x pixels.

  • If an array [x, y], the horizontal dragging will snap to a grid of x pixels and the vertical will snap to y pixels.

  • It can also be a function conforming to Function( x , y , draggable ) that returns an array [x, y].


zindex Specifies the CSS z-index to be applied to the element during a drag operation. By default, the element's z-index is set to 1000 while dragging.


ghosting Boolean determining whether the draggable should be cloned for dragging, leaving the original in place until the clone is dropped. Defaults to false.


constraint A string used to limit the draggable directions, either horizontal or vertical. Defaults to null which means free movement.


handle Specifies an element to be used as the handle to start the drag operation. By default, an element is its own handle.


starteffect An effect called on element when dragging starts. By default, it changes the element's opacity to 0.2 in 0.2 seconds.


reverteffect An effect called on element when the drag is reverted. Defaults to a smooth slide to element's original position.Called only if revert is true.


endeffect An effect called on element when dragging ends. By default, it changes the element's opacity to 1.0 in 0.2 seconds.


Callback Options

Additionally, you can use any of the following callback functions in the options parameter −

Function Description Examples
onStart Called when a drag is initiated.


onDrag Called repeatedly when a mouse moves, if mouse position changes from previous call.


change Called just as onDrag (which is the preferred callback).


onEnd Called when a drag is ended.


Except for the "change" callback, each of these callbacks accepts two parameters: the Draggable object, and the mouse event object.

Draggable Example

Here, we define 5 elements that are made draggable: three

elements, an element, and a element. The purpose of the three different
elements is to demonstrate that regardless of whether an element starts off with a positioning rule of static (the default), relative, or absolute, the drag behavior is unaffected.


Live Demo

      </span><span class="pln">Draggables Elements</span><span class="tag">

       id = "normaldiv">
         This is a normal div and this is dragable.
id = "relativediv" style="position: relative;"> This is a relative div and this is dragable.

id = "absolutediv" style="position: absolute;"> This is an absolute div and this dragable. /> id = "image" src = "/images/scriptaculous.gif"/>

Let part id = "span" style = "color: blue;"> This is middle part Yes, only middle part is dragable.

This will produce following result −

Dropping Dragged Things

An element is converted into a drop target via a call to the add() method within a namespace called Droppables.

The Droppables namespace has two important methods: add() to create a drop target, and remove() to remove a drop target.


Here is the syntax of the add() method to create a drop target. The add() method creates a drop target out of the element passed as its first parameter, using the options in the hash passed as the second.

Droppables.add( element, options );

The syntax for remove() is even more simpler. The remove() method removes the drop target behavior from the passed element.



You can use one or more of the following options while creating your draggable object.

Option Description Examples
Hoverclass The name of a CSS class that will be added to the element while the droppable is active (has an acceptable draggable hovering over it). Defaults to null.


Accept A string or an array of strings describing CSS classes. The droppable will only accept draggables that have one or more of these CSS classes.


Containment Specifies an element, or array of elements, that must be a parent of a draggable item in order for it to be accepted by the drop target. By default, no containment constraints are applied.


Overlap If set to 'horizontal' or 'vertical', the droppable will only react to a Draggable if its overlapping by more than 50% in the given direction. Used by Sortables, discussed in the next chapter.
greedy If true (default), it stops hovering other droppables, under the draggable won't be searched.


Callback Options

Additionally, you can use any of the following callback functions in the options parameter −

Function Description Examples
onHover Specifies a callback function that is activated when a suitable draggable item hovers over the drop target. Used by Sortables, discussed in the next chapter.
onDrop Specifies a callback function that is called when a suitable draggable element is dropped onto the drop target.



Here, the first part of this example is similar to our previous example, except that we have used Prototype's handy $A() function to convert a node list of all the elements in the element with the id of draggables to an array.

Live Demo

      </span><span class="pln">Drag and Drop Example</span><span class="tag">


This will produce following result − - Sorting Elements

Many times, you need to provide the user with the ability to reorder elements (such as items in a list) by dragging them.

Without drag and drop, reordering can be a nightmare, but provides extended reordering support out of the box through the Sortable class. The element to become Sortable is passed to the create() method in the Sortable namespace.

A Sortable consists of item elements in a container element. When you create a new Sortable, it takes care of the creation of the corresponding Draggables and Droppables.

To use's Sortable capabilities, you'll need to load the dragdrop module, which also requires the effects module. So your minimum loading for will look like this −

Sortable Syntax

Here is the syntax of the create() method to create a sortable item. The create() method takes the id of a container element and sorts them out based on the passed options.


Use Sortable.destroy to completely remove all the event handlers and references to a Sortable created by Sortable.create.

NOTE − A call to Sortable.create, implicitly calls on Sortable.destroy if the referenced element was already a Sortable. Here is the simple syntax to call the destroy function.

Sortable.destroy( element );

Sortable Options

You can use one or more of the following options while creating your Sortable object.

Sr.No Option & Description


Specifies the type of the elements within the sortable container that are to be sortable via drag and drop. Defaults to 'li'.



Specifies a CSS class name, or array of class names, that a draggable item must posses in order to be accepted by the drop target. This is similar to the accept option of Draggable. By default, no class name constraints are applied.



One of false, horizontal or vertical. Controls the point at which a reordering is triggered. Defaults to vertical.



One of false, horizontal or vertical. Constrains the movement of dragged sortable elements. Defaults to vertical.



Enables dragging and dropping between Sortables. Takes an array of elements or element-ids. Important note: To ensure that two way dragging between containers is possible, place all Sortable.create calls after the container elements.



Same as the Draggable option of the same name, specifying an element to be used to initiate drag operations. By default, each element is its own handle.



Specifies a CSS class name to be applied to non-dragged sortable elements as a dragged element passes over them. By default, no CSS class name is applied.


Similar to the Draggable option of the same name, If true, this option causes the original element of a drag operation to stay in place while a semi-transparent copy of the element is moved along with the mouse pointer. Defaults to false. This option does not work with IE.



If true, it allows sortable elements to be dropped onto an empty list. Defaults to false.



If the sortable container possesses a scrollbar due to the setting of the CSS overflow attribute, this option enables auto-scrolling of the list beyond the visible elements. Defaults to false.



When scrolling is enabled, it adjusts the point at which scrolling is triggered. Defaults to 20.



When scrolling is enabled, it adjusts the scroll speed. Defaults to 15.



If true, it enables sorting with sub-elements within the sortable element. Defaults to false.



If the tree option is enabled, it specifies the container element type of the sub-element whose children takes part in the sortable behavior. Defaults to 'ul'.

You can provide the following callbacks in the options parameter −

Sr.No Option & Description


A function that will be called upon whenever the sort order changes while dragging. When dragging from one Sortable to another, the callback is called once on each Sortable. Gets the affected element as its parameter.



A function that will be called upon the termination of a drag operation that results in a change in element order.

Sorting Examples

This demo has been verified to work in IE 6.0. It also works in the latest version of Firefox.

Live Demo

      </span><span class="pln">Sorting Example</span><span class="tag">


Use our online compiler for a better understanding of the code with different options discussed in the above table.

This will produce following result −

Note the usage of tag:'li'. Similarly, you can sort the following list of images available in


Live Demo

      </span><span class="pln">Sorting Example</span><span class="tag">


This will produce following result −

Serializing the Sortable Elements

The Sortable object also provides a function Sortable.serialize() to serialize the Sortable in a format suitable for HTTP GET or POST requests. This can be used to submit the order of the Sortable via an Ajax call.


Sortable.serialize(element, options);


You can use one or more of the following options while creating your Sortable object.

Sr.No Option & Description


Sets the kind of tag that will be serialized. This will be similar to what is used in Sortable.create.



Sets the name of the key that will be used to create the key/value pairs for serializing in HTTP GET/POST format. So if the name were to be xyz, the query string would look like −

xyz[]=value1 & xyz[]=value2 & xyz[]=value3

Where the values are derived from the child elements in the order that they appear within the container.

Serialize Examples

In this example, the output of the serialization will only give the numbers after the underscore in the list item IDs.

To try, leave the lists in their original order, press the button to see the serialization of the lists. Now, re-order some elements and click the button again.

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      </span><span class="pln">Sorting Example</span><span class="tag">

This will produce following result −

Moving Items between Sortables

The following example shows how to move items from one list to another list.

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      </span><span class="pln">Sorting Example</span><span class="tag">


Note that the containment option for each container lists both the containers as containment elements. By doing so, we have enabled the child elements to be sorted within the context of their parent; It also enables them to be moved between the two containers.

We set dropOnEmpty to true for both the lists. To see the effect this option has on that list, move all the elements from one list into other so that one list is empty. You will find that it is allowing to drop element on empty list.

This will produce following result −

Binding to Ajax

Of course, onUpdate is a prime candidate for triggering Ajax notifications to the server, for instance when the user reorders a to-do list or some other data set. Combining Ajax.Request and Sortable.serialize makes live persistence simple enough −

Live Demo

      </span><span class="pln">Sorting Example</span><span class="tag">


Sortable.serialize creates a string like: List[] = 1 & List[] = 2 & List[] = 3 &List[] = 4, where the numbers are the identifier parts of the list element ids after the underscore.

Now we need to code file.php, which will parse posted data as parse_str($_POST['data']); and you can do whatever you want to do with this sorted data.

To learn more about AJAX, please go through our simple Ajax Tutorial. - Create Sliders

Sliders are thin tracks with one or more handles on them that the user can drag along the track.

The goal of a slider is to provide an alternative input method for defining a numerical value; the slider represents a range, and sliding a handle along the track defines a value within this range.

Sliders can be in either horizontal or vertical orientation. When horizontal, the left end of the track usually represents the lowest value, while in a vertical orientation, the bottom of the slide is usually the lowest value.

To use's slider capabilities, you'll need to load the slider.js module along with the prototype.js module. So your minimum loading for will look like this −


Points to note −

  • You can change the slider image of any slider using CSS. Use CSS properties background-image: url(track.gif) and background-repeat: no-repeat to set the slider image.

  • The range value can be specified using $R(minValue, MaxValue). For example, $R(1, 100).

  • The range value can be specified in terms of specific values. For example values: [1,25,50,75,100]. In this case, the slider would only achieve the discrete values listed as the handle was moved.

  • At any time, the value of the slider can be set under program control by calling the setValue() method of the slider instance, as in: sliderInstance.setValue(50);

This will produce following result − - Auto Completion

Out of the box, supports two sources for auto-completion −

  • Remote sources (obtained through Ajax),
  • Local sources (string arrays in your web page's scripts).

Depending on the source you're planning to use, you'll instantiate Ajax.Autocompleter or Autocompleter.Local, respectively. Although equipped with specific options, these two objects share a large feature set and provide a uniform user experience.

There are four things you'll always pass to these objects while building them −

  • The text field you want to make autocompletable. As usual, you can pass the field itself or the value of its id = attribute.

  • The container for autocompletion choices, which will end up holding a

      list of options to pick from. Again, pass the element directly or its id =. This element is most often a simple



    • The data source, which will be expressed, depending on the source type, as a JavaScript array of strings or as a URL to the remote source.

    • Finally, the options. As always, they're provided as a hash of sorts, and both autocompletion objects can make do with no custom option; there are suitable defaults for everything.

    To use's autocompletion capabilities, you'll need to load the controls.js and effects.js modules along with the prototype.js module. So, your minimum loading for will look like this −


    Creating an Ajax Auto-Completer

    The construction syntax is as follows −

    new Ajax.Autocompleter(element, container, url [ , options ] )

    The constructor for the Ajax.Autocompleter accepts four parameters −

    • The element name or reference to a text field that is to be populated with a data choice.

    • The element name or reference to a

      element to be used as a menu of choices by the control.


    • The URL of the server-side resource that will supply the choices.

    • The usual options hash.


    You can use one or more of the following options while creating your Ajax.Autocompleter object.

    Sr.No Option & Description


    The name of the query parameter containing the content of the text field that is posted to the server-side resource. Defaults to the name of the text field.



    Number of characters that must be entered before a server-side request for choices can be fired off. Defaults to 1.



    The interval, in seconds, between internal checks to see if a request to the server-side resource should be posted. Defaults to 0.4.



    The id or reference to an element to be displayed while a server-side request for choices is underway. If omitted, no element is revealed.



    A text string containing extra query parameters to be passed to the server-side resource.



    A callback function to be triggered when the user selects one of the choices returned from the server that replaces the internal function that updates the text field with the chosen value.



    A callback function to be triggered after the updateElement function has been executed.



    A single text string, or array of text strings that indicate tokens to be used as delimiters to allow multiple elements to be entered into the text field, each of which can be auto-completed individually.


    Live Demo
          </span><span class="pln">Simple Ajax Auto-completer Example</span><span class="tag">

    Type something in this box and then select suggested option from the list

    Text field: type = "text" id = "autoCompleteTextField"/> id = "autoCompleteMenu">

    Now, we need a server side to access this page and serve the data source URL (serverSideScript.php). You will keep a complete logic to display suggestions in this script.

    Just for example, we are keeping a simple HTML text in serverSideScript.php. You can write your script using CGI, PHP, Ruby, or any other server side scripting to choose appropriate suggestions and format them in the form of

    • ...
    and pass them back to the caller program.


    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Four
    • Five
    • Six

    This will produce following result −

    with different options discussed in the above table.

    Creating a Local Auto-Completer

    Creating a local auto-completer is almost identical to creating an Ajax Auto-completer as we have discussed in the previous section.

    The major difference lies in how the backing data set to use for auto-completion is identified to the control.

    With an Ajax Auto-completer, we have supplied the URL of a server-side resource that would perform the necessary filtering, given the user input, and return only the data elements that matched. With a Local Autocompleter, we supply the full list of data element instead, as a JavaScript String array, and the control itself performs the filtering operation within its own client code.

    The whole construction syntax is actually as follows −

    new Autocompleter.Local(field, container, dataSource [ , options ] );

    The constructor for the Autocompleter.Local accepts four parameters −

    • The element name or reference to a text field that is to be populated with a data choice.

    • The element name or reference to a

      element to be used as a menu of choices by the control


    • For the third parameter, instead of a URL as with the server-assisted auto-completer, we supply a small String array, which contains all of the possible values.

    • The usual options hash.


    You can use one or more of the following options while creating your Autocompleter.Local object.

    Sr.No Option & Description


    The number of choices to display. Defaults to 10.



    Enables matching at the beginning of words embedded within the completion strings. Defaults to true.



    Enables matching anywhere within the completion strings. Defaults to false.



    Defines the number of characters that must be typed before any partial matching is attempted. Defaults to 2.



    Ignores case when matching. Defaults to true.


    Live Demo
          </span><span class="pln">Simple Ajax Auto-completer Example</span><span class="tag">

    Type something in this box and then select suggested option from the list

    Text field: type = "text" id = "autoCompleteTextField"/> id = "autoCompleteMenu">

    When displayed, and after the character 'a' is typed into the text box, it displays all the matching options.

    Use our online compiler for a better understanding of the code with different options discussed in the above table.

    This will produce following result − - In-Place Editing

    In-place editing is one of the hallmarks of Web applications.

    In-place editing is about taking non-editable content, such as a


    , or
    , and letting the user edit its contents by simply clicking it.


    This turns the static element into an editable zone (either singleline or multiline) and pops up submit and cancel buttons (or links, depending on your options) for the user to commit or roll back the modification.

    It then synchronizes the edit on the server side through Ajax and makes the element non-editable again.

    To use's in-place editing capabilities, you'll need to load the controls.js and effects.js modules along with the prototype.js module. So, your minimum loading for will look like this −


    Creating an In-Place Text Editor

    The whole construction syntax is as follows −

    new Ajax.InPlaceEditor(element, url [ , options ] )

    The constructor for the Ajax.InPlaceEditor accepts three parameters −

    • The target element can either be a reference to the element itself or the id of the target element.

    • The second parameter to the Ajax.InPlaceEditor specifies the URL of a server-side script that is contacted when an edited value is completed.

    • The usual options hash.


    You can use one or more of the following options while creating your Ajax.InPlaceEditor object.

    Sr.No Option & Description


    A Boolean value indicating whether an "ok" button is to be shown or not. Defaults to true.



    The text to be placed on the ok button. Defaults to "ok".



    A Boolean value indicating whether a cancel link should be displayed. Defaults to true.



    The text of the cancel link. Defaults to "cancel".



    A text string displayed as the value of the control while the save operation (the request initiated by clicking the ok button) is processing. Defaults to "Saving".



    The text string that appears as the control "tooltip" upon mouse-over.



    The number of rows to appear when the edit control is active. Any number greater than 1 causes a text area element to be used rather than a text field element. Defaults to 1.



    The number of columns when in active mode. If omitted, no column limit is imposed.



    Same as cols but only applies when rows is 1.



    The color to apply to the background of the text element upon mouse-over. Defaults to a pale yellow.



    The color to which the highlight color fades to as an effect.

    Note − support seems to be spotty in some browsers.



    The text to appear within the control during a load operation. The default is "Loading".



    Specifies the URL of a server-side resource to be contacted in order to load the initial value of the editor when it enters active mode. By default, no backend load operation takes place and the initial value is the text of the target element.



    An element that is to serve as an "external control" that triggers placing the editor into an active mode. This is useful if you want another button or other element to trigger editing the control.



    A hash object that will be passed to the underlying Prototype Ajax object to use as its options hash.

    Callback Options

    Additionally, you can use any of the following callback functions in the options parameter

    Sr.No Function & Description


    A JavaScript function that is called upon successful completion of the save request. The default applies a highlight effect to the editor.



    A JavaScript function that is called upon failure of the save request. The default issues an alert showing the failure message.



    A JavaScript function that is called just prior to submitting the save request in order to obtain the query string to be sent to the request. The default function returns a query string equating the query parameter "value" to the value in the text control.

    CSS Styling and DOM id Options

    You can also use one the following options to control the behavior of in place editor −

    Sr.No Option & Description


    The CSS class name applied to the element while the save operation is in progress. This class is applied when the request to the saving URL is made, and is removed when the response is returned. The default value is "inplaceeditor-saving".



    The CSS class name applied to the form created to contain the editor element. Defaults to "inplaceeditor-form".



    The id applied to the form created to contain the editor element.


    Live Demo
          </span><span class="pln">Simple Ajax Auto-completer Example</span><span class="tag">

    Click over the "Click me!" text and then change text and click OK.

    Try this example with different options.

    id = "theElement"> Click me!

    When displayed, click and edit the text. This rather trivial PHP script converts the value of a query parameter with the key "value" to its uppercase equivalent, and writes the result back to the response.

    Here is the content of transform.php script.

       if( isset($_REQUEST["value"]) ) {
          $str = $_REQUEST["value"];
          $str = strtoupper($str);
          echo "$str";

    This will produce following result −

    The In-Place Collection Editor Options

    There is one more object called Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor, which supports in-place editing and gives you the option to select a value from the given options.

    The whole construction syntax is as follows −

    new Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor(element, url [ , options ] )

    The constructor for the Ajax.InPlaceCollectionEditor accepts three parameters −

    • The target element can either be a reference to the element itself or the id of the target element

    • The second parameter to the Ajax.InPlaceEditor specifies the URL of a server-side script that is contacted when an edited value is completed.

    • The usual options hash.


    Aside from the addition of the collection option, the list of options for the In-Place Collection Editor is a subset of the options inherited from the In-Place Text Editor.

    Sr.No Option & Description


    A Boolean value indicating whether an "ok" button is to be shown or not. Defaults to true.



    The text to be placed on the ok button. Defaults to "ok".



    A Boolean value indicating whether a cancel link should be displayed. Defaults to true.



    The text of the cancel link. Defaults to "cancel".



    A text string displayed as the value of the control while the save operation (the request initiated by clicking the ok button) is processing. Defaults to "Saving".



    The text string that appears as the control "tooltip" upon mouse-over.



    The color to apply to the background of the text element upon mouse-over. Defaults to a pale yellow.



    The color to which the highlight color fades to as an effect.

    Note − support seems to be spotty in some browsers.



    An array of items that are to be used to populate the select element options.



    Specifies the URL of a server-side resource to be contacted in order to load the initial value of the editor when it enters active mode. By default, no backend load operation takes place and the initial value is the text of the target element. In order for this option to be meaningful, it must return one of the items provided in the collection option to be set as the initial value of the select element.



    An element that is to serve as an "external control" that triggers placing the editor into active mode. This is useful if you want another button or other element to trigger editing the control.



    A hash object that will be passed to the underlying Prototype Ajax object to use as its options hash.

    Callback Options

    Additionally, you can use any of the following callback functions in the options parameter −

    Sr.No Function & Description


    A JavaScript function that is called upon successful completion of the save request. The default applies a highlight effect to the editor.



    A JavaScript function that is called upon failure of the save request. The default issues an alert showing the failure message.

    CSS Styling and DOM id Options

    You can also use one the following options to control the behavior of in-place editor −

    Sr.No Option & Description


    The CSS class name applied to the element while the save operation is in progress. This class is applied when the request to the saving URL is made, and is removed when the response is returned. The default value is "inplaceeditor-saving".



    The CSS class name applied to the form created to contain the editor element. Defaults to "inplaceeditor-form".



    The id applied to the form created to contain the editor element.


    Live Demo
          </span><span class="pln">Simple Ajax Auto-completer Example</span><span class="tag">

    Click over the "Click me!" text and then change text and click OK.

    Try this example with different options.

    id = "theElement"> Click me!

    Here is the content of the transform.php script.

       if( isset($_REQUEST["value"]) ) {
          $str = $_REQUEST["value"];
          $str = strtoupper($str);
          echo "$str";

    When displayed, click and select one of the displayed options. This rather trivial PHP script converts the value of the query parameter with the key "value" to its uppercase equivalent, and writes the result back to the response.

    Use our online compiler for a better understanding of the code with different options discussed in the above table.

Can I hit 10k visitor to my blog without advertising (just doing SEO)?

posted on June 11, 2021


Absolutely. In fact, I once took a Shopify site from 1,500 to 10,000 visitors in just under 6 months. And here’s a secret that SEO consultants don’t want you to know: it’s really not that hard to do, but it does require a bit of a time investment.

Here was my strategy:

  • I researched all the relevant keywords for my niche using SEMrush.
  • I now use SEMrush’s Keyword Magic Tool because it’s ridiculously awesome (note: I’m not affiliated with SEMrush, I just love their software). The trick is to aim for search terms that have a Keyword Difficulty (KD) of 70% or below. I don’t have a scientific answer for this, but I’ve had a lot of success with targeting keywords at or under 70% KD.
  • One other alternative is Topic.
  • I exported the data to Excel and created keyword groups with 3–5 keywords in each group
  • I then created blog posts for each topic where I aimed for 1% keyword usage
  • I also made sure to reach out to bloggers and I asked them if they wanted to work together in any way. For the ones who wanted to work with me, I sent them a link to one of my posts and they give me a backlink for it.
  • I also cleaned up my technical SEO errors using SEMrush. That helped immensely!
  • I made good use of images and made sure they all had short descriptive alt tags
  • With this method, I was able to beat companies like Amazon, eBay, Microsoft and more. This was just a high-level overview, but I hope this helps!

The post is focused on e-Commerce, but this applies to most sites in general.

What are the most expensive skills for freelancing?

posted on June 11, 2021


Highest Paying Freelancing Skills

1. Programming And Software Development

Programming jobs, especially software and mobile app development, pays the highest for freelancers. Only because it’s a skill that’s quite difficult to master and there aren’t many good coders out there. So, the demand for good coders is pretty high.

If you want to make an income like James, start learning to code. And I don’t mean learning through free courses on CodeAcademy or Udemy. They’ll only take you through the basics. You’ll need to invest some money and time into learning and practicing to develop proper coding skills.

Of course, you won’t be able to start charging $1,000 an hour right away. You’ll have to gradually build up your reputation. If you have solid skills in programming languages like iOS and WebGL, you could start charging somewhere around $150 per hour, or more.

According to a recent UpWork survey, Bitcoin developers also have high demand. Most Bitcoin developers earn over $200 per hour.

2. Social Video Marketing

In a surprise turn of events, a new skill is born—”social video marketing”. The skill ranked at the third place of the UpWork’s Q2 2019 fastest-growing skills list. And for good reason as well.

A quick search on the platform showed that this skill pays over $150 per hour for marketers.

It’s no surprise that this skill is in high demand. Especially given the rise of video content marketing. The booming social media channels such as TikTok, Instagram video, and YouTube, will keep this skill relevant for years to come.

If you’re skilled at creating video content, optimizing them for SEO, capturing audiences with new ideas and marketing strategies, this skill will help bring many gigs your way.

3. Web Design And Development

According to an UpWork statistics report, PHP Development is the most in-demand skill of 2015. Web Design ranks at the 7th spot.

There’s great demand for web designers. But, it’s worth noting that the freelance web design industry is pretty crowded right now because it’s easy to learn web design and start coding websites. Heck, even I did some web design work for a while and started my own web design agency. Spoiler alert! It didn’t go so well.

The best strategy would be to find a niche in the field. For example, Jonathan Wold made over $5,000 a month by building websites with WordPress and doing small theme customizations. You’ll probably be able to earn more if you offer the right kind of services to the right clients.

4. Content Marketing/Writing

Thanks to the boom in online marketing trends and the development of new methodologies, like Inbound Marketing, content writing is now considered as one of hottest fields for freelancers.

You don’t need to go anywhere to find proof of how well freelance writers are doing. Take me for example. Right now, I make around $5,000 a month (at least in most months) doing blogging work for businesses, writing, and content marketing work. And I know there are other freelance writers who do much better than me.

Although, not everyone can be a skilled writer. You need to write a lot, read a lot, and, more importantly, you’ll need a creative mind to write amazing articles that pay well. Your master’s degree in literature and the A+ essay skills from college won’t do you any good when working online either.

5. Graphic Design

Graphic design ranks at number 2 on the UpWork’s most in-demand skills list. And if you look at its top freelancers under the graphic design category, you’ll see some freelancers who make up to $85 per hour doing design work.

Infographic design has higher demand these days. Logo design, icon design, and illustrations pay pretty well too. But, like with content writing, to become a quality graphic designer, you’ll need to develop an eye for design.

6. Copywriters

Copywriters are different from content marketers and writers. These freelancers specialize in writing content for website pages, descriptions for products, services, etc.

The charge rates for copywriters depend on each freelancer’s level of experience and skill. Linda Formichelli, an experienced freelance copywriter, makes $250 per hour.

If you look at UpWork’s list of top copywriters, you’ll notice that they charge between $15 per hour to $100 per hour for copywriting jobs.

7. Video Editors

Freelance video editors in the US earns around $72,000 per year, while more experienced video editors make around $122,000 per year.

The demand for video editors in the freelance industry saw a rise in the last few years, thanks to the opportunities presented by platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

If you’re good with putting together video clips and creating awesome video content, this could be a great future-proof career to get into.

Why is Japan’s handling of this pandemic so bad compared to their neighbors?

posted on June 11, 2021


I think the wealthy nations that fared the worst have something in common: Italy, Spain, Japan, Canada, the US, Brazil, Sweden in the early days, all treated the economy and health as being opposing priorities, and tried to get away with half-assing both.

The ones that did the best are the ones that had strong, swift lockdowns and made an effort to offer even-handed, if not always adequate, ongoing financial aid in the meantime.

Countries like Canada and the US and Japan, which applied ridiculously convoluted means testing and conditions on financial aid, saw undue politicization and partisanship, extreme processing delays, uneven distribution, extinctions of entire industries, and, most pertinent to your question, increased unwillingness among the public to cooperate with health measures.

If you give people a choice between potentially getting sick or definitely losing their jobs, they’ll typically choose the former. And then they’ll retcon whatever narrative it takes, even if it’s a crazy conspiracy theory, to manage the guilt.

To give you a sense of what I mean by a surge, here are Canada (where I live) and Japan on as of today (May 11):

There are no excuses for this. I think I should clarify, for those interested (it’s a long read), why, despite the low death toll and apparently low infection rate, I agree with the premise of the question, that Japan is performing poorly. As I’ve mentioned in several of my comments:

The people of Japan have sustained relatively well, all things considered. The lack of testing can hide case counts — and it’s definitely doing that — but a high death toll is harder to cover up, especially for a disease that’s so deadly that in many places it has become the number-one killer. That might be because of the ubiquity of masks, physiology, lack of handshaking and hugging, prior exposure to similar viruses, the vowelly nature of the language, or some other accidental or semi-accidental reason. In any case, it wasn’t the success of a national response to the pandemic.

The nation of Japan has utterly, catastrophically failed its people, and the evidence of that is in the overwhelmed medical system and the economic turmoil. The complete, deliberate refusal to develop an exit plan (a strategy which they call “with Corona”) is not only putting Japan at future risk, it is also causing current, palpable desperation, reckless defeatism, panic, fear and distrust of important institutions and of other people. That’s all very real damage.

Keep in mind that covid started with one patient. Covid’s growth, being that it infects more than one person per person, is exponential. Treatment for potentially fatal covid cases requires hospital resources, of which there’s only ever a more or less fixed amount — the discharge count can only grow linearly; the remainder die. An exponential minus a linear is exponential, which is to say that, even if things seem safe now, it can easily go horribly wrong overnight. The only way to fight a phenomenon of exponential growth is to nip it in the bud or to be ready to mobilize en masse in case it does explode — that is, to have the one thing that can outrun exponential growth: national policy. Japan has done neither.

Hospitals in many parts of Japan are, or are at risk of being overwhelmed. This is the beginning of a vicious cycle observed throughout the world, in which nurses and doctors become exhausted or themselves ill and quitting in droves, which in turn leads to poorer treatment both for covid as well as for other treatable illnesses, which in turn leads to worse health outcomes, which leads to more suffering, more sick people, and even more expensive treatment in the form of emergency room visits, palliative care and the need for more precious facilities such as respirators.

It’s only while the number of people being admitted to hospital is lower than the full capacity of the medical system that an illusion of success against the pandemic can been maintained. Most of the world learned that lesson in 2020, either through the news or through experience.

The economic suffering is profound. 1 in 5 female students are having trouble affording feminine hygiene products; even as of July of last year, the unemployment rate has been the highest it’s been since the end of the war (and lower-than-minimum-wage gig workers are counted as having jobs); 60,000 homeowners are having trouble paying their loans. It’s clear that even if you don’t see poverty on the streets every day where you live, it is quite severe now as a result of covid. There are too many such symptoms to list them all here, and the on-again, off-again, vague, symbolic, ineffectual states of emergency are only prolonging the suffering.

Until recently, every time the case count grew, it was in areas opened to Abe’s idiotic Go To Travel campaign, which had people supporting the tourism and service sectors by traveling for fun in the middle of a pandemic, in the winter. Japan, Germany and Italy have borrowed by far the most per GDP on covid, and yet people were forced to resort to this kind of insanity. Personally, I don’t lose sleep over the risks of overspending (Japan’s national debt has always been terrifyingly high, and yet it’s never seen very high inflation), but this should be a clear indication that something is wrong with the spending that is taking place.

Finally, the Olympics: the government and the IOC are dead-set on going through with it at any financial cost, public opinion cost or human cost, entirely out of sunk cost fallacy and in service of avoiding relatively small cancellation fees. A solid 80% of the nation opposes the Games, 70%+ of businesses report they will likely see little or no detriment in its cancellation, and it is already causing more outbreaks. Hokkaido saw the nation’s worst daily case number just recently, two weeks after Olympics rehearsals were held there. Nurses are being pulled out of hospitals to service the Olympics, and 70% of volunteer nurses in Ibaraki prefecture have already resigned

Granted, pressure from the IOC is largely to blame for this situation, but it’s quite clear that Japan is very much in a position to kick them to the curb. But the Japanese government wouldn’t know that, given they brazenly admit to never even having read the fine print on the matter.

By the way, I’m not letting Canada, the other nation with which I identify, off the hook, either. Canada hogged 9 times as many vaccine doses as there are people, presumably in an effort to hold for ransom the health of people in less affluent nations as well as global efforts to address the pandemic. Believe what you will about the importance or safety of vaccines, but I don’t know how to describe this behavior other than homicidal.

And yet numerous cities are still in disarray as of now (May 23), and vaccinations are only now ramping up, though quite sharply, as demonstrated by the 45% first dose vaccination rate vs. the measly 4.2% second dose.

Why are so many (software) engineers against the Internet of Things (IoT)?

posted on June 11, 2021


Because a bloody toaster does not need wifi. No, it doesn’t. I don’t care what any of you say. When wifi can actually put the bread in your toaster, take it out, butter it, and bring it to you whilst you’re lying in bed, then I’ll concede the point, but until then why is your fecking toaster on any sort of remote control whatsoever? I’ll tell you why. Because you’ve got a degree in fecking media studies and you think it’s cool, or whatever the current term for cool, rad, bogus, spiffing, gradely or I don’t really care what you say you bloody zygote, is.

Wifi microwaves. Tellies that you can switch on whilst it’s in Rochdale and you are in Timbuktu. Why the feck do you need that? Security? Make it look like your house is occupied? Just ask your fecking neighbour to do it or buy some socket timers, you IoT arse.

Whilst you are putting wifi and fecking bluetooth on your bleeding kettles have you ever considered that that is just putting more stuff on there to break? No, you haven’t have you, because unlike the people who went and got their HNDs in making and mending this stuff, and look aghast at the tirade of bollocks engulfing us, you haven’t got the brains to realise that all you are doing is making your kit more complex and prone to failure than it needs to be. A fridge that does your ordering for you. And knows your debit card details. And has less locks on it than a budgie cage. Are you fecking mad? There are a number of scenarios that can come from this.

Your fridge orders enough cheese to feed a battalion of the Yorkshire Regiment for a week when it goes tits up.

Your fridge loses connectivity and can order nothing. Because you have forgotten how to go to the shop, six months later you are found dead in the airing cupboard.

Your fridge cheerfully allows a bloke from Nigeria access to your network. Every connected device you have is now either mining bitcoins or attempting to steal the contents of the Bank of Zurich.

Smart fecking tellies. They’re no such thing. Their users are often even less smart than the tellies are.

Look at this bucket of twattery:

a smart cat feeder. It can dispense dry cat food over the internet from an app on your phone. It’s got a camera. And two-way audio. What? are you going to be doing zoom meetings with your cat and seeking his opinion on matters of crucial importance of the day? Mr Tibbles, should we declare war on Russia? Meow. Should we drill for oil in Namibia or is the political situation too fluid to risk the investment cost? Meow. You’re going to stress the poor little bastard beyond endurance because cats like it when the whole pride is present and if he can hear your voice but he can’t find you he’s going to worry that you are apparently there and not there at the same time and whilst Schrodinger can have a cat in two situations at the same time a cat can’t cope with a human doing it and boy, are you going to get the cold-shoulder when you do finally roll in through the door.

£65 for this bucket of arse. Oh. Because: and £9.80 and total set-up time <10 seconds.

The only things that really need to be connected to the bloody network are your computers. Your tellies and game consoles if you must. Your fecking coffee maker, no. And back to that fridge. No, you little bastard, you’re getting filled back up when I decide to go to the Co-Op, not when you decide to whistle up a feckin’ Sainsbury’s van.

The other day I saw a home weather station hooked up to wifi. Alright. Why do you want a home weather station? To tell you what the weather is outside? Do you not have a bloody window? Oh, temperature. I just use a thermometer full of mercury hung up by the back door. Windspeed? Unless it’s a hurricane that’s only of concern if you are a sniper, isn’t it? Have any of your neighbours mysteriously vanished, lately? Oh, you can measure air humidity, can you? That might be important if you have anything that’s sensitive to water. I suppose that tree in your garden is, but it’s not really important for much else to you, is it, you great geekified bucket of twathamptery?

And then there’s this:
Hackers can hijack Wi-Fi Hello Barbie to spy on your children
Security researcher warns hackers could steal personal information and turn the microphone of the doll into a surveillance device.

Actually, I quite like the idea. I might try it myself. If I can make Barbie say to some spoiled little brat “Oi, ugly twat, give me away to somebody prettier because I really can’t have an uggo like you spoiling my image” then I’d be happy, but cheerful sociopathic malevolence like mine is not the only thing that that dolly can be made to say if you have some not very expensive kit and the know-how. Dread the day when it’s going to say “there’s somebody outside your house would like to meet you” to an eight-year old when her mother’s in the kitchen.

Anything with a microphone should not be left on the internet unattended. Or a camera. Or anything you can’t easily scrutinise. IoT. Nigerian crooks’ Christmasses all come at once.

Being Personal & Sharing is the Key to Successful Content

posted on June 10, 2021


Stories are powerful, aren’t they? They unite us, give us hope and teach us things we may not have known before.

But did you know that stories have another awesome purpose? What is it, you ask?

Stories, when involving your brand and business, can create powerful, successful content.

Wait, really? Yes! And I want to show you just how being personal and sharing your story will be the amazing key to successful content you’ve been looking for all these months and years.

Why do People Want Something More Personal?

In our overly cluttered world with ads on every street corner both literal and digital, it can be overwhelming and many consumers get burned out quickly. People don’t just want to see what they like and are interested in, they also want to see authentic, personal content. It helps set businesses apart and can convince a consumer to use that business.

Being authentic is incredibly vital to your marketing strategy, and the way to bring about authenticity is to be personal.

Yes, pay attention to your analytics but don’t write solely for them – write for people. How can you do this?

By writing your story.

5 Incredible Ways Your Story Can Create Successful Content

I know; you’re sitting there wondering what the heck I mean by your story providing successful content. Don’t worry – I fully plan on telling you just how this can happen.

Let’s take a look!

1. It Provides Authenticity, Which is Vital to Marketing Now. When you tell your story, you give yourself the chance to be authentic in your content.

Remember how I mentioned this earlier?

Authenticity is vital to marketing now and in fact, many millennials, according to Laura Brown from Social Media Today, won’t use a business that isn’t authentic. The millennial generation is a large one, and they aren’t the only generation that wants authenticity.

Don’t spend your entire marketing time regurgitating or copying off of others. Yes, you can get great inspiration from others, but adding your own personal voice, story, and perspective really adds a great, authentic touch.

2. Being Personal Gives a Realistic Touch to All Content. When you take the chance to be personal and share your individual story, you are adding an awesome realistic touch to your content.

Empathizing with your client base can be great as long as you’ve actually gone through what they have. If you haven’t, going for an empathetic marketing approach could prove problematic, as Danny Brown points out.

However, when you approach marketing with a realistic approach and give people realism in marketing, they will eat that up. Get that realistic element by telling your story, not the perceived story you have of your customers.

They will be more likely to listen and work with you if you are real about yourself, and they will eventually be real with you. What a great thing!

3. People Like to Know Information About a Business. People love information and they like sharing it with their friends who love it just as much. What kind of information do people like?

Well, anything that can make them look and feel smart.

However, they also like to learn information about a business. Do you have an exciting story about how your business was formed? Then share it.

“What if the business just happened – nothing exciting?” People still want to know about it. Share any story you have of your business – when it was founded or something great that happened – and people will greatly enjoy it.

4. Creating a “Personal Brand” Online Can Increase Traffic. You have your business channels and blog, but what about a personal brand? Have you set yourself apart from your business to provide more personal content?

If not, creating a “personal brand” is definitely something you should consider.


Because, according to Neil Patel, it can help increase traffic to your site.

How should you go about setting up a personal brand? Well, the first thing is to create your own Twitter account that you use for business-related content. (You can also have your own, truly personal one to post your truly personal things like cat photos.)

You can also make sure that your business blogs are listed under your name, not the business name, helping to set up a unique voice for your business. And, when you go to tell your story, this will help make it more personal and something people will really enjoy.

5. Being More Personal Can Strengthen Your Brand. As you get more personal and share more stories with clients, you might just see your brand beginning to strengthen. Why? Because becoming more personal can really help people begin to trust you.

As people start to trust you, they are more than willing to share your content, engage with you, and purchase products or services. The more this happens, the stronger your brand will get.

4 Excellent Ways to Get Personal in Your Content Without Overdoing It

Whew – now you know a bit about just how getting personal can definitely help your site. But, how much is too much? When should you step back to avoid overdoing it?

Here are a few great suggestions.

1.Make Sure You Focus On Authentic Stories to Bring Customers In. When you write your story, make sure you write it authentically. This will help your readers connect with it more and make them more likely to share it with others.

Just how can you make sure your story is an authentic one?

Carol Barash from Content Marketing Institute says that there are 4 different things that go into an authentic story including:

  • Looking for or remembering a particular moment.
  • Always writing the story in your own voice, since that will add authenticity.
  • Keeping your story going with a great flow.
  • Making the reader feel like he or she is part of your story by not setting up walls through words.

2. Have a “Personal” Business Social Media Profile. Now, you know that telling your story is a great way to get personal, and you know that having a personal brand can really add to that.

When you start going for a more personal kick to your content, you need to make sure that your personal business social media profiles are strictly for business. If you treat it just like a profile your friends would follow, you’ll come dangerously close to over-sharing.

On this channel, you can tell more of your business story and get it out to a wide audience. It also gives you the chance to share the blogs you’ve written for your business on a more “personal” level.

3. Interact With Your Clients After Posting Your Story. Your story isn’t going to have that much of an impact if you don’t interact with your readers after posting it. Interacting and engaging with your clients is a great way to drive overall social media engagement.

In addition, it can really help create more of a friendship and relationship with your client base. Focus on maintaining that relationship after your stories have gone live, and your content will be even more successful.

People really do love interaction with businesses, and if they are interacting directly with a person, they will really enjoy that, as well.

4. Maintain a Focus for Your Stories and Personal Brand. Yes, your stories can be about broader topics, but you need to make sure you stay focused on a niche to keep things organized.

Figure out the area you want to share with your clients, and maintain that throughout your stories and on your “personal” business social media profiles. Keeping up consistency is a great way to encourage more people to follow you, share your content, and engage with you.

This will help you make sure you write expert, authentic stories that can work towards personalizing your brand while also giving out excellent information.

Remember, when you write your stories, you can use that as an excellent teaching opportunity for your audience. You don’t need to have things laid out all professionally either. Make sure to add sub-headers, but you will find that being a bit informal will go a long way for your stories.

Sit Down, and Tell Us a Story

Stories are an epic way to create excellent, authentic content that your clients are sure to love and share with their friends. As you work to have a great, personal connection with clients, make sure you are always producing quality content that they, and you, will be proud of.

When it comes to telling your story, Express Writers has an awesome team of writers that can help give your story an awesome feel and voice, no matter what.

How can I maintain my blog to get real traffic?

posted on June 10, 2021


There are several strategies that can help you to garner more real traffic to your blog. The ones that I find to be the most effective are:

SEO. You need to understand how search engines work and incorporate that knowledge into your blogs. You need to make sure that you include all the keywords you want to be ranked for, and do so wisely. That means targeting more low-competition keywords and focusing on long-tail keywords.

Optimising your content for voice search. We’re shifting into the world where people are soon to stop typing at all. The more advanced voice input becomes, the less we use actual typing. You need to account for this tendency and target the phrases that associate with voice search.

Make sure to post relevant and high-value content. It’s not just about the keywords. If you produce a flawless in terms of SEO article, but it’s literally no different to the competitors’ entries, merely because it’s a piece of recycled text, you aren’t going to boost traffic. Instead, you should focus on producing the content that keeps on giving, such as checklists, guides and case studies that can be referenced in the future.

Make sure you have guest posting enabled. You can easily promote your blog if you give other people a chance to become your contributors.
Submit guest posts yourself. Garner organic traffic by cooperating with other blogs.

Which tools do you use to check SEO violations ?

posted on June 10, 2021


SEO Violations That Can Kill Your Rankings. Below reason for seo Violations

Keyword Stuffing

Have you ever heard that too much of a good thing can be bad for you? Well, this certainly applies to SEO keywords! Don’t be too greedy. Previously, people used keyword stuffing as a way to rank their page for multiple keywords in search engines. Fortunately, Google is smarter now – they’ve updated their spam algorithm to drop rankings for pages that keyword stuff.

Low-Quality Content

Having low-quality content on your site can damage your SEO because Google and other search engines are looking for pages with relevant information. If you duplicate content from another site or web page or post thin content, it’s not considered as valuable to searchers!

Neglecting Social Media

Social media is more powerful than many people realize; some business owners don’t take it seriously because they think of teens and meaningless posts. Contrary to popular belief, social network sites can generate a lot of business for your organization! While social signals are not currently a factor in ranking websites, content that is posted to social channels tends to have an edge in search rankings.

Why are Apple devices so expensive? Are they worth it?

posted on June 10, 2021


As owner of an app development company, I need to have several iOS devices and a few Macs in the company. And because we are also developing for Android, I am always carrying both an iOS and an Android phone. So I can compare.

The good thing about Apple is that Apple has very decent hardware. On top of that Apple owns the full hardware and software stack, so everything works seamlessly together. And, if you are susceptible for a nice design, Apple make beautiful devices. Therefore Apple believes that it can charge a premium price for that. Of course recently there have been quality issues (battery throttling, butterfly keyboard, …)

Is it worth? Well it depends of your situation and on the product.

  • for an iPad it is simple. The competition is nowhere near Apple. So if you want/need a good working tablet, the iPad is the best choice. But there is a big question mark if you really need a tablet, if you are mainly checking emails, browsing websites and playing games like 80% of the owners of a tablet.
  • for an iPhone, we are no longer in 2015, where the iPhone 6 was the best device you could get on the market. In recent 18 months mid-range Android devices ($300 - $400) have increased enormously in quality and features. As such I am no longer convinced that an iPhone is the best buy on the market. Only for the very high end users an iPhone can be justified. But most iPhone users are just not aware of it and are still thinking that if you don’t pay $800 or more for a smartphone, you get a crappy phone.
  • We use Macs in the company for 2 groups of tasks: for iOS development, where it is compulsory to develop on a Mac, and for graphical design. The graphical tool chain on a Mac is superb. The whole Adobe suite and applications like Sketch, are exactly the tools we need. So in this case we make a positive choice to use Macs, and they are worth it.
  • For back-end development we are using Dell XPS machines that are running Linux. The premium of 30% for a Mac cannot be justified in this case. On the contrary, we need to run our software in Docker containers which run faster on Linux than on MacOS. On top of that features like the touchbar are very expensive gimmicks that have no use for back end development (the touchbar even drives productivity down in this case)
  • If you are a normal home user I would not advise to use Macs, they are too expensive for their value. And now that Windows is no longer a horrible beast with the much improved version 10, I would shoot for a $500 windows PC

Trusted Link Building Techniques

posted on June 9, 2021



Internet marketers are always searching for the latest, greatest technique to boost numbers. While it’s important, especially in digital marketing, to always keep one eye on what lies ahead, it’s also equally (if not more) important to remain focused on what has and currently is working for you.

When it comes to link building, lots of things have changed over the years. As search engines have cracked down on spammy and automated techniques, it’s important now more than ever to be using trusted and true strategies that actually work. While there are lots of new creative link building techniques, there are also the powerful strategies that have been around for sometime and are continuing to produce great results.

So, what are the five most trusted link building techniques that you can count on in 2015 (and beyond)? Check them out here.

Guest Posting

The most tried and true of all techniques lives on!

Yes, it’s 2015, and yes, guest posting is still one of the most tried and true link building techniques. Don’t let people tell you guest posting is dead, because it’s not. While it’s quite clear and obvious that guest posting has significantly changed from what it used to be, it’s by no means dead, and in fact it’s alive and well.

In terms of how guest posting has changed, it’s in fact become a much more legit form of link building than it used to be. While what once might’ve been easily automated and done in large scale numbers is now pretty much unattainable unless completed on a more personal level. Conducting real outreach to quality blogs, with real accomplished writers and journalists, is how you’re going to get links in today’s digital marketing climate.

Guest posting in 2015 is less about the link you’re getting, and more about the quality blog post you’re posting. The link is an added benefit!

How-To Guides

Become an information powerhouse, and get links while you’re at it!

Creating informative, niche how-to guides and hosting them on your website or blog is another great step to take in order to start gaining valuable links. It might take a significant amount of time or a lot of effort to create a guide valuable enough to really help you get good links, but the time and effort you put in will come back to you tenfold.

Using videos, images, quotes, and more in your how-to guides is imperative if you want to see them turn into link building powerhouses. Once you’ve built up a solid guide (or, for best results, multiple guides) it’s time to start promoting them. Conduct blogger and influencer outreach to a variety of different outlets, and share the guide with them. Share it constantly on social media, and be sure to target niche specific people and blogs.

Building how-to guides is a link building strategy that, with enough effort put in now, will pay off for many years to come.

Expert Interviews

Be the source of expert information, and the links will follow.

Conducting interviews with experts in the niche you’re link building continues to be one of the greatest ways to gain a high number of valuable links. While it’s a strategy that requires a lot of waiting, and a lot of time to put together and finally get live, it’s something that is almost a sure-fire bet to get a number of great links while at the same time networking with some of the more known names in the industry.

Craft a personal email with a number of questions for the expert that you’d like to interview. If you want this piece to just focus on one expert, that’s fine, but ideally you’ll craft a blog post or content page with quotes and analysis from a handful of experts, as this will likely get you the most links. Once you’ve collected the answers and quotes, and have packaged the content together, reach back out to the expert with what you’ve come up with. If you put a lot of work into it, it will show, and you’ll likely get some social shares and a link back to your work.

Consider reaching out to many more experts than you want or think you’ll need, because chances are many will flat or ignore your emails for whatever reason.

Event Sponsorships

Look to find sponsorship opportunities in your niche, and you’ll get relevant links.

Sponsoring events is another excellent link building strategy that companies across many niches are utilizing in 2015. Depending on the size of the event and level of sponsorship, the potential of gaining a huge number of quality links is substantial. Events such as conferences typically list every single sponsor, and as other blogs start writing about the event there’s a chance you’ll get some links back that way too.

While sponsoring events is a great way to get links, it’s important to keep in mind that there is a chance these links will eventually get removed. Use various search queries to find good events that you can sponsor.


One of the more up and coming link building techniques that more and more companies are starting to utilize is offering scholarships. Offering scholarships sort of follows the same idea as sponsoring an event, but scholarships will likely result in more links from more higher quality sites (and possibly for a cheaper price, too).

There are a myriad of locations out on the web that compile lists of scholarships available to high school or college students, as a helpful resource. Sponsoring a scholarship by offering, say, $1,000 to the winner will help your company appear on these lists. You build a page on your website with all the information needed to apply for the scholarship, and promote that page out to the scholarship aggregators.

While the initial startup cost of offering a scholarship might be high, chances are you’ll see a nice return on investment due to the number of high quality EDU links you’ll be getting.

What works for you?

All in all, these five strategies have worked for businesses small and large, for many years. Unless something dramatically changes, they’ll continue working in the future, too. But, just like with any online marketing strategy, it really boils down to what works best for you and your business, as it might vary dramatically from another business!

Sencha Touch Tutorial

posted on June 9, 2021


Sencha Touch is a popular framework of Sencha for creating a user interface for mobile applications. It helps the developer create a mobile app using simple HTML, CSS, JS which supports many mobile devices such as android, IOS, BlackBerry, and Windows. It is based on MVC architecture. The latest version of Sencha Touch is 2.4.

History of Sencha Touch

After releasing Sencha's other product, ExtJs, which was for web application, there was a need to develop a framework which works on mobile devices too.

The first version of Sencha Touch was 0.9 beta version, which supported Android and IOS devices. Later, the first main release of Sencha Touch version 1.0 was in November 2010, which was the first stable version and supported Blackberry devices too.

The latest release of Sencha Touch is version 2.4 released in June 2015, which supports many devices such as Windows, Tizen along with Android, IOS, BlackBerry OS 10, Google Chrome for Android and mobile Safari, etc.

Features of Sencha Touch

Following are the most prominent features of Sencha Touch −

  • Customizable and more than 50 build in UI widgets with a collection of rich UI such as lists, carousels, forms, menus, and toolbars, built specifically for mobile platforms.

  • Code compatibility of new versions with the older one.

  • A flexible layout manager that helps organize the display of data and content across multiple mobile devices with different OS.

  • The framework includes a robust data package that can consume data from any backend data source.

  • Adaptive layouts, animations, and smooth scrolling for a better mobile web application experience for the use.

  • Out-of-the-box, native-looking themes for every major platform enables to make web and hybrid applications match the look and feel of the target platforms.

Sencha Touch ââ€â‚¬ Benefits

Sencha Touch is the leading standard for business-grade web application development. It offers the tools necessary to build robust applications for most of the mobile devices providing a single platform for developing applications. Following are some of the benefits −

  • Provides a responsive touch feature, hence the user can easily navigate while using the mobile app.

  • Provides compatibility with all the latest versions of IOS, Android and Blackberry, and Windows.

  • Provides fastest possible speed desirable for any mobile application.

  • Provides a cost-effective solution with its cross-platform compatibility.

  • Based on the native APIs and basic web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JS which makes it easier for a developer to understand Sencha Touch.

Sencha Touch ââ€â‚¬ Limitations

Sencha Touch API doesn't have the following capability −

  • The app does not have access to the device’s camera, contacts, and accelerometer.

  • It does not provide the push notification facility. For this, we have to use websockets or long polling.

  • According to general public license policy, it is free for open source applications however paid for commercial applications.

  • It is not good for hardcore graphics and animation apps such as for gaming apps.

Sencha Touch ââ€â‚¬ Tools

Sencha SDK

This is Sencha development kit used to create a skeleton of the project. We use the command "sencha -sdk path/to/touch generate app appName" to create an app with the name given in the command.

When the app is created, you can see the following files in the app −

  • app − This folder contains model, view, controller and store files for the app.

  • app.js − This is the main JS file for your application. From this file, the Sencha code flow starts.

  • app.json − This is the configuration file for the app, all the configuration details presents here.

  • index.html − This is the main html file where we include the app.js and other Sencha related files.

  • package.json − This file has all the dependency and other information related to the app.

  • resources − This folder includes all the CSS files and images required for the application.

Sencha CMD

Sencha CMD is a command line tool, which provides the features of Sencha Touch code minification, scaffolding, build generation, and other useful features for production purpose.

We use command "Sencha app build package" in the command prompt to build the application for this. Go to the app directory in the command prompt and type the above command. Once the build is successful, we will see the minified version of the application basically used for production purpose.

This can be downloaded from

Sencha Inspector

Sencha Inspector is a debugging tool to debug any issue in Sencha code during development.

Sencha Touch - Environment Setup

We have set up Sencha Touch Programming environment online, so that you can compile and execute all the available examples online. It gives you confidence in what you are reading and enables you to verify the programs with different options. Feel free to modify any example and execute it online.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
      <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
           name: 'Sencha',
           launch: function() {
              Ext.create("", {
                 fullscreen: true,
                 items: [{
                    title: 'Home',
                    iconCls: 'home',
                    html: 'Welcome'

Local Environment Setup

This section guides you on how to download and set up sench Touch on your machine. Please follow the steps to set up the environment.

Downloading library files

Download a commercial version of Sencha Touch library files from sencha You will get the trial version from the site on your registered mail id which will be a zipped folder named sencha-touch-2.4.2-commercial.

Unzip the folder and you will find various JavaScript and CSS files which you will include in our application. We will mostly include following files:

(1) Javascript Files JS file which you can find under folder sencha-touch-2.4.2-commercial ouch-2.4.2 are :

File and Description
This is the core file which contains all functionality to run the application.
This file contains all the code minified with no comments in the file
This is the unminified version of sencha-touch-all.js for debugging purpose.
This file is also unminified and is used for development purpose as it contains all the comments and console logs also to check any errors/issue

You can add these files to your projects JS folder or you can give direct path where the file reside in your system.

(2) CSS Files There are number of theme based files which you can find under folder I:sencha touchsencha-touch-2.4.2-commercial ouch-2.4.2 esourcescsssencha-touch.css

These library files will be added in an Sencha Touch application as follows:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="../sencha-touch-2.4.2-commercial/touch-2.4.2/sencha-touch-all.js"></script>  
    <link href="../sencha-touch-2.4.2-commercial/touch-2.4.2/resources/css/sencha-touch.css" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script type ="text/javascript" src = "app.js" > </script> 

You will keep sencha Touch application code in app.js file.

CDN setup

CDN is content delivery network with which you do not need to download the Sencha touch library files instead you can directly add CDN link for ExtJS to your program as follows:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>    
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script type ="text/javascript" src = "app.js" > </script> 

Popular Editors

As it is a JavaScript framework which is used for developing web applications, in our project we will have HTML, JS files and to write your Ext JS programs, you will need a text editor. There are even multiple IDEs available in the market. But for now, you can consider one of the following:

  • Notepad: On Windows machine you can use any simple text editor like Notepad (Recommended for this tutorial), Notepad++.
  • Brackets: is another popular IDE which can be downloaded from .
  • Sublime: is another popular IDE which can be downloaded from .

Sencha Touch - Naming Convention

Naming convention is a set of rules to be followed for identifiers. It makes the code easily readable and understandable for other programmers as well.

Naming convention in Sencha Touch follows the standard JavaScript convention, which is not mandatory but a good practice to follow. It should follow camel case syntax for naming the class, method, variable, and properties.

If the name is combined with two words, the second word will start with an uppercase letter always. For example, doLayout(), StudentForm, firstName, etc.

Sr.No. Name & Convention

Class Name

It should start with an uppercase letter, followed by camel case. For example, StudentClass


Method Name

It should start with a lowercase letter, followed by camel case. For example, studentMethod()


Variable Name

It should start with a lowercase letter, followed by camel case. For example, studentName


Constant Name

It should be in uppercase only. For example, COUNT, MAX_VALUE


Property Name

It should start with a lowercase letter, followed by camel case. For example, enableColumnResize = true

Sencha Touch - Architecture

The bottom layer for any mobile application is OS, on top of that anything or everything is built. Then we have the browsers on which we will be running the applications. It could be Chrome, Safari, IE anything. The upper layer is a W3 standards, which is common for all. Sencha Touch stands or is built on top of W3 standards, which is nothing but HTML5, which makes a single application compatible with different browsers of different devices.

Sencha Touch is a combination of three frameworks − ExtJs, JqTouch, and Raphael (vector drawing). It follows MVC architecture. MVC separates the code into more manageable chunks.

Although the architecture is not mandatory for the program, however, it is a best practice to follow this structure to make your code highly maintainable and organized.

Project Structure With Sencha Touch App

-------------------CSS files
--------------------App Folder
-----------HTML files

Sencha Touch app folder will reside in the JavaScript folder of your project.

The App will contain controller, view, model, store, and utility files with app.js.

app.js − The main file from where the flow of program will start. It should be included in main HTML file using <script> tag. App calls the controller of application for rest of the functionality.

Controller.js − It is the controller file of Sencha Touch MVC architecture. This contains all the control of the application, the events listeners, and most of the functionality of the code. It performs the following tasks: routing, intermediate between view and model, and executes events.

View.js − It contains the interface part of the application, which shows up to the user. Sencha Touch uses various UI rich views, which can be extended and customized according to the requirement.

Store.js − It contains the locally cached data, which is to be rendered on view with the help of model objects. Store fetches the data using proxies, which has the path defined for services to fetch the backend data.

Model.js − It contains the objects which binds the store data to view. It is the representation of the real-world object, which basically deals with the database.

Utils.js − It is not included in MVC architecture but it is a best practice to use this so as to make the code clean, less complex, and more readable. We can write methods in this file and call them in controller or view renderer wherever required. It is helpful for code reusability purpose as well.

Sencha Touch - MVC

MVC stands for Model View Controller. It is an architectural pattern which separates the application into logical components making it more manageable.

The following diagram shows how MVC architecture works −


Controller − Controller controls whole application it notify view if model is changed and performs actions based on user inputs.

View − It contains the interface part of the application which is visual to user. It notify controller to change model on user input.

Model − It contains the objects which binds the store data to view. It is representation of the real world object which basically deals with database. It also notify controller for any change in view.

Sencha Touch - First Program

In this chapter, we will list down the steps to write the first Hello World program in Ext JS.

Step 1

Create an index.htm page in an editor of our choice. Include the required library files in the head section of html page as follows.


Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = "">
      <script type = "text/javascript">
         Ext.application( {
            name: 'Sencha', launch: function() {
               Ext.create("", {
                  fullscreen: true, items: [{
                     title: 'Home', iconCls: 'home', html: 'Welcome to sencha touch'


  • Ext.application() method is the starting point of Sencha Touch application. It creates a global variable called 'Sencha' declared with the name property - all the Application's classes such as its Models, Views and Controllers will reside under this single namespace, which reduces the chances of colliding global variables and file names.

  • launch() method is called once the page is ready and all the JavaScript files are loaded.

  • Ext.create() method is used to create an object in Sencha Touch. Here, we are creating an object of simple panel class

  • is the predefined class in Sencha Touch for creating a panel.

  • Every Sencha Touch class has different properties to perform some basic functionalities.

Ext.Panel class has various properties such as −

  • fullscreen property is to make use of a complete screen, hence the panel will take fullscreen space.

  • items property is the container for various items.

  • iconCls is the class used for displaying different icons.

  • title property is to provide the title to the panel.

  • html property is the html content to be shown in the panel.

Step 2

Open the index.htm file in a standard browser and you will get the following output.

Sencha Touch - Builds

Today's demand for a web application is to develop a fast application with less development efforts. Sencha Touch helps in doing so with ease as it provide a number of build libraries to choose from, based on the development or production code along with the facility to create a custom build.

Sencha Touch build libraries loads the classes dynamically. Dynamic loading stands for the classes that gets loaded when required and only those classes will be included which are required in the application. This makes the application run faster as the number of files to be loaded reduces, simultaneously decreasing the time to load.

Sencha Touch 2.x provides the following five build libraries.

Sr.No. Builds & Usage


This build is used while developing the application locally. It is a nonminified version with all the comments and debug logs for easy debugging while development.



This file is used for production purpose. It is the minified version when we have a custom build.



This file is used for production purpose. It is the minified version when we do not have a custom build.



This file is used for debugging in production. It is not minified and has all the comments and debug logs.



This build is used to migrate the version 1.x to version 2.x. It gives a warning wherever version 1.x code is not compatible and needs code modification.

With the above mentioned builds, Sencha Touch provides a facility to create custom builds.

Advantages of Having a Custom Build

Custom build does not load all the touch files. It loads only those files, which we are using in the application, which makes the application faster and easily maintainable.

Sencha CMD is used to create a custom build. To create a custom build in Sencha CMD, go to the directory where the app file resides and type one of the following commands to create a build.

Sr.No. Command & Usage

sencha app build native

Builds the app and prepares a file called packager.temp.json that you can use to package an application--the packager.temp.json is the same as packager.json, but contains additional paths.


sencha app build -run native

Builds and automatically packages the application, and launches the appropriate simulator.


sencha app build package

Builds the app with packaging support, but does not configure a packager JSON file. This is useful for projects that manually maintain multiple packager.json files.

Once the build is successful, it will generate all-classes.js file which we need to include in our index.html to make it production ready.

Following code shows the changes to be done for production ready code.

Index.html before building application

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = "app.js"> </script>

Index.html after building the application

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = "app.js"> </script>
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = "app-classes.js"> </script>

Sencha Touch - Migration

Sencha Touch comes with various rectifications from the earlier version.

Sencha Touch 2 comes with the backward compatibility build, which makes the migration process easier from version 1.x to 2.x.

This build just makes the work easier by providing a warning and the logs whenever any migration issue occurs or code change is required, so the user will get to know where the changes are must, to make sure the application works with the latest version.

Sencha Touch 2.x migration requires the following code changes.

Class System

Code in Sencha Touch 1.x

MyApp.view.StudentPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
   scroll: 'vertical',
   html: 'Student Panel'
   initComponent: function() {
      Ext.getCmp('StudentIdDiv').update('This is a Student panel');

Code in Sencha Touch 2.x

Ext.define('MyApp.view.StudentPanel', {
   extend: 'Ext.Panel',

   config: {
      scroll: 'vertical',
      html: 'Student Panel'

   initialize: function() {
      Ext.getCmp('StudentIdDiv').setHtml('This is a Student panel')

By looking at both the versions, you can see the way to create class is changes which is now inspired by ExtJs such as −

  • Ext.extend is changed to Ext.define.

  • All the configuration parameters related to the class are now defined under config parameter.

  • The initComponent is changed to initialize() method.

  • In Sencha Touch 2.x, we can have setHtml() and getHtml() functions to update html or to get the value.

MVC Architecture

Sencha Touch 1.x code was modular and based on MVC architecture. Sencha Touch 2.x follows a different syntax for writing model, view, and controller. Let’s see the difference of model, view, and controller files in different versions.


Code in Sencha Touch 1.x

Ext.regModel('MyApp.model.StudentModel', {
   fields: [
      {name: 'name',  type: 'string'},
      {name: 'age',   type: 'int'}

Code in Sencha Touch 2.x

Ext.define('MyApp.model.StudentModel', {
   extend: '', config: {
      fields: [
         {name: 'name',  type: 'string'},
         {name: 'age',   type: 'int'}

Ext.regModel is changed to Ext.define which extends

All the fields come under config section now in 2.x version.


Code in Sencha Touch 1.x

Ext.Panel("studentView", {
   items: [{}]

Code in Sencha Touch 2.x

Ext.define('MyApp.view.StudentView', {
   extend: '',
   items: [{}]

View is almost the same, the only change being the view name follows the 2.x version namespacing such as Myapp.view.StudentView and code is writing in Ext.define method as like model.


Code in Sencha Touch 1.x

Ext.regController("studentController", {
   someMethod: function() {
      alert('Method is called');

Code in Sencha Touch 2.x

Ext.define('MyApp.controller.studentController', {
   extend: '', someMethod: function() {
      alert('Method is called');

Same as model in controller. Also the Ext.regController is changed into Ext.define, which extends


Code in Sencha Touch 1.x

   name: 'MyApp',
   launch: function() {

Code in Sencha Touch 2.x

   name: 'MyApp',
   models: ['studentModel'],
   controllers: ['studentController'],
   views: ['studentView'],
   stores: ['studentStore'],

   launch: function() {

The major difference between version 1.x and version 2.x is, in 2.x we declare all model, views, controllers, and stores in the application itself.

Sencha Touch - Core Concept

Sencha Touch has various core concepts such as class system, ajax, controllers, etc.

Following table lists the link for core concepts of Sencha Touch.

Sr.No. Concept & Description Link
1 Class System
2 Components
3 Controllers
4 BlackBerry support
5 Use of Ajax

Sencha Touch - Data Package

Data package in Sencha Touch is responsible for carrying out any kind of data manipulation either storing or loading the data.

Data packages are related to model, store, and proxies.

Sr.No. Concept & Description Link


It is the collection of data and fields with which we display all the values on UI. Description



It is a collection of model instances which basically stores the data locally. In store we write all the events and rest calls to get data. Description



It is basically responsible for loading data in store. Mostly we use ajax proxy to load store data. Description

Sencha Touch - Theme

Sencha Touch provides a number of themes to be used in your applications. You can add different themes in place of classic theme and see the difference in the output based on the device we are using for the application. This is done simply by replacing the theme CSS file as explained in the following example.

Desktop Theme

Consider your very first Hello World application. The following CSS from the application is used for desktop theme.

To see the effect, try the following program −

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type="text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            name: 'Sencha',
            launch: function() {
               Ext.create("", {
                  fullscreen: true,
                  items: [{
                     title: 'Home',
                     iconCls: 'home',
                     html: 'Welcome to sencha touch'

This will produce following result −

Windows Theme

Consider your very first Hello World application. Remove the following CSS from the application −

Add the following CSS to use Windows theme.

To see the effect, try the following program −

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            name: 'Sencha',
            launch: function() {
               Ext.create("", {
                  fullscreen: true,
                  items: [{
                     title: 'Home',
                     iconCls: 'home',
                     html: 'Welcome to sencha touch'

This will produce following result −

IOS Theme

Consider your very first Hello World application. Remove the following CSS from the application.

Add the following CSS to use Windows theme

To see the effect, try the following program −

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            name: 'Sencha',
            launch: function() {
               Ext.create("", {
                  fullscreen: true,
                  items: [{
                     title: 'Home',
                     iconCls: 'home',
                     html: 'Welcome to sencha touch'

This will produce following result −

IOS Classic Theme

Consider your very first Hello World application. Remove the following CSS from the application −

Add the following CSS to use Windows theme −

To see the effect, try the following program −

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            name: 'Sencha',
            launch: function() {
               Ext.create("", {
                  fullscreen: true,
                  items: [{
                     title: 'Home',
                     iconCls: 'home',
                     html: 'Welcome to sencha touch'

This will produce following result −

Android Theme

Consider your very first Hello World application. Remove the following CSS from the application.

Add the following CSS to use Windows theme.

To see the effect, try the following program −

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            name: 'Sencha',
            launch: function() {
               Ext.create("", {
                  fullscreen: true,
                  items: [{
                     title: 'Home',
                     iconCls: 'home',
                     html: 'Welcome to sencha touch'

This will produce following result −

BlackBerry Theme

Consider your very first Hello World application. Remove the following CSS from the application.

Add the following CSS to use Windows theme.

To see the effect, try the following program −

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            name: 'Sencha',
            launch: function() {
               Ext.create("", {
                  fullscreen: true,
                  items: [{
                     title: 'Home',
                     iconCls: 'home',
                     html: 'Welcome to sencha touch'

This will produce following result −

Sencha Touch - Device Profile

In today's world of technologies, we have multiple devices such as mobile, tablet, desktop, and laptop with different screen sizes. Hence, there is a need to develop applications, which are accessible from all the devices with good look and feel. However, to develop different code for different devices is very time consuming and costly.

Sencha Touch helps us in this regard, by offering a device profile feature. Based on the active profile, the different dependencies will be run and applicable.

We can declare device profile while writing an application code. We can have multiple devices as −

   name: 'MyApp',
   profiles: ['Phone', 'Tablet']

Once it is done, the profiles will be loaded as −

  • MyApp.profiles.Phone.js
  • MyApp.profiles.Tablet.js

Writing a simple phone profile

Ext.define('Mail.profile.Phone', {
   extend: '',

   config: {
      name: 'Phone',
      views: ['phoneView']

   isActive: function() {

Writing a simple tablet profile

Ext.define('Mail.profile.Tablet', {
   extend: '',

   config: {
      name: 'Tablet',
      views: ['tableView']

   isActive: function() {

As we can see in profile, we have isActive function which determines if the particular device is active. If the device is active, the corresponding dependencies will be loaded and instantiated.

As mentioned in the above example, if we are using phone device then phone profile's isActive function will return true and the dependencies related to the phone device will be loaded; here phoneView will be loaded. If the device is a tablet then phone profile's isActive function will return false and tablet profile's isActive function will return true and dependency tabletView will be loaded.

Launch Process

One more point to be noticed here is when we have profiles in the application, then the loading and instantiation of application code will be in the following order −

  • Controllers are instantiated first and each controller's init function will be loaded.
  • Profile's launch function will be called.
  • Application's launch function will be called.

Both profile and application's launch functions are optional, so if we do not define any one of them they will not get called.

Take a look at the following code to check where and how the different launch and init functions can be defined.

Controller's init function

Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Main', {
   extend: '',
   init : function (){
      Ext.Msg.alert('Controller's init method');
   config: {
      refs: {
         tab: '#divId

Profile's launch function

Ext.define('Mail.profile.Tablet', {
   extend: '',

   config: {
      name: 'Tablet', views: ['tableView']

   isActive: function() {
   launch : function() {
      Ext.Msg.alert('profile's launch function');

Application's launch function

   name: 'Sencha', launch: function() {
      Ext.Msg.alert(Application's launch function);

Sencha Touch - Dependencies

There are certain ways defined in Sencha Touch to declare dependencies, one within the application and the other inside the classes.

Let’s take a look at the different ways to define dependencies.

Application Level Dependencies

Here, we declare all the dependencies when we create Ext.application.

   name: 'MyApp',
   views: ['StudentsView'],
   models: ['StudentsModel'],
   controllers: ['StudentsController'],
   stores: ['StudentsStore'],
   profiles: ['Phone', 'Tablet']

Now, when the application gets loaded, all the dependencies will be loaded at the same time. The path of the other files will be −

  • MyApp.views.StudentsView
  • MyApp.models.StudentsModel
  • MyApp.stores.StudentsStore etc.

The above way of declaration not only loads the file, it also decides which profile it should keep as active. After loading the controller, it makes sure to instantiate it. Once the stores are loaded, it instantiates them and provides one id if not already given.

Profile-specific Dependencies

When we are using profiles in an application, there may be possibilities that few functionalities are only required for some specific profile.

Profile specific dependencies are declared in the profiles itself instead of the application level declaration.

Ext.define('MyApp.profile.Tablet', {
   extend: '', config: {
      views: ['StudentView'], controllers: ['StudentController'], models: ['StudentModel']

Dependencies get loaded irrespective of the profile being active or not. However, based on the active profile, further processing such as instantiating controller and stores happens.

Nested Dependencies

When we have larger application we have multiple controllers, models, views, and stores.

It is always good to keep modularity in larger applications. For that, we can define subfolders and while declaring dependencies we can use subfolder name to declare.

   name: 'MyApp',
   controllers: ['Controller', 'nested.NewController'],
   views: ['class.Cview', 'SView']

In the above case, following files will be loaded −

  • MyApp.controllers.Controller
  • MyApp.controllers.nested.NewController
  • MyApp.Views.Sview
  • MyApp.Views.class.Cview

External Dependencies

We can specify the dependencies outside the application by giving fully qualified names of the classes as −

   'Class': 'Class'

   views: ['Class.view.LoginForm', 'Welcome'],
   controllers: ['Class.controller.Sessions', 'Main'],
   models: ['Class.model.User']

In the above case, following files will be loaded −

  • Class/view/LoginForm.js
  • Class/controller/Sessions.js
  • Class/model/User.js
  • app/view/Welcome.js
  • app/controller/Main.js

Sencha Touch - Environment Detection

It helps you in identifying which operating system you are using, which browser you are working on, and what are the features available for your environment.

Sencha Touch provides different functions to get information specific to the environment. All the methods mentioned below can be checked in, if the condition is if({} and is based on the condition tasks can be performed.

All the following methods return Boolean value.

Operating System

Ext.os is a class that gives you different methods to know which operating system we are working on.

Sr.No Method & Description

This function will return true if you are using webos operating system else it returns false.


This function will return true if you are using RIMTable operating system else it returns false.


This function will return true if you are using Linux operating system else it returns false.


This function will return true if you are using windows operating system else it returns false.


This function will return true if you are using Mac operating system else it returns false.


This function will return true if you are using BlackBerry operating system else it returns false.


This function will return true if you are using IOS operating system else it returns false.


This function will return true if you are using Android operating system else it returns false.

Device Detection

Sr.No Method & Description

This function will return true if you are using iPad else it returns false.


This function will return true if you are using iPhone else it returns false.


This function will return true if you are using iPod else it returns false.

Version of Operating System

Sr.No Method & Description

It returns the name of the operating system.



It gives the version of operating system we are using.

Browser Detection

Sr.No Method & Description

This function returns true if we are using Internet explorer browser else it returns false.


This function returns true if we are using FireFox browser else it returns false.


This function returns true if we are using Chrome browser else it returns false.


This function returns true if we are using Opera browser else it returns false.

This function returns true if we are using Safari browser else it returns false.

This function Ext.browser provides various other functions −

Sr.No Method & Description


It returns the current userAgent.



It returns true if the current page is using SSL.



It returns true if the browser is in strict mode.



It returns the browser engine name (WebKit, Gecko, Presto, Trident and Other).



It returns the version of the browser engine.


Ext.feature.has is to check if the browser has following feature or not.

Sr.No Method & Description


This method returns true if browser supports audio tag feature of html5.



This method returns true if browser supports canvas tag feature of html5.



This method returns true if browser supports classlist feature of html5 which is used to add, remove and toggle css classes for the html element.



This method returns true if browser supports Css 3d Transform feature of css3.



This method returns true if browser supports animations of css3.



This method returns true if browser supports Css transform feature of css3.



This method returns true if browser supports transition feature of css3.



This method returns true if browser supports the device motion feature.



This method returns true if browser supports the Geolocation feature of html5.



This method returns true if browser Supports history feature of html.



This method returns true if browser can detect which the device orientation.



This method returns true if browser can detect change in Orientation of the device.



Range is a type of html input tag for range slider element so if browser supports slider this function returns true.



Web sql database is a web page api for storing data n database on which we can perform query operations. This method returns true if browser supports web Sql Database.



Svg stands for Scalable Vector Graphics this method returns true if browser supports html 5's svg feature.



This method returns true if browser has Touch feature.



This method returns true if browser supports html 5 video tags.



Vml stands for vector markup language which is an xml based markup language. So this method returns true if browser has supports vml.



Web socket is basically a communication protocol for computers which supports two communication between clients and server. This method returns true if browser Supports WebSockets else it returns false.

Sencha Touch - Events

Events are something which get fired when something happens to the class. For example, when a button is getting clicked or before/after an element is rendered.

Methods of Writing Events

Following are the methods of writing events.

  • Built-in events using listeners.
  • Attaching events later
  • Custom events

Built-in Events Using Listeners

Sencha Touch provides listener property for writing events and custom events in Sencha Touch files.

Writing listener in Sencha Touch

We will add the listener in the previous program itself by adding listen property to the panel, shown as follows −

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            name: 'Sencha', launch: function() {
               Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {
                  html: 'My Panel', fullscreen: true, listeners: {
                     painted: function() {
                        Ext.Msg.alert('I was painted to the screen');

This will produce following result −

This way we can also write multiple events in listeners property.

Multiple events in the same listener

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">   
            name: 'Sencha',
            launch: function() {
               var myButton = Ext.Viewport.add({
                  xtype: 'button',
                  centered: true,
                  text: 'Click me'

                  tap: function() {
                     var randomWidth = 100 + Math.round(Math.random() * 200);
                  widthchange: function(button, newWidth, oldWidth) {
                     alert('My width changed from ' + oldWidth + ' to ' + newWidth);

It will produce the following result −

Attaching event later

In the previous method of writing events, we have written events in listeners at the time of creating elements.

The other way to attach events is as follows −

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            name: 'Sencha',
            launch: function() {
               var myButton = Ext.Viewport.add({
                  xtype: 'button',
                  centered: true,
                  text: 'Click me'
               myButton.on('tap', function() {
                  alert("Event listener attached by .on");

It will produce the following result −

Custom events

We can write custom events in Sencha Touch and fire the events with fireEvent method. Following example explains how to write custom events.

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            name: 'Sencha',
            launch: function() {
               var myButton = Ext.Viewport.add({
                  xtype: 'button',
                  centered: true,
                  text: "Just wait 5 seconds",

                  listeners: {
                     myEvent: function(button, points) {
                        alert('myEvent was fired! You score ' + points + ' points');

               Ext.defer(function() {
                  var number = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100);
                  myButton.fireEvent('myEvent', myButton, number);
               }, 5000);

Once the page is loaded and the document is ready, the UI page with button will appear and as we are firing an event after 5 seconds, once the document is ready the alert box will appear after 5 seconds.

Here we have written the custom event 'myEvent' and we are firing events as button.fireEvent(eventName);

Sencha Touch - Layout

Layout is the way the elements are arranged in a container. That could be horizontal, vertical, or any other. Sencha Touch has different layouts defined in its library though we can always write custom layouts as well.

Sr.No. Layout & Description
1 hBox

This layout allows the element to be distributed in a horizontal manner.

2 vBox

This layout allows the element to be distributed in a vertical manner. This is one of the commonly used layout.

3 Fit

In this layout, the container is filled with a single panel and when there is no specific requirement related to the layout, then this layout is used.

4 Card(TabPanel)

This layout arranges different components in tab fashion. Tabs will be displayed on top of the container. Every time only one tab is visible and each tab is considered as a different component.

Sencha Touch - History Support

Sencha Touch comes with full history support and deep linking facilities.

It has the simplest back button functionality, which helps the user navigate between the screens, without even refreshing the page or application.

It also provides routes functionality, which helps the user navigate to any URL. Based on the URL provided in the browser window, it calls specific functions to perform a specific task.

Look at the following example for back button functionality.

This example shows the nested list which is nothing but a list inside a list, so when you click any of the list items, it opens another list and a back button appears on top of the screen.

For complete code base, you can check Nested List under view component section.


Simplest example of routes

Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Main', {
   extend: '',

   config: {
      routes: {
         login: 'showLogin',
		 'user/:id': 'userId'

   showLogin: function() {
      Ext.Msg.alert('This is the login page');
   userId: function(id) {
      Ext.Msg.alert('This is the login page specific to the used Id provided');

In the above example if browser URL is then the function showLogin will be called.

We can provide parameters in the URL and based on the specific parameter the function can get called. For example If the URL is then the another function userId will be called and the specific ID can be used inside the functions.

Advance routing

Sometime we have advance parameters which includes comma, blank space and special characters etc. for this if we use the above way of writing routes then it will not work. To solve this problem Sencha touch provides conditional routing where we can specify condition of what type of data the parameter should accept.

Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Main', {
   extend: '', config: {
      routes: {
         login/:id: {
            action: showLogin, conditions: {':id: "[0-9a-zA-Z.]+" }      

      showLogin: function() {
         Ext.Msg.alert('This is the login page with specific id which matches criteria');

So as in the above example we have given regex in the condition which clearly states what type of data should be allowed as URL parameter.

Sharing same URL across different device profiles

As Sencha touch provides device profile so the same application code can be used across multiple devices there may be possibilities that different profiles may have different functionality for the same URL.

To resolve this issue Sencha touch gives us freedom to write routing in the main controller and the called function to be written in the all the profile with their profile specific ones.

Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Main', {
   extend: '', config: {
      routes: {
         login: 'showLogin'
// For phone profile
Ext.define(', {
   extend: 'MyApp.controller.Main, showLogin: function() {
      Ext.Msg.alert('This is the login page for mobile phone profile');
// For tablet profile
Ext.define('MyApp.controller.tablet.Main, {
   extend: 'MyApp.controller.Main,showLogin: function() {
      Ext.Msg.alert('This is the login page for tablet profile');

As example shows we have one main controller which has showLogin function and we have two different profiles(Phone/ Tablet). Both the profile has showLogin function with different code specific to the profile.

This way we can share same URL across multiple profile devices with their specific functionalities.

Sencha Touch - Upload & Download

Sencha Touch provides XHR2 configuration to work with Ajax and Ajax2 development.

XHR2 is xmlHttpRequest level 2, which used to request data from the server. For any web application, data resides at the server and once the page is loaded, the data should be accessed from the server with the help of Ajax requests.

XHR2 in Sencha Touch provides the progress bar feature, which shows the user the amount of data transferred for a particular request. XHR2 is newly added so we need to check if the browser supports it or not.

Following is the function to check whether the browser supports XHR2 −

if (Ext.feature.has.XHR2) {
   // Here we can write functionality to work if browser supports XHR2 

We can even check if the progressive upload with XHR2 is supported by the browser or not.

if (Ext.feature.has.XHRUploadProgress) {
   // Here we can write functionality to work if browser supports progressive uploads

Various new XHR2 features are included in Sencha Touch.

Sr.No Features & Description

XHR2: true

This is used to enable and disable XHR2 functionality in the application.



New file field is added to give more cality about the type of field.



This to provide FileInput.



This is to provide exact percentage of data transferred in terms of progress bar.


xtype: fileinput

To create instance of fileInput class.


xtype: filefield

To create instance of file class.


responseType : value

This parameter allows various types of responses as text, document, blob etc.

Following are the examples to send simple ajax request with and without parameter and uploading files using ajax.

Simple Ajax request without parameters - Success

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            requires: [ 'Ext.Panel', 'Ext.Button', 'Ext.form.Panel'], onReady: function() {
               var request = {
                  url: '',
                  method: 'POST',
                  xhr2: true,
                  success: function(response) {
                     Ext.Msg.alert('Ajax call successful');
                  failure: function(response) {
                     Ext.Msg.alert('Ajax call failed');
                  items: [
                        text: "Ajax",
                        ui: 'confirm',
                        handler: function(){

It will produce the following result −

The above example shows the success ajax call as the URL mentioned is correct. In this example, we are not passing any parameter, it’s just a simple ajax request which hits the URL mentioned.

If you are using the chrome browser in the developer tool, navigate to the network section, you can see the request which is being sent and the response which we get.

Simple Ajax request without parameters - Failure

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            requires: [
            onReady: function() {
               var request = {
                  url: '',
                  method: 'POST',
                  xhr2: true,
                  success: function(response) {
                     Ext.Msg.alert('Ajax call successful');
                  failure: function(response) {
                     Ext.Msg.alert('Ajax call failed');
                  items: [
                        text: "Ajax",
                        ui: 'confirm',
                        handler: function(){

It will produce the following result −

In the above example, just to show how ajax failure works we have mentioned the wrong URL. Compare this and the previous example, you will find the difference.

Sending parameters in Ajax request

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            requires: [

            onReady: function() {
               var formData = new FormData();
               formData.append("firstName", "Hi");
               formData.append("lastName", "Reader");

               // Request will be sent as part of the payload instead of standard post data
               var request = {
                  url: '',
                  method: 'POST',
                  xhr2: true,
                  data: formData,
                  success: function(response) {
                     var out = Ext.getCmp("output");
                     response = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText, true);
                  failure: function(response) {
                     var out = Ext.getCmp("output");
                     Ext.Msg.alert('Ajax failed!');

                  items: [
                        text: "Ajax",
                        ui: 'confirm',
                        handler: function(){

It will produce the following result −

In this example, we are passing parameters with the ajax using data property of ajax call.

Uploading files using Ajax

Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />
      <script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>
      <script type = "text/javascript">
            requires: [

            onReady: function() {
               var progressIndicator = Ext.create("Ext.ProgressIndicator", {
                  loadingText: "Uploading: {percent}%"

               var request = {
                  url: '',
                  method: 'POST',
                  xhr2: true,
                  success: function(response) {
                     Ext.Msg.alert('File uploaded successfully.');
                  failure: function(response) {
                     Ext.Msg.alert('File upload failed.');

                  items: [
                        text: "Upload",
                        ui: 'confirm',
                        handler: function(){
                           var input = Ext.Viewport.down("fileinput").input;
                           var files = input.dom.files;
                           if (files.length) {
                              request.binaryData = files[0];
                           }else {
                              Ext.Msg.alert("Please Select a JPG");

It will produce the following result −

This example shows how to upload data using ajax call. In this example, we are using the progress bar indicator to show the progress while uploading the file.

Sencha Touch - View Components

Sencha Touch provides various UI components, which can be customized according to requirements.

Sr.N0. Component & Description
1 Carousel

This UI component is used to display Carousel.

2 List

This UI component is used to display lists.

3 Nested List

This UI component is used to display nested list.

4 Form

This UI component is used to display Forms.

5 Chart

This UI component is used to display different types of charts.

6 Floating Component

This UI component is used to display floating component.

7 Tab Panel

This UI component is used to display Tab panel view.

8 Navigation View

This UI component is used to display navigation view.

9 Action Menu

This UI component is used to display action menu bar.

10 Data View

This UI component is used to display data view.

11 Map

This UI component is used to display google map.

Sencha Touch - Packaging

Sencha Touch comes with native packaging features.

Following are the links for native packaging concepts of Sencha Touch.

Sr.No. Concept & Description Link
1 Native iOS provisioning
2 Native APIs

Sencha Touch - Best Practice

Basic JavaScript best practice

It is a good practice to keep all JavaScript-related code in a separate js (external JS) file, instead of writing it in the <script> tag under the head section or inline JavaScript in the document body.

Always perform a null check before the element is being used in further logic.

Always follow the naming convention, as it makes the code easy to understand by any other programmer.

To make the code easily understandable, it is always preferred to write comments for JS methods with clear logic behind what a function does.

Best practice specific to Sencha Touch

Use Sencha Touch recommended folder structure, which will be helpful during JS compression or minification.

It is highly recommended to use the listener (onclick/onblur, etc.) in the controller instead of writing it in the html page itself.

Do not create the store instance, when the store is being called from the view.

When we create an instance of a store, we should always destroy it, as it impacts the performance.

While using Sencha Touch, do not specify any other simple JavaScript file. Use all the functions from Ext classes (mentioned in controller or utils).

When the model mapping and the name are same, then do not specify mapping. Only name will solve the purpose.

Do not use unnecessary properties in view. Use only the property which is required and it value which is different from the default value.

Sass Tutorial

posted on June 9, 2021


What is SASS?

SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet) is a CSS pre-processor, which helps to reduce repetition with CSS and saves time. It is more stable and powerful CSS extension language that describes the style of a document cleanly and structurally.

It was initially designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Natalie Weizenbaum in 2006. Later, Weizenbaum and Chris Eppstein used its initial version to extend the Sass with SassScript.

Why to Use SASS?

  • It is a pre-processing language which provides indented syntax (its own syntax) for CSS.

  • It provides some features, which are used for creating stylesheets that allows writing code more efficiently and is easy to maintain.

  • It is a super set of CSS, which means it contains all the features of CSS and is an open source pre-processor, coded in Ruby.

  • It provides the document style in a good, structured format than flat CSS. It uses re-usable methods, logic statements and some of the built-in functions such as color manipulation, mathematics and parameter lists.

Features of SASS

  • It is more stable, powerful, and compatible with versions of CSS.

  • It is a super set of CSS and is based on JavaScript.

  • It is known as syntactic sugar for CSS, which means it makes easier way for user to read or express the things more clearly.

  • It uses its own syntax and compiles to readable CSS.

  • You can easily write CSS in less code within less time.

  • It is an open source pre-processor, which is interpreted into CSS.

Advantages of SASS

  • It allows writing clean CSS in a programming construct.

  • It helps in writing CSS quickly.

  • It is a superset of CSS, which helps designers and developers work more efficiently and quickly.

  • As Sass is compatible with all versions of CSS, we can use any available CSS libraries.

  • It is possible to use nested syntax and useful functions such as color manipulation, mathematics and other values.

Disadvantages of SASS

  • It takes time for a developer to learn new features present in this pre-processor.

  • If many people are working on the same site, then should use the same preprocessor. Some people use Sass and some people use CSS to edit the files directly. Therefore, it becomes difficult to work on the site.

  • There are chances of losing benefits of browser's built-in element inspector.

Sass - Installation

In this chapter, we will learn the step-by-step procedure to install Ruby, which is used for executing the SASS files.

System Requirements for SASS

  • Operating System − Cross-platform

  • Browser Support − IE (Internet Explorer 8+), Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera

  • Programming Language − Ruby

Installation of Ruby

Step 1 − Open the link, you will see a screen as shown below −

SASS Installation

Download the Current stable version of the zip file.

Step 2 − Next, run the setup to install Ruby on the System.

Step 3 − Next, add Ruby bin folder to your PATH User Variable and System Variable to work with gem command.

Path User Variable

  • Right Click the My Computer icon.

  • Select Properties.

  • Next, click the Advanced tab and click Environment Variables.

SASS Installation

In the Environment Variables window, double click the PATH as shown in the screenshot given below −

SASS Installation

You will get an Edit User Variable box as shown. Add ruby bin folder path in the Variable value field as C:Rubyin. If path is already set for other files, then put semicolon after that and add the Ruby folder path as shown below.

SASS Installation

Click the OK button.

System Variable

  • Click the New button.

SASS Installation

Next, the New System Variable block is displayed as shown below.

SASS Installation

  • Enter RubyOpt in the Variable name field and rubygems in the Variable value field. After writing the Variable name and value, click the OK button.

Step 4 − Open the command prompt in your system and enter the following line −

gem install sass

Step 5 − Next, you will see the following screen after installing SASS successfully.

SASS Installation


The following is a simple example of SASS.

      <title> Import example of sass</title>
      <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css"/>

      <h1>Simple Example</h1>
      <h3>Welcome to Yoursite</h3>

Now, we will create file as style.scss, which is quite similar to CSS and the only one difference is that it will be saved with .scss extension. Both, .htm and .scss files should be created inside the folder ruby. You can save your .scss file in the folder rubylibsass (before this process, create a folder as sass in lib directory).

   color: #AF80ED;

   color: #DE5E85;

You can tell SASS to watch the file and update the CSS whenever SASS file changes, by using the following command −

sass --watch C:

SASS Installation

When you run the above command, it will create the style.css file automatically. Whenever you change the SCSS file, the style.css file will be updated automatically.

The style.css file will have the following code when you run the above given command −


h1 {
   color: #AF80ED;
h3 {
   color: #DE5E85;

Let us carry out the following steps to see how the above given code works −

  • Save the above given code in hello.html file.

  • Open this HTML file in a browser.

SASS Installation

Sass - Syntax

In this chapter, we will study about SASS Syntax. SASS supports two syntaxes namely SCSS and Indented syntax.

  • The SCSS (Sassy CSS) is an extension of CSS syntax. This means every valid CSS is a valid SCSS as well. SCSS makes much easier to maintain large stylesheets and can recognize vendor specific syntax, Many CSS and SCSS files use the extension .scss.

  • Indented − This is older syntax and sometimes just called as SASS. Using this form of syntax, CSS can be written concisely. SASS files use the extension .sass.

SASS Indented Syntax

SASS Indented syntax or just SASS is an alternative to CSS based SCSS syntax.

  • It uses indentation rather than { and } to delimit blocks.

  • To separate statements, it uses newlines instead of semicolons(;).

  • Property declaration and selectors must be placed on its own line and statements within { and } must be placed on new line and indented.

For instance, consider the following SCSS code −

.myclass {
   color = red;
   font-size = 0.2em;

The indented syntax is an older syntax, which is not recommended for use in new Sass files. If you use this file, it will display error in the CSS file as we have used = instead of for setting properties and variables.

Compile the above given code using the following command −

sass --watch C:

Next, run the above command; it will display an error in style.css file as shown below −

Error: Invalid CSS after "  color = red": expected "{", was ";"
      on line 2 of C:

1:.myclass {
2:   color = red;
3:   font-size = 0.2em;

Syntax Differences of SASS

Most CSS and SCSS syntaxes work perfectly in SASS. However, there are some differences, which are explained in the following sections −

Property Syntax

CSS properties can be declared in two ways −

  • Properties can be declared similar to CSS but without semicolon(;).

  • colon(:) will be prefixed to every property name.

For instance, you can write as −

   :color red
   :font-size 0.2em

Both the above ways (properties declaration without semicolon and colon prefixed to property name) can be used, by default. However, only one property syntax is allowed to specify when you use the :property_syntax option.

Multiline Selectors

In Indented syntax, selectors can be placed on a newline whenever they appear after commas.


The following example describes the use of multiline selectors in the SCSS file −

      <title>Multiline Selectors</title>
      <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css" />
      <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "">
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>
      <h2>Example using Multiline Selectors</h2 >
      <p class = "class1">Welcome to yoursite!!!</p>
      <p class = "class2">SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet...</p>

Next, create file style.scss. Note the .scss extension.



You can tell SASS to watch the file and update the CSS whenever SASS file changes, by using the following command −

sass --watch C:

Next, execute the above given command, it will create the style.css file automatically with the following code −

The generated style.css is as shown below −


.class2 {
   color: red;


Let us carry out the following steps to see how the above given code works −

  • Save the above given html code in multiline_selectors.html file.

  • Open this HTML file in a browser, an output is displayed as shown below.

Sass Syntax


Comments take up an entire line and enclose all the text nested under them. They are line-based in indented syntax. For more information about comments, refer this link.


In SASS the @import directive can be written with/without quotes. Unlike in SCSS, they must be used with quotes.

For instance, in SCSS the @import directive can be used as −

@import "themes/blackforest";
@import "style.sass";

This can be written in SASS as −

@import themes/blackforest
@import fontstyle.sass

Mixin Directives

SASS supports shorthand for directives like @mixin and @include. Instead of @mixin and @include you can use = and + characters, which require less typing and makes your code simpler, and easier to read.

For instance, you can write the mixin directives as −

   font-size: 12px;

The above given code is the same as −

@mixin myclass
   font-size: 12px;
   @include myclass

Deprecated Syntax

SASS supports the use of some old syntax. However, using this syntax in SASS is not recommended. Warning will be displayed if you use this syntax and it is removed in later versions. Some of the old syntaxes are shown in the following table.

S. No. Operator & Description


It was used instead of : when setting variables and properties to values of SassScript.



It was used instead of : whenever you are assigning default value of a variable.



Instead of $, ! was used as variable prefix. Functionality will not be changed when it is used instead of $.

Using Sass

SASS is more powerful and stable that provides power to the basic language by using extension of CSS. You can use SASS in three different ways −

  • As a command line tool
  • As a Ruby module
  • As a plugin for Rack enable framework

If you are using SASS on windows, then you need to install Ruby first. For more information about installing Ruby, refer the SASS Installation chapter.

The following table shows the commands, which are used for executing the SASS code −

S. No. Command & Description

sass input.scss output.css

It is used to run the SASS code from the command line.


sass --watch input.scss:output.css

It informs SASS to watch the file and update the CSS whenever SASS file changes.


sass --watch app/sass:public/stylesheets

It is used to watch the entire directory, if SASS contains many files in a directory.

Rack/Rails/Merb Plugin

Rack is a web server interface, which is used for developing web applications in Ruby. For information about Rack, just visit this link.

You can enable the SASS in the Rails 3 version using the environment.rb file present under the config folder. Enable the SASS for the Rails 3 using the following code −

config.gem "sass"

You can use the following line to the Gemfile for the Rails 3(and above version), as −

gem "sass"

Rails is an open-source web framework that uses web standards such as JSON, HTML, CSS and JavaScript for displaying user interface. To work with Rails, you need to have a basic knowledge of Ruby and object-oriented programming. Learn more about on Rails framework here.

If you want to enable the SASS in Rack application, add the following lines to the file, which is present in the app's root directory −

require 'sass/plugin/rack'
use Sass::Plugin::Rack

Merb is a web application framework, which provides speed and modularity to Rails. To know more about Merb, just open this link.

You can enable the SASS in Merb by adding the following line to the config/dependencies.rb file −

dependency "merb-haml"


SASS caches documents such as templates and partials, which can be reused without parsing them unless they have changed. It makes compilation of SASS files faster and works even better when the templates are divided into separate files, which are all imported into one large file. If you delete cached files, they will be generated again when you compile next time.


You can set the options in the environment.rb file of Rails or file of Rack application by using the following line −

Sass::Plugin.options[:style] = :compact

You can also set options in the init.rb file of Merb by using the following line −

Merb::Plugin.config[:sass][:style] = :compact

There are some options available with SASS and SCSS as described in the table given below −

S. No. Option & Description


It displays style of the output.



You can use indented syntax for sass and CSS extension syntax for scss.



It uses indented syntax to make use of properties. If it is not correct, then it will throw an error. For instance, consider "background: #F5F5F5" in which background is a property name and #F5F5F5 is its property value. You must use colon after the property name.



It speeds up compilation of SASS files. It is set to true by default.



It read only SASS files if cache is not set and read_cache is set.



It can be used to store and access the cached result by setting it to an instance of Sass::CacheStores::Base.



It should never update the CSS file if the template files changes. By default it is set to false.



It should update the CSS file whenever the template files changes.



It should check for the updates whenever the server starts. It will recompile and overwrite the CSS file, if there is an update in the SASS template file.



It uses polling backend for Sass::Plugin::Compiler#watch (which watches the template and updation of CSS files) by setting it to true.



It displays the error description whenever an exception occurs in SASS code within generated CSS file. It displays a line number where an error occurred along with source in the CSS file.



It provides the path for the template directory in the application.



It provides the path for the CSS stylesheets in the application.



It provides Unix style newlines when writing files by setting it to true.



It is name of the filename being displayed and used for reporting errors.



It specifies the first line of the SASS template and displays the line numbers for errors.



It is used to load the paths for SASS template which are included using @import directive.



It is used to import files from file system that uses Sass::Importers::Base sub class to handle string load paths.



It generates source maps which instructs browser to find the SASS styles. It uses three values −

  • :auto − It contains relative URIs. If there is no relative URI, then uses "file:" URI.

  • :file − It uses "file:" URIs, which work locally, not on remote server.

  • :inline − It contains source text in the source map which is used to create large source map files.



It displays the line number for errors reported in the CSS file by setting it to true.



It helps to trace the selectors of imports and mixins when it is set to true.



It provides debug information of SASS file using line number and file when it is set to true.



It makes data available to SASS functions in the separate applications.



It disables the warnings by setting it to true.

Syntax Selection

You can determine which syntax you are using in the SASS template by using the SASS command line tool. By default, SASS uses indented syntax which is an alternative to CSS based SCSS syntax. You can use the SCSS command line program, which is similar to the SASS program, but by the default, it considers the syntax to be SCSS.


SASS uses the character encoding of stylesheets by specifying the following CSS specifications −

  • First, it checks for Unicode byte, next @charset declaration and then Ruby string encoding.

  • Next, if nothing is set, then it considers charset encoding as UTF-8.

  • Determine character encoding explicitly by using @charset declaration. Just use "@charset encoding name" at the beginning of the stylesheet and SASS will assume that this is the given character encoding.

  • If output file of SASS contains non-ASCII characters, then it will use the @charset declaration.

Sass - CSS Extensions

In this chapter, we will study about CSS Extensions. CSS Extensions can be used to enhance the functionality of the web pages. The following table lists down some of the CSS extensions used in SASS −

S. No. CSS Extension & Description
1 Nested Rules

It is a way of combining multiple CSS rules within one another.

2 Referencing Parent Selectors: &

It is the process of selecting parent selector by using the & character.

3 Nested Properties

It allows nesting of properties into other properties which leads to grouping of another related code.

4 Placeholder Selectors

Sass supports placeholder selector using class or id selector by making use of @extend directive.

Sass - Comments

In this chapter, we will study about Sass Comments. Comments are non-executable statements, which are placed in source code. Comments make source code easier to understand. SASS supports two types of comments.

  • Multiline comments − These are written using /* and */. Multiline comments are preserved in CSS output.

  • Single line comments − These are written using // followed by comments. Single line comments are not preserved in CSS output.


The following example demonstrates the use of comments in the SCSS file −

      <title>SASS comments</title>
      <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css"/>

      <h1>Welcome to yoursite</h1>
      <a href = "">yoursite</a>

Next, create file style.scss.


/* This comment is
 * more than one line long
 * since it uses the CSS comment syntax,
 * it will appear in the CSS output. */
body { color: black; }

// These comments are in single line
// They will not appear in the CSS output,
// since they use the single-line comment syntax.
a { color: blue; }

You can tell SASS to watch the file and update the CSS whenever SASS file changes, by using the following command −

sass --watch C:

Next, execute the above command, it will create the style.css file automatically with the following code −


/* This comment is
 * more than one line long
 * since it uses the CSS comment syntax,
 * it will appear in the CSS output. */
body {
   color: black; }

a {
   color: blue; }


Let us carry out the following steps to see how the above given code works −

  • Save the above given html code in sass_comments.html file.

  • Open this HTML file in a browser, an output is displayed as shown below.

Sass Comments

To study about interpolation within multiline comments, click this link.

Sass – Interpolation in Multiline Comments


Interpolation within the multiline comments are resolved in the resulting CSS. You can specify variables or property names within the curly braces.


$var : "value";
/* multiline comments #{$var} */


The following example demonstrates the use of interpolation in multiline comments in the SCSS file −

      <title>SASS comments</title>
      <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css"/>

      <h1>Welcome to yoursite</h1>
      <p>This is an example for Interpolation in SASS.</p>

Next, create file style.scss.


$version: "7.8";
/* Framework version for the generated CSS is #{$version}. */

You can tell SASS to watch the file and update the CSS whenever SASS file changes, by using the following command −

sass --watch C:

Next, execute the above command; it will create the style.css file automatically with the following code


/* Framework version for the generated CSS is 7.8. */


Let us carry out the following steps to see how the above given code works −

  • Save the above given html code in sass_comments_interpolation.htm file.

  • Open this HTML file in a browser, an output is displayed as shown below.

Sass Comments

Sass - Script

SASS uses a small set of extensions known as SassScript which can be included in the SASS documents to compute variables from property values and uses properties of variables, arithmetic, and other functions. SassScript can also be used with selectors and property names while using mixins (Mixins allows to re-use CSS styles throughout the stylesheet).

The following table lists some of the CSS extensions used in SASS −

S. No. CSS Extension & Description
1 Interactive Shell

It evaluates SassScript expression using command line.

2 Variables

It represents the data such as numeric values, characters or memory addresses.

3 DataTypes

It declares data type for every data object.

4 Operations

It provides operations such as number, color, string, boolean and list operations.

5 Parentheses

It is pair of signs which are usually marked off by round brackets ( ) or square brackets [].

6 Functions

It supports for the use of functions by providing some keyword arguments.

7 Interpolation

It provides SassScript variables and property names using #{ } syntax.

8 & in SassScript

It allows nesting of properties into another properties which leads to group of another related code.

9 Variable Defaults

It allows nesting of properties into another properties which leads to group of another related code.

Sass - @-Rules and Directives

The following table lists all the rules and directives which you can use in SASS.

S. No. Directives & Description
1 @import

It imports the SASS or SCSS files, it directly takes the filename to import.

2 @media

It sets the style rule to different media types.

3 @extend

@extend directive is used to share rules and relationships between selectors.

4 @at-root

@at-root directive is a collection of nested rules, which is able to make style block at root of the document.

5 @debug

@debug directive detects the errors and displays the SassScript expression values to the standard error output stream.

6 @warn

@warn directive is used to give cautionary advice about the problem; it displays the SassScript expression values to the standard error output stream.

7 @error

@error directive displays the SassScript expression value as fatal error.

Sass - Control Directives & Expressions

In this chapter, we will study about Control Directives & Expressions. Styling based on some conditions or applying the same style many times with variations can be accomplished by using control directives and expressions, which are supported by SassScript. These control directives are advanced options used mainly in mixins. They require considerable flexibility, as they are a part of Compass libraries.

The following table lists the control directives and expressions used in SASS −

S. No. Control Directive & Expression with Description
1 if()

Based on the condition, if() function returns only one result from two possible outcomes.

2 @if

The @if directive accepts SassScript expressions and uses the nested styles whenever the result of the expression is anything other than false or null.

3 @for

The @for directive allows you to generate styles in a loop.

4 @each

In @each directive, a variable is defined which contains the value of each item in a list.

5 @while

It takes SassScript expressions and untill the statement evaluates to false it iteratively outputs nested styles.

Sass - Mixin Directives

Mixins allow creating a group of styles, which are reusable throughout your stylesheet without any need to recreation of non-semantic classes. In CSS, the mixins can store multiple values or parameters and call function; it helps to avoid writing repetitive codes. Mixin names can use underscores and hyphens interchangeably. Following are the directives present in Mixins −

S. No. Directive & Description
1 Defining a Mixin

@mixin directive is used to define the mixin.

2 Including a Mixin

@include directive is used to include the mixins in the document.

3 Arguments

The SassScript values can be taken as arguments in mixins, which is given when mixin is included and available as variable within the mixin.

4 Passing Content Blocks to a Mixin

Block of styles are passed to the mixin.

Sass - Function Directives

In this chapter, we will study about Function Directives. In SASS, you can create your own function and use them in your script context or can be used with any value. Functions are called by using the function name and with any parameters.


The following example demonstrates the use of function directive in the SCSS file −


      <title>Nested Rules</title>
      <link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css" />
      <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "">
      <script src = ""></script>
      <script src = ""></script>

      <div class = "container" id = "set_width">
         <h2>Example for Function directives</h2>
         <p>SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet. </p>

Next, create file style.scss.


$first-width: 5px;
$second-width: 5px;

@function adjust_width($n) {
   @return $n * $first-width + ($n - 1) * $second-width;

#set_width { padding-left: adjust_width(10); }

You can tell SASS to watch the file and update the CSS whenever SASS file changes, by using the following command −

sass --watch C:

Next, execute the above command; it will create the style.css file automatically with the following code −


#set_width {
   padding-left: 95px; 


Let us carry out the following steps to see how the above given code works −

  • Save the above given html code in function_directive.html file.

  • Open this HTML file in a browser, an output is displayed as shown below.

Sass Function Directives

In the output, you can see that the left-padding is being applied.

Just like mixin, function can also access globally defined variables and can also accept parameters. You should call the return value for the function by using @return. We can call the SASS-defined functions by using keyword parameters.

Call the above function as shown below.

#set_width { padding-left: adjust_width($n: 10); }

Naming Conventions

To avoid naming conflicts function names can be prefixed so that they can be easily differentiated. Like mixins, variable arguments are also supported by user-defined functions. Functions and other SASS identifiers can use underscores(_) and hyphens(-) interchangeably.

For example, if a function is defined as adjust_width, it can be used as adjust-width, and vice versa.

Sass - Output Style

In this chapter, we will study about SASS Output Style. The CSS file that the SASS generates consists of default CSS style, which reflects the structure of document. The default CSS styling is good but might not be suitable for all situations; on other hand, SASS supports many other styles.

It supports the following different output styles −


Nested style is default styling of SASS. This way of styling is very useful when you are dealing with large CSS files. It makes the structure of the file more readable and can be easily understood. Every property takes its own line and indentation of each rule is based on how deeply it is nested.

For instance, we can nest the code in SASS file as shown below −

#first {
   background-color: #00FFFF;
   color: #C0C0C0; 

#first p {
   width: 10em; 

.highlight {
   text-decoration: underline;
   font-size: 5em;
   background-color: #FFFF00; 


In expanded type of CSS styling each property and rule has its own line. It takes more space compared to the Nested CSS style. The Rules section consists of properties, which are all intended within the rules, whereas rules does not follow any indentation.

For instance, we can expand the code in the SASS file as shown below −

#first {
   background-color: #00FFFF;
   color: #C0C0C0;

#first p {
   width: 10em;

.highlight {
   text-decoration: underline;
   font-size: 5em;
   background-color: #FFFF00;


Compact CSS style competitively takes less space than Expanded and Nested. It focuses mainly on selectors rather than its properties. Each selector takes up one line and its properties are also placed in the same line. Nested rules are positioned next to each other without a newline and the separate groups of rules will have new lines between them.

For instance, we can compact the code in the SASS file as shown below −

#first { 
   background-color: #00FFFF; color: #C0C0C0; 

#first p { 
   width: 10em; 

.highlight { 
   text-decoration: underline; font-size: 5em; background-color: #FFFF00; 


Compressed CSS style takes the least amount of space compared to all other styles discussed above. It provides whitespaces only to separate selectors and newline at the end of the file. This way of styling is confusing and is not easily readable.

For instance, we can compress the code in SASS file as shown below −

#first { 

#first p { 

.highlight { 

Extending Sass

You can extend the functionality of SASS to provide different types of features and customizations for users. To make use of these features, user should have knowledge of Ruby.

Defining Custom SASS Functions

You can define your own SASS functions while using Ruby API. You can add your custom functions by adding them to Ruby methods as shown in the following code −

module Sass::Script::Functions
   def reverse(string)
      assert_type string, :String
   declare :reverse, [:string]

In the code you could see, the Function, declare, specifies the argument names for the function. If it fails then it will not accept any arguments even if the function is working and it also takes arbitrary keyword arguments. You can get Ruby values by using value accessor and access the color objects by using rgb, red, green, or blue.

Cache Stores

SASS stores cache of parsed documents, which can be reused without parsing again. SASS uses :cache_location to write cache files on the file system. It makes compilation of SASS files faster and if you delete cached files, they will be generated again when you compile next time. You can define your own cache store by setting the :cache_store option. This will write cache files on the file system or share cache files to ruby processes or machines. SASS uses instance of subclass of Sass::CacheStores::Base to store and retrieve cache results.

Custom Importers

SASS uses @import to import SCSS and SASS files and passes paths to @import rule to find an appropriate path code for specified paths. SASS importers use file system for loading the code and added to the load using database or different file naming scheme.

Single importer can take single file loading and can be placed in :load_paths array along with the paths of file system. While using @import, SASS looks for loaded paths, which import the path for the importer. When the path is found, the imported file is used. A user can inherit the importers from Sass::Importers::Base.

What language will be most in demand in the web development market in the next 5 years?

posted on June 9, 2021


I would rank the languages in this order:

1) JavaScript
2) Python
3) Ruby

Here's why...

You could just do Python, but if you have the energy and time, solid knowledge of JavaScript can only help you. It's everywhere and not going away.

As for Ruby, my impression of Ruby developers is that they're generally very smart, careful programmers.

You could say this is silly, but if you step back, you do see a general style that goes with a specific language.

That said, the choice of languages and frameworks when Ruby and ROR came to the party are very different than they are now.

ROR offered a rapid application development (RAD) platform that appealed to developers who had to get things done fast, but also appreciated elegant code.

Ruby experts are doing very well (pay rate and availability of jobs), but if you're just getting started, I wouldn't start with Ruby.

I think JavaScript/Python are a better pair considering the current (and what I imagine to be future) market.

As for choosing a language by hourly rate, be careful there.

I was one of the highest-paid Macintosh C programmers I knew (in about 1994) until the work completely disappeared.

There's a time when companies still have ongoing projects in a language/framework and need resources. When new people aren't learning the language and old people are leaving, supply and demand causes rates to rise. Then the whole market disappears.

How much money do Bitcoin miners make?

posted on June 8, 2021


How Much a Miner Earns:

The rewards for bitcoin mining are halved every four years or so. When bitcoin was first mined in 2009, mining one block would earn you 50 BTC. In 2012, this was halved to 25 BTC. By 2016, this was halved again to the current level of 12.5 BTC. In about 2020, the reward size will be halved again to 6.25 BTC. As of the time of writing, the reward for completing a block is 12.5 Bitcoin. In November of 2019, the price of Bitcoin was about $9,300 per bitcoin, which means you'd earn $116,250 (12.5 x 9,300) for completing a block. Not a bad incentive to solve that complex hash problem detailed above.

Whether you're looking to make some fast cash, or you're after long-term, more sustainable income-producing results, there are certainly ways you can make money online today. The truth is that making money online isn't as difficult as most make it out to seem. But It does require some discipline. is where I invest my bitcoin and ethereum and get weekly returns.

Ruby on Rails Tutorial

posted on June 8, 2021


What is Ruby?

Before we ride on Rails, let us recapitulate a few points of Ruby, which is the base of Rails.

Ruby is the successful combination of −

  • Smalltalk's conceptual elegance,
  • Python's ease of use and learning, and
  • Perl's pragmatism.

Ruby is −

  • A high-level programming language.
  • Interpreted like Perl, Python, Tcl/TK.
  • Object-oriented like Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, Java.

Why Ruby?

Ruby originated in Japan and now it is gaining popularity in US and Europe as well. The following factors contribute towards its popularity −

  • Easy to learn
  • Open source (very liberal license)
  • Rich libraries
  • Very easy to extend
  • Truly object-oriented
  • Less coding with fewer bugs
  • Helpful community

Although we have many reasons to use Ruby, there are a few drawbacks as well that you may have to consider before implementing Ruby −

  • Performance Issues − Although it rivals Perl and Python, it is still an interpreted language and we cannot compare it with high-level programming languages like C or C++.

  • Threading model − Ruby does not use native threads. Ruby threads are simulated in the VM rather than running as native OS threads.

Sample Ruby Code

Here is a sample Ruby code to print "Hello Ruby"

# The Hello Class
class Hello
   def initialize( name )
      @name = name.capitalize

   def salute
      puts "Hello #{@name}!"

# Create a new object
h ="Ruby")

# Output "Hello Ruby!"

Output − This will produce the following result −

Hello Ruby!

Embedded Ruby

Ruby provides a program called ERB (Embedded Ruby), written by Seki Masatoshi. ERB allows you to put Ruby codes inside an HTML file. ERB reads along, word for word, and then at a certain point, when it encounters a Ruby code embedded in the document, it starts executing the Ruby code.

You need to know only two things to prepare an ERB document −

  • If you want some Ruby code executed, enclose it between <% and %>.

  • If you want the result of the code execution to be printed out, as a part of the output, enclose the code between <%= and %>.

Here's an example. Save the code in erbdemo.rb file. Note that a Ruby file will have an extension .rb

<% page_title = "Demonstration of ERB" %>
<% salutation = "Dear programmer," %>


      <title><%= page_title %></title>
      <p><%= salutation %></p>
      <p>This is an example of how ERB fills out a template.</p>

Now, run the program using the command-line utility erb.

tp> erb erbdemo.rb

This will produce the following result −


      <title>Demonstration of ERb</title>
      <p>Dear programmer,</p>
      <p>This is an example  of how ERb fills out a template.</p>

What is Rails?

  • An extremely productive web-application framework.

  • Written in Ruby by David Heinemeier Hansson.

  • You could develop a web application at least ten times faster with Rails than you could with a typical Java framework.

  • An open source Ruby framework for developing database-backed web applications.

  • Configure your code with Database Schema.

  • No compilation phase required.

Full Stack Framework

  • Includes everything needed to create a database-driven web application, using the Model-View-Controller pattern.

  • Being a full-stack framework means all the layers are built to work seamlessly together with less code.

  • Requires fewer lines of code than other frameworks.

Convention over Configuration

  • Rails shuns configuration files in favor of conventions, reflection, and dynamic runtime extensions.

  • Your application code and your running database already contain everything that Rails needs to know!

Rails Strengths

Rails is packed with features that make you more productive, with many of the following features building on one other.


Where other frameworks use extensive code generation from scratch, Rail framework uses Metaprogramming techniques to write programs. Ruby is one of the best languages for Metaprogramming, and Rails uses this capability well. Rails also uses code generation but relies much more on Metaprogramming for the heavy lifting.

Active Record

Rails introduces the Active Record framework, which saves objects into the database. The Rails version of the Active Record discovers the columns in a database schema and automatically attaches them to your domain objects using metaprogramming.

Convention over configuration

Most web development frameworks for .NET or Java force you to write pages of configuration code. If you follow the suggested naming conventions, Rails doesn't need much configuration.


You often create temporary code in the early stages of development to help get an application up quickly and see how major components work together. Rails automatically creates much of the scaffolding you'll need.

Built-in testing

Rails creates simple automated tests you can then extend. Rails also provides supporting code called harnesses and fixtures that make test cases easier to write and run. Ruby can then execute all your automated tests with the rake utility.

Three environments

Rails gives you three default environments: development, testing, and production. Each behaves slightly differently, making your entire software development cycle easier. For example, Rails creates a fresh copy of the Test database for each test run.

Ruby on Rails - Installation

To develop a web application using Ruby on Rails Framework, you need to install the following software −

  • Ruby
  • The Rails Framework
  • A Web Server
  • A Database System

We assume that you already have installed a Web Server and a Database System on your computer. You can use the WEBrick Web Server, which comes with Ruby. Most websites however use Apache or lightTPD web servers in production.

Rails works with many database systems, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server. Please refer to a corresponding Database System Setup manual to set up your database.

Let's look at the installation instructions for Rails on Windows and Linux.

Rails Installation on Windows

Follow the steps given below for installing Ruby on Rails.

Step 1: Check Ruby Version

First, check if you already have Ruby installed. Open the command prompt and type ruby -v. If Ruby responds, and if it shows a version number at or above 2.2.2, then type gem --version. If you don't get an error, skip Install Ruby step. Otherwise, we'll install a fresh Ruby.

Step 2: Install Ruby

If Ruby is not installed, then download an installation package from Follow the download link, and run the resulting installer. This is an exe file rubyinstaller-2.2.2.x.exe and will be installed in a single click. It's a very small package, and you'll get RubyGems as well along with this package. Please check the Release Notes for more detail.

Ruby Home

Step 3: Install Rails

Install Rails − With Rubygems loaded, you can install all of Rails and its dependencies using the following command through the command line −

C:> gem install rails

GEM Install

Note − The above command may take some time to install all dependencies. Make sure you are connected to the internet while installing gems dependencies.

Step 4: Check Rails Version

Use the following command to check the rails version.

C:> rails -v


Rails 4.2.4

Congratulations! You are now on Rails over Windows.

Rails Installation on Linux

We are installing Ruby On Rails on Linux using rbenv. It is a lightweight Ruby Version Management Tool. The rbenv provides an easy installation procedure to manage various versions of Ruby, and a solid environment for developing Ruby on Rails applications.

Follow the steps given below to install Ruby on Rails using rbenv tool.

Step 1: Install Prerequisite Dependencies

First of all, we have to install git - core and some ruby dependences that help to install Ruby on Rails. Use the following command for installing Rails dependencies using yum.

tp> sudo yum install -y git-core zlib zlib-devel gcc-c++ patch readline readline-devel libyaml-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel make bzip2 autoconf automake libtool bison curl sqlite-devel

Step 2: Install rbenv

Now we will install rbenv and set the appropriate environment variables. Use the following set of commands to get rbenv for git repository.

tp> git clone git:// .rbenv
tp> echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
tp> echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
tp> exec $SHELL

tp> git clone git:// ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
tp> echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' << ~/.bash_profile
tp> exec $SHELL

Step 3: Install Ruby

Before installing Ruby, determine which version of Ruby you want to install. We will install Ruby 2.2.3. Use the following command for installing Ruby.

tp> rbenv install -v 2.2.3

Use the following command for setting up the current Ruby version as default.

tp> rbenv global 2.2.3

Use the following command to verify the Ruby version.

tp> ruby -v


ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revivion 51636) [X86_64-linux]

Ruby provides a keyword gem for installing the supported dependencies; we call them gems. If you don't want to install the documentation for Ruby-gems, then use the following command.

tp> echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc

Thereafter, it is better to install the Bundler gem, because it helps to manage your application dependencies. Use the following command to install bundler gem.

tp> gem install bundler

Step 4: Install Rails

Use the following command for installing Rails version 4.2.4.

tp> install rails -v 4.2.4

Use the following command to make Rails executable available.

tp> rbenv rehash

Use the following command for checking the rails version.

tp> rails -v


tp> Rails 4.2.4

Ruby on Rails framework requires JavaScript Runtime Environment (Node.js) to manage the features of Rails. Next, we will see how we can use Node.js to manage Asset Pipeline which is a Rails feature.

Step 5: Install JavaScript Runtime

Let us install Node.js from the Yum repository. We will take Node.js from EPEL yum repository. Use the following command to add the EPEL package to the yum repository.

tp> sudo yum -y install epel-release

Use the following command for installing the Node.js package.

tp> sudo yum install nodejs

Congratulations! You are now on Rails over Linux.

Step 6: Install Database

By default, Rails uses sqlite3, but you may want to install MySQL, PostgreSQL, or other RDBMS. This is optional; if you have the database installed, then you may skip this step and it is not mandatory that you have a database installed to start the rails server. For this tutorial, we are using PostgreSQL database. Therefore use the following commands to install PostgreSQL.

tp> sudo yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib

Accept the prompt, by responding with a y. Use the following command to create a PostgreSQl database cluster.

tp> sudo postgresql-setup initdb

Use the following command to start and enable PostgreSQL.

tp> sudo systemctl start postgresql
tp> sudo systemctl enable postgresql

Keeping Rails Up-to-Date

Assuming you have installed Rails using RubyGems, keeping it up-to-date is relatively easy. We can use the same command in both Windows and Linux platform. Use the following command −

tp> gem update rails


The following screenshot shows a Windows command prompt. The Linux terminal also provides the same output.

GEM Update

This will automatically update your Rails installation. The next time you restart your application, it will pick up this latest version of Rails. While using this command, make sure you are connected to the internet.

Installation Verification

You can verify if everything is set up according to your requirements or not. Use the following command to create a demo project.

tp> rails new demo


Rails New Demo

It will generate a demo rail project; we will discuss about it later. Currently we have to check if the environment is set up or not. Next, use the following command to run WEBrick web server on your machine.

tp> cd demo
tp> rails server

It will generate auto-code to start the server

Rails Server

Now open your browser and type the following −


It should display a message, something like, "Welcome aboard" or "Congratulations".

Rails Welcome

Ruby on Rails - Framework

A framework is a program, set of programs, and/or code library that writes most of your application for you. When you use a framework, your job is to write the parts of the application that make it do the specific things you want.

When you set out to write a Rails application, leaving aside the configuration and other housekeeping chores, you have to perform three primary tasks −

  • Describe and model your application's domain − The domain is the universe of your application. The domain may be a music store, a university, a dating service, an address book, or a hardware inventory. So here you have to figure out what's in it, what entities exist in this universe and how the items in it relate to each other. This is equivalent to modeling a database structure to keep the entities and their relationship.

  • Specify what can happen in this domain − The domain model is static; you have to make it dynamic. Addresses can be added to an address book. Musical scores can be purchased from music stores. Users can log in to a dating service. Students can register for classes at a university. You need to identify all the possible scenarios or actions that the elements of your domain can participate in.

  • Choose and design the publicly available views of the domain − At this point, you can start thinking in Web-browser terms. Once you've decided that your domain has students, and that they can register for classes, you can envision a welcome page, a registration page, and a confirmation page, etc. Each of these pages, or views, shows the user how things stand at a certain point.

Based on the above three tasks, Ruby on Rails deals with a Model/View/Controller (MVC) framework.

Ruby on Rails MVC Framework

The Model View Controller principle divides the work of an application into three separate but closely cooperative subsystems.

Model (ActiveRecord )

It maintains the relationship between the objects and the database and handles validation, association, transactions, and more.

This subsystem is implemented in ActiveRecord library, which provides an interface and binding between the tables in a relational database and the Ruby program code that manipulates database records. Ruby method names are automatically generated from the field names of database tables.

View ( ActionView )

It is a presentation of data in a particular format, triggered by a controller's decision to present the data. They are script-based template systems like JSP, ASP, PHP, and very easy to integrate with AJAX technology.

This subsystem is implemented in ActionView library, which is an Embedded Ruby (ERb) based system for defining presentation templates for data presentation. Every Web connection to a Rails application results in the displaying of a view.

Controller ( ActionController )

The facility within the application that directs traffic, on the one hand, querying the models for specific data, and on the other hand, organizing that data (searching, sorting, messaging it) into a form that fits the needs of a given view.

This subsystem is implemented in ActionController, which is a data broker sitting between ActiveRecord (the database interface) and ActionView (the presentation engine).

Pictorial Representation of MVC Framework

Given below is a pictorial representation of Ruby on Rails Framework −

Rails Framework

Directory Representation of MVC Framework

Assuming a standard, default installation over Linux, you can find them like this −

tp> cd /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems
tp> ls

You will see subdirectories including (but not limited to) the following −

  • actionpack-x.y.z
  • activerecord-x.y.z
  • rails-x.y.z

Over a windows installation, you can find them like this −

tp>cd rubylib

You will see subdirectories including (but not limited to) the following −


ActionView and ActionController are bundled together under ActionPack.

ActiveRecord provides a range of programming techniques and shortcuts for manipulating data from an SQL database. ActionController and ActionView provides facilities for manipulating and displaying that data. Rails ties it all together.

Ruby on Rails - Directory Structure

When you use the Rails helper script to create your application, it creates the entire directory structure for the application. Rails knows where to find things it needs within this structure, so you don't have to provide any input.

Here is a top-level view of a directory tree created by the helper script at the time of application creation. Except for minor changes between releases, every Rails project will have the same structure, with the same naming conventions. This consistency gives you a tremendous advantage; you can quickly move between Rails projects without relearning the project's organization.

To understand this directory structure, let's use the demo application created in the Installation chapter. It can be created using a simple helper command rails demo.

Now, go into the demo application root directory as follows −

tp> cd demo
demo> dir

You will find a directory structure in Windows as follows −


Now let's explain the purpose of each directory

  • app − It organizes your application components. It's got subdirectories that hold the view (views and helpers), controller (controllers), and the backend business logic (models).

  • app/controllers − The controllers subdirectory is where Rails looks to find the controller classes. A controller handles a web request from the user.

  • app/helpers − The helpers subdirectory holds any helper classes used to assist the model, view, and controller classes. This helps to keep the model, view, and controller code small, focused, and uncluttered.

  • app/models − The models subdirectory holds the classes that model and wrap the data stored in our application's database. In most frameworks, this part of the application can grow pretty messy, tedious, verbose, and error-prone. Rails makes it dead simple!

  • app/view − The views subdirectory holds the display templates to fill in with data from our application, convert to HTML, and return to the user's browser.

  • app/view/layouts − Holds the template files for layouts to be used with views. This models the common header/footer method of wrapping views. In your views, define a layout using the <tt>layout:default</tt> and create a file named default.html.erb. Inside default.html.erb, call <% yield %> to render the view using this layout.

  • components − This directory holds components, tiny self-contained applications that bundle model, view, and controller.

  • config − This directory contains the small amount of configuration code that your application will need, including your database configuration (in database.yml), your Rails environment structure (environment.rb), and routing of incoming web requests (routes.rb). You can also tailor the behavior of the three Rails environments for test, development, and deployment with files found in the environments directory.

  • db − Usually, your Rails application will have model objects that access relational database tables. You can manage the relational database with scripts you create and place in this directory.

  • doc − Ruby has a framework, called RubyDoc, that can automatically generate documentation for code you create. You can assist RubyDoc with comments in your code. This directory holds all the RubyDoc-generated Rails and application documentation.

  • lib − You'll put libraries here, unless they explicitly belong elsewhere (such as vendor libraries).

  • log − Error logs go here. Rails creates scripts that help you manage various error logs. You'll find separate logs for the server (server.log) and each Rails environment (development.log, test.log, and production.log).

  • public − Like the public directory for a web server, this directory has web files that don't change, such as JavaScript files (public/javascripts), graphics (public/images), stylesheets (public/stylesheets), and HTML files (public).

  • script − This directory holds scripts to launch and manage the various tools that you'll use with Rails. For example, there are scripts to generate code (generate) and launch the web server (server).

  • test − The tests you write and those that Rails creates for you, all goes here. You'll see a subdirectory for mocks (mocks), unit tests (unit), fixtures (fixtures), and functional tests (functional).

  • tmp − Rails uses this directory to hold temporary files for intermediate processing.

  • vendor − Libraries provided by third-party vendors (such as security libraries or database utilities beyond the basic Rails distribution) go here.

Apart from these directories, there will be two files available in demo directory.

  • README − This file contains a basic detail about Rail Application and description of the directory structure explained above.

  • Rakefile − This file is similar to Unix Makefile, which helps with building, packaging and testing the Rails code. This will be used by rake utility supplied along with the Ruby installation.

Ruby on Rails - Examples

In this chapter, we will create a simple but operational online library system for holding and managing the books.

This application has a basic architecture and will be built using two ActiveRecord models to describe the types of data that is stored −

  • Books, which describes an actual listing.
  • Subject, which is used to group books together.

Workflow for Creating Rails Applications

A recommended work flow for creating Rails Application is as follows −

  • Use the rails command to create the basic skeleton of the application.

  • Create a database on the PostgreSQL server to hold your data.

  • Configure the application to know where your database is located and the login credentials for it.

  • Create Rails Active Records (Models), because they are the business objects you'll be working with in your controllers.

  • Generate Migrations that simplify the creating and maintaining of database tables and columns.

  • Write Controller Code to put a life in your application.

  • Create Views to present your data through User Interface.

So, let us start with creating our library application.

Creating an Empty Rails Web Application

Rails is both a runtime web application framework and a set of helper scripts that automate many of the things you do when developing a web application. In this step, we will use one such helper script to create the entire directory structure and the initial set of files to start our Library System application.

  • Go into ruby installation directory to create your application.

  • Run the following command to create a skeleton for library application. It will create the directory structure in the current directory.

tp> rails new library

This will create a subdirectory for the library application containing a complete directory tree of folders and files for an empty Rails application. Check a complete directory structure of the application. Check Rails Directory Structure for more detail.

Most of our development work will be creating and editing files in the library/app subdirectories. Here's a quick run down of how to use them −

  • The controllers subdirectory is where Rails looks to find controller classes. A controller handles a web request from the user.

  • The views subdirectory holds the display templates to fill in with data from our application, convert to HTML, and return to the user's browser.

  • The models subdirectory holds the classes that model and wrap the data stored in our application's database. In most frameworks, this part of the application can grow pretty messy, tedious, verbose, and error-prone. Rails makes it dead simple.

  • The helpers subdirectory holds any helper classes used to assist the model, view, and controller classes. This helps to keep the model, view, and controller code small, focused, and uncluttered.

Starting Web Server

Rails web application can run under virtually any web server, but the most convenient way to develop a Rails web application is to use the built-in WEBrick web server. Let's start this web server and then browse to our empty library application −

This server will be started from the application directory as follows. It runs on port number 3000.

tp> cd rubylibrary 
ubylibrary> Rails server

It generates the auto code to start the server as shown below −

Rails Server

This will start your WEBrick web server.

Now open your browser and browse to If everything is gone fine, then you should see a greeting message from WEBrick, otherwise there is something wrong with your setting. If everything goes well it will generate the output as follows.

Web Server

What is next?

The next chapter explains how to create databases for your application and what is the configuration required to access these created databases.

Further, we will see what Rails Migration is and how it is used to maintain database tables.

Ruby on Rails - Database Setup

Before starting with this chapter, make sure your database server is up and running. Ruby on Rails recommends to create three databases - a database each for development, testing, and production environment. According to convention, their names should be −

  • library_development
  • library_production
  • library_test

You should initialize all three of them and create a user and password for them with full read and write privileges. We are using the root user ID for our application.

Database Setup for MySQL

In MySQL, we are using the root user ID for our application. The MySQL console session in which you do this looks something like −

mysql> create database library_development;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> grant all privileges on library_development.*
to 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

You can do the same thing for two more databases library_production and library_test.

Configuring database.yml

At this point, you need to let Rails know about the user name and password for the databases. You do this in the file database.yml, available in the libraryconfig subdirectory of Rails Application you created. This file has live configuration sections for MySQL databases. In each of the sections you use, you need to change the username and password lines to reflect the permissions on the databases you've created.

When you finish, it should look something like −

   adapter: mysql
   database: library_development
   username: root
   password: [password]
   host: localhost
   adapter: mysql
   database: library_test
   username: root
   password: [password]
   host: localhost
   adapter: mysql
   database: library_production
   username: root
   password: [password]
   host: localhost

Database Setup for PostgreSQL

By default, PostgreSQL does not provide any users. We have to create new users. Use the following command to create a user with the name rubyuser.

tp> sudo -u postgres createuser rubyuser -s

If you want to create a password for the new user, then use the following command.

tp> sudo -u postgres psql

postgres=# password rubyuser

Use the following command for creating a database library_development.

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE library_development OWNER rubyuser; 


Use the following command for creating a database library_production.

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE library_production OWNER rubyuser; 


Use the following command for creating a database library_test.

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE library_test OWNER rubyuser; 


Press Ctrl+D to terminate PosgreSQL.

Configuring database.yml

At this point, you need to let Rails know the username and password for the databases. You do this in the file database.yml, available in the libraryconfig subdirectory of Rails Application you created. This file has live configuration sections for PostgreSQL databases. In each of the sections, you need to change the username and password lines to reflect the permissions on the databases you've created.

When you finish, it should look as follows −

default: &default
   adapter: postgresql
   encoding: unicode
   adapter: postgresql
   encoding: unicode
   database: library_development
   username: rubyuser
   password: <Password for rubyuser>

   adapter: postgresql
   encoding: unicode
   database: library_test
   username: rubyuser
   password: <Password for rubyuser>
   adapter: postgresql
   encoding: unicode
   database: library_production
   username: rubyuser
   password: <Password for rubyuser>

What is Next?

The next two chapters explain how to model your database tables and how to manage those using Rails Migrations.

Ruby on Rails - Active Records

Rails Active Record is the Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) layer supplied with Rails. It closely follows the standard ORM model, which is as follows −

  • tables map to classes,
  • rows map to objects and
  • columns map to object attributes.

Rails Active Records provide an interface and binding between the tables in a relational database and the Ruby program code that manipulates database records. Ruby method names are automatically generated from the field names of database tables.

Each Active Record object has CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) methods for database access. This strategy allows simple designs and straight forward mappings between database tables and application objects.

Translating a Domain Model into SQL

Translating a domain model into SQL is generally straight forward, as long as you remember that you have to write Rails-friendly SQL. In practical terms, you have to follow certain rules −

  • Each entity (such as book) gets a table in the database named after it, but in the plural (books).

  • Each such entity-matching table has a field called id, which contains a unique integer for each record inserted into the table.

  • Given entity x and entity y, if entity y belongs to entity x, then table y has a field called x_id.

  • The bulk of the fields in any table store the values for that entity's simple properties (anything that's a number or a string).

Creating Active Record Files (Models)

To create the Active Record files for our entities for library application, introduced in the previous chapter, issue the following command from the top level of the application directory.

library> ruby script/generate model Book
library> ruby script/generate model Subject

Above rails generate model book commands generates the auto code as below −

Book Generate

You're telling the generator to create models called Book and Subject to store instances of books and subjects. Notice that you are capitalizing Book and Subject and using the singular form. This is a Rails paradigm that you should follow each time you create a model.

When you use the generate tool, Rails creates the actual model file that holds all the methods unique to the model and the business rules you define, a unit test file for performing test-driven development, a sample data file (called fixtures) to use with the unit tests, and a Rails migration that makes creating database tables and columns easy.

Apart from creating many other files and directories, this will create files named book.rb and subject.rb containing a skeleton definition in the app/models directory.

Content available in book.rb −

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base

Content available in subject.rb −

class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base

Creating Associations between Models

When you have more than one model in your rails application, you would need to create connection between those models. You can do this via associations. Active Record supports three types of associations −

  • one-to-one − A one-to-one relationship exists when one item has exactly one of another item. For example, a person has exactly one birthday or a dog has exactly one owner.

  • one-to-many − A one-to-many relationship exists when a single object can be a member of many other objects. For instance, one subject can have many books.

  • many-to-many − A many-to-many relationship exists when the first object is related to one or more of a second object, and the second object is related to one or many of the first object.

You indicate these associations by adding declarations to your models: has_one, has_many, belongs_to, and has_and_belongs_to_many.

Now, you need to tell Rails what relationships you want to establish within the library data system. To do so, modify book.rb and subject.rb to look like this −

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
   belongs_to :subject

We have used a singular subject in the above example, because one Book can belong to a single Subject.

class Subject < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :books

We have used plural books here, because one subject can have multiple books.

Implementing Validations on Models

The implementation of validations is done in a Rails model. The data you are entering into the database is defined in the actual Rails model, so it only makes sense to define what valid data entails in the same location.

The validations are −

  • The value of title field should not be NULL.

  • The value of price field should be numeric.

Open book.rb in the appmodel subdiractory and put the following validations −

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
   belongs_to :subject
   validates_presence_of :title
   validates_numericality_of :price, :message=>"Error Message"
  • validates_presence_of − protects "NOT NULL" fields against missing user input.

  • validates_numericality_of − prevents the user, entering non numeric data.

Besides the validations mentioned above, there are other common validations. Check Rails Quick Guide.

What is Next?

In the next chapter, we will learn Rails Migration, which allows you to use Ruby to define changes to your database schema, making it possible to use a version control system to keep things synchronized with the actual code.

Ruby on Rails - Migrations

Rails Migration allows you to use Ruby to define changes to your database schema, making it possible to use a version control system to keep things synchronized with the actual code.

This has many uses, including −

  • Teams of developers − If one person makes a schema change, the other developers just need to update, and run "rake migrate".

  • Production servers − Run "rake migrate" when you roll out a new release to bring the database up to date as well.

  • Multiple machines − If you develop on both a desktop and a laptop, or in more than one location, migrations can help you keep them all synchronized.

What Can Rails Migration Do?

  • create_table(name, options)
  • drop_table(name)
  • rename_table(old_name, new_name)
  • add_column(table_name, column_name, type, options)
  • rename_column(table_name, column_name, new_column_name)
  • change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options)
  • remove_column(table_name, column_name)
  • add_index(table_name, column_name, index_type)
  • remove_index(table_name, column_name)

Migrations support all the basic data types − The following is the list of data types that migration supports −

  • string − for small data types such as a title.

  • text − for longer pieces of textual data, such as the description.

  • integer − for whole numbers.

  • float − for decimals.

  • datetime and timestamp − store the date and time into a column.

  • date and time − store either the date only or time only.

  • binary − for storing data such as images, audio, or movies.

  • Boolean − for storing true or false values.

Valid column options are − The following is the list of valid column options.

  • limit ( :limit => “50” )

  • default (:default => “blah” )

  • null (:null => false implies NOT NULL)

NOTE − The activities done by Rails Migration can be done using any front-end GUI or directly on SQL prompt, but Rails Migration makes all those activities very easy.

See the Rails API for details on these.

Create the Migrations

Here is the generic syntax for creating a migration −

application_dir> rails generate migration table_name

This will create the file db/migrate/001_table_name.rb. A migration file contains the basic Ruby syntax that describes the data structure of a database table.

NOTE − Before running the migration generator, it is recommended to clean the existing migrations generated by model generators.

We will create two migrations corresponding to our three tables − books and subjects.

Books migration should be as follows −

tp> cd library
library> rails generate migration books

Above command generates the following code.


subject migration should be as follows −

tp> cd library
library> rails generate migration subjects

Above command generates the following code.


Notice that you are using lower case for book and subject and plural form while creating migrations. This is a Rails paradigm that you should follow each time you create a Migration.

Edit the Code

Go to db/migrate subdirectory of your application and edit each file one by one using any simple text editor.

Modify 001_books.rb as follows −

The ID column will be created automatically, so don't do it here as well.

class Books < ActiveRecord::Migration
   def self.up
      create_table :books do |t|
         t.column :title, :string, :limit => 32, :null => false
         t.column :price, :float
         t.column :subject_id, :integer
         t.column :description, :text
         t.column :created_at, :timestamp

   def self.down
      drop_table :books

The method self.up is used when migrating to a new version, self.down is used to roll back any changes if needed. At this moment, the above script will be used to create books table.

Modify 002_subjects.rb as follows −

class Subjects < ActiveRecord::Migration
   def self.up
      create_table :subjects do |t|
         t.column :name, :string
      Subject.create :name => "Physics"
      Subject.create :name => "Mathematics"
      Subject.create :name => "Chemistry"
      Subject.create :name => "Psychology"
      Subject.create :name => "Geography"

   def self.down
      drop_table :subjects

The above script will be used to create subjects table and will create five records in the subjects table.

Run the Migration

Now that you have created all the required migration files. It is time to execute them against the database. To do this, go to a command prompt and go to the library directory in which the application is located, and then type rake migrate as follows −

library> rake db:migrate

This will create a "schema_info" table if it doesn't exist, which tracks the current version of the database - each new migration will be a new version, and any new migrations will be run until your database is at the current version.

Rake is a Ruby build program similar to Unix make program that Rails takes advantage of, to simplify the execution of complex tasks such as updating a database's structure etc.

Running Migrations for Production and Test Databases

If you would like to specify what Rails environment to use for the migration, use the RAILS_ENV shell variable.

For example −

library> export RAILS_ENV = production
library> rake db:migrate
library> export RAILS_ENV = test
library> rake db:migrate
library> export RAILS_ENV = development
library> rake db:migrate

NOTE − In Windows, use "set RAILS_ENV = production" instead of export command.

What is Next?

Now we have our database and the required tables available. In the two subsequent chapters, we will explore two important components called Controller (ActionController) and View (ActionView).

  • Creating Controllers (Action Controller).

  • Creating Views (Action View).

Ruby on Rails - Controller

The Rails controller is the logical center of your application. It coordinates the interaction between the user, the views, and the model. The controller is also a home to a number of important ancillary services.

  • It is responsible for routing external requests to internal actions. It handles people-friendly URLs extremely well.

  • It manages caching, which can give applications orders-of-magnitude performance boosts.

  • It manages helper modules, which extend the capabilities of the view templates without bulking up their code.

  • It manages sessions, giving users the impression of an ongoing interaction with our applications.

The process for creating a controller is very easy, and it's similar to the process we've already used for creating a model. We will create just one controller here −

library> rails generate controller Book

Notice that you are capitalizing Book and using the singular form. This is a Rails paradigm that you should follow each time you create a controller.

This command accomplishes several tasks, of which the following are relevant here −

  • It creates a file called app/controllers/book_controller.rb

If you look at book_controller.rb, you will find it as follows −

class BookController < ApplicationController

Controller classes inherit from ApplicationController, which is the other file in the controllers folder: application.rb.

The ApplicationController contains code that can be run in all your controllers and it inherits from Rails ActionController::Base class.

You don't need to worry with the ApplicationController as of yet, so let's just define a few method stubs in book_controller.rb. Based on your requirement, you could define any number of functions in this file.

Modify the file to look like the following and save your changes. Note that it is upto you what name you want to give to these methods, but better to give relevant names.

class BookController < ApplicationController
   def list
   def show
   def new
   def create
   def edit
   def update
   def delete

Now let us implement all the methods one by one.

Implementing the list Method

The list method gives you a list of all the books in the database. This functionality will be achieved by the following lines of code. Edit the following lines in book_controller.rb file.

def list
   @books = Book.all

The @books = Book.all line in the list method tells Rails to search the books table and store each row it finds in the @books instance object.

Implementing the show Method

The show method displays only further details on a single book. This functionality will be achieved by the following lines of code.

def show
   @book = Book.find(params[:id])

The show method's @book = Book.find(params[:id]) line tells Rails to find only the book that has the id defined in params[:id].

The params object is a container that enables you to pass values between method calls. For example, when you're on the page called by the list method, you can click a link for a specific book, and it passes the id of that book via the params object so that show can find the specific book.

Implementing the new Method

The new method lets Rails know that you will create a new object. So just add the following code in this method.

def new
   @book =
   @subjects = Subject.all

The above method will be called when you will display a page to the user to take user input. Here second line grabs all the subjects from the database and puts them in an array called @subjects.

Implementing the create Method

Once you take user input using HTML form, it is time to create a record into the database. To achieve this, edit the create method in the book_controller.rb to match the following −

def create
   @book =
      redirect_to :action => 'list'
      @subjects = Subject.all
      render :action => 'new'

def book_params
   params.require(:books).permit(:title, :price, :subject_id, :description)

The first line creates a new instance variable called @book that holds a Book object built from the data, the user submitted. The book_params method is used to collect all the fields from object :books. The data was passed from the new method to create using the params object.

The next line is a conditional statement that redirects the user to the list method if the object saves correctly to the database. If it doesn't save, the user is sent back to the new method. The redirect_to method is similar to performing a meta refresh on a web page: it automatically forwards you to your destination without any user interaction.

Then @subjects = Subject.all is required in case it does not save data successfully and it becomes similar case as with new option.

Implementing the edit Method

The edit method looks nearly identical to the show method. Both methods are used to retrieve a single object based on its id and display it on a page. The only difference is that the show method is not editable.

def edit
   @book = Book.find(params[:id])
   @subjects = Subject.all

This method will be called to display data on the screen to be modified by the user. The second line grabs all the subjects from the database and puts them in an array called @subjects.

Implementing the update Method

This method will be called after the edit method, when the user modifies a data and wants to update the changes into the database. The update method is similar to the create method and will be used to update existing books in the database.

def update
   @book = Book.find(params[:id])
   if @book.update_attributes(book_param)
      redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @book
      @subjects = Subject.all
      render :action => 'edit'

def book_param
   params.require(:book).permit(:title, :price, :subject_id, :description)

The update_attributes method is similar to the save method used by create but instead of creating a new row in the database, it overwrites the attributes of the existing row.

Then @subjects = Subject.all line is required in case it does not save the data successfully, then it becomes similar to edit option.

Implementing the delete Method

If you want to delete a record from the database then you will use this method. Implement this method as follows.

def delete
   redirect_to :action => 'list'

The first line finds the classified based on the parameter passed via the params object and then deletes it using the destroy method. The second line redirects the user to the list method using a redirect_to call.

Additional Methods to Display Subjects

Assume you want to give a facility to your users to browse all the books based on a given subject. So, you can create a method inside book_controller.rb to display all the subjects. Assume the method name is show_subjects

def show_subjects
   @subject = Subject.find(params[:id])

Finally your book_controller.rb file will look as follows −

class BooksController < ApplicationController

   def list
      @books = Book.all

   def show
      @book = Book.find(params[:id])
   def new
      @book =
      @subjects = Subject.all

   def book_params
      params.require(:books).permit(:title, :price, :subject_id, :description)

   def create
      @book =

         redirect_to :action => 'list'
         @subjects = Subject.all
         render :action => 'new'
   def edit
      @book = Book.find(params[:id])
      @subjects = Subject.all
   def book_param
      params.require(:book).permit(:title, :price, :subject_id, :description)
   def update
      @book = Book.find(params[:id])
      if @book.update_attributes(book_param)
         redirect_to :action => 'show', :id => @book
         @subjects = Subject.all
         render :action => 'edit'
   def delete
      redirect_to :action => 'list'
   def show_subjects
      @subject = Subject.find(params[:id])


Now save your controller file.

What is Next?

You have created almost all the methods, which will work on backend. Next we will define routes (URLs) for actions.

Ruby on Rails - Routes

The routing module provides URL rewriting in native Ruby. It's a way to redirect incoming requests to controllers and actions. It replaces the mod_rewrite rules. Best of all, Rails' Routing works with any web server. Routes are defined in app/config/routes.rb.

Think of creating routes as drawing a map for your requests. The map tells them where to go based on some predefined pattern −

Rails.application.routes.draw do
   Pattern 1 tells some request to go to one place
   Pattern 2 tell them to go to another


Let us consider our library management application contains a controller called BookController. We have to define the routes for those actions which are defined as methods in the BookController class.

Open routes.rb file in library/config/ directory and edit it with the following content.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
   get 'book/list'
   get 'book/new'
   post 'book/create'
   patch 'book/update'
   get 'book/list'
   get 'book/show'
   get 'book/edit'
   get 'book/delete'
   get 'book/update'
   get 'book/show_subjects'

The routes.rb file defines the actions available in the applications and the type of action such as get, post, and patch.

Use the following command to list all your defined routes, which are useful for tracking down routing problems in your application, or giving you a good overview of the URLs in an application you're trying to get familiar with.

library> rake routes

What is Next?

Next, we will create the code to generate screens to display data and to take input from the user.

Ruby on Rails - Views

A Rails View is an ERb program that shares data with controllers through mutually accessible variables.

If you look in the app/views directory of the library application, you will see one subdirectory for each of the controllers, we have created: book. Each of these subdirectories was created automatically when the same-named controller was created with the generate script.

Rails let's you know that you need to create the view file for each new method. Each method you define in the controller needs to have a corresponding erb file, with the same name as the method, to display the data that the method is collecting.

So let's create view files for all the methods we have defined in the book_controller.rb. While executing these views, simultaneously check these actions are applicable into the database or not.

Creating View File for list Method

Create a file called list.html.erb using your favourite text editor and save it to app/views/book. After creating and saving the file, refresh your web browser. You should see a blank page; if you don't, check the spelling of your file and make sure that it is exactly the same as your controller's method.

Now, display the actual content. Let us put the following code into list.html.erb.

<% if @books.blank? %>
<p>There are not any books currently in the system.</p>
<% else %>
<p>These are the current books in our system</p>

<ul id = "books">
   <% @books.each do |c| %>
   <li><%= link_to c.title, {:action => 'show', :id =>} -%></li>
   <% end %>

<% end %>
<p><%= link_to "Add new Book", {:action => 'new' }%></p>

The code to be executed is to check whether the @books array has any objects in it. The .blank? method returns true if the array is empty, and false if it contains any objects. This @books object was created in controller inside the list method.

The code between the <%= %> tags is a link_to method call. The first parameter of link_to is the text to be displayed between the <a> tags. The second parameter is what action is called when the link is clicked. In this case, it is the show method. The final parameter is the id of the book that is passed via the params object.

Now, try refreshing your browser and you should get the following screen because we don't have any book in our library.

No Book Message

Creating View File for new Method

Till now, we don't have any book in our library. We have to create few books in the system. So, let us design a view corresponding to the new method defined in the book_controller.rb.

Create a file called new.html.erb using your favorite text editor and save it to app/views/book. Add the following code to the new.html.erb file.

<h1>Add new book</h1>

<%= form_tag :action => 'create' do %>
<p><label for = "book_title">Title</label>:

<%= text_field 'books', 'title' %></p>
<p><label for = "book_price">Price</label>:

<%= text_field 'books', 'price' %></p>
<p><label for = "book_subject_id">Subject</label>:

<%= collection_select(:books, :subject_id, @subjects, :id, :name, prompt: true) %></p>
<p><label for = "book_description">Description</label><br/>

<%= text_area 'books', 'description' %></p>
<%= submit_tag "Create" %>

<% end -%>
<%= link_to 'Back', {:action => 'list'} %>

Here form_tag method interprets the Ruby code into a regular HTML <form> tag using all the information supplied to it. This tag, for example, outputs the following HTML −

<form action = "/book/create" method = "post">

Next method is text_field that outputs an <input> text field. The parameters for text_field are object and field name. In this case, the object is book and the name is title.

Rails method called collection_select, creates an HTML select menu built from an array, such as the @books one. There are five parameters, which are as follows −

  • :book − The object you are manipulating. In this case, it's a book object.

  • :subject_id − The field that is populated when the book is saved.

  • @books − The array you are working with.

  • :id − The value that is stored in the database. In terms of HTML, this is the <option> tag's value parameter.

  • :name − The output that the user sees in the pull-down menu. This is the value between the <option> tags.

The next used is submit_tag, which outputs an <input> button that submits the form. Finally, there is the end method that simply translates into </form>.

Go to your browser and visit http://localhost:3000/book/new. This will give you the following screen.

New Book

Enter some data in this form and then click the Create button. Here i have added the following details into the fields −

Title: Advance Physics
Price: 390
Subject: Physics
Description: This is test to create new book

When you click the Create button, it will call the create method, which does not need any view because this method is using either list or new methods to view the results. So, when you click the Create button, the data should submit successfully and redirect you to the list page, in which you now have a single item listed as follows −

Create Book

If you click the link, you should see another Template is missing error, since you haven't created the template file for show method yet.

Creating View File for show Method

This method will display the complete detail about any book available in the library. Create a show.html.erb file under app/views/book and populate it with the following code −

<h1><%= @book.title %></h1>

   <strong>Price: </strong> $<%= @book.price %><br />
   <strong>Subject :</strong> <%= %><br />
   <strong>Created Date:</strong> <%= @book.created_at %><br />

<p><%= @book.description %></p>

<hr />

<%= link_to 'Back', {:action => 'list'} %>

This is the first time you have taken the full advantage of associations, which enable you to easily pull data from related objects.

The format used is @variable.relatedObject.column. In this instance, you can pull the subject's name value through the @book variable using the belongs_to associations. If click on any listed record then it will show you the following screen.

Show Book

Creating View File for edit Method

Create a new file called edit.html.erb and save it in app/views/book. Populate it with the following code −

<h1>Edit Book Detail</h1>

<%= form_for @book, :url =>{:action => "update", :id =>@book} do |f| %>

<p>Title: <%= f.text_field 'title' %></p>
<p>Price: <%= f.text_field  'price' %></p>
<p>Subject: <%= f.collection_select :subject_id, Subject.all, :id, :name %></p>

<%= f.text_area 'description' %></p>
<%= f.submit "Save changes" %>
<% end %>

<%= link_to 'Back', {:action => 'list' } %>

This code is very similar to the new method except action to be updated instead of creating and defining an id.

In this scenario, we used form_for tag for the form action. It will perform better than form_tag. Why because it will create interaction with the Model easily. Therefore it is better to use form_for tag whenever you need interaction between the model and the form fields.

At this point, we need some modification in the list method's view file. Go to the <li></li> element and modify it to look like the following −

   <%= link_to c.title, {:action => "show", :id =>} -%>
   <b> <%= link_to 'Edit', {:action => "edit",
   :id =>} %></b>

Now, try to browse books using the http://localhost:3000/book/list. It will give you the listing of all the books along with Edit option. When you click the Edit option, then you will have next screen as follows −

Edit Book

Now, you edit this information and then click the Save Changes button. This will result in a call to update method available in the controller file and it will update all the changed attribute. Notice that the update method does not need any view file because it's using either show or edit methods to show its results.

Creating View File for delete Method

Removing information from a database using Ruby on Rails is almost too easy. You do not need to write any view code for the delete method because this method is using list method to display the result. So, let's just modify list.html.erb again and add a delete link.

Go to the <li></li> element and modify it to look like the following −

   <%= link_to c.title, {:action => 'show', :id =>} -%>
   <b> <%= link_to 'Edit', {:action => 'edit', :id =>} %></b>
   <b> <%= link_to "Delete", {:action => 'delete', :id =>},
   :confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this item?" %></b>

The :confirm parameter presents a JavaScript confirmation box asking if you really want to perform the action. If the user clicks OK, the action proceeds, and the item is deleted.

Now, try browsing books using http://localhost:3000/book/list. It will give you listing of all the books along with Edit and Delete options as follows −

Delete Book

Now using the Delete option, you can delete any listed record.

Creating View File for show_subjects Method

Create a new file, show_subjects.html.erb, in the app/views/book directory and add the following code to it −

<h1><%= -%></h1>

   <% @subject.books.each do |c| %>
   <li><%= link_to c.title, :action => "show", :id => -%></li>
   <% end %>

You are taking advantage of associations by iterating through a single subject's many books listings.

Now modify the Subject: line of show.html.erb so that the subject listing shows a link.

<strong>Subject: </strong> <%= link_to,
:action => "show_subjects", :id => %><br />

This will output a list of subject on the index page, so that users can access them directly.

Modify list.html.erb to add the following to the top of the file −

<ul id = "subjects">
   <% Subject.find(:all).each do |c| %>
   <li><%= link_to, :action => "show_subjects", :id => %></li>
   <% end %>

Now try browsing books using http://localhost:3000/book/list. It will display all subjects with links so that you can browse all the books related to that subject.

List Subjects

What is Next?

Hope now you are feeling comfortable with all the operations of Rails.

The next chapter explains how to use Layouts to put your data in a better way. We will show you how to use CSS in your Rails applications.

Ruby on Rails - Layouts

A layout defines the surroundings of an HTML page. It's the place to define a common look and feel of your final output. Layout files reside in app/views/layouts.

The process involves defining a layout template and then letting the controller know that it exists and to use it. First, let's create the template.

Add a new file called standard.html.erb to app/views/layouts. You let the controllers know what template to use by the name of the file, so following a same naming scheme is advised.

Add the following code to the new standard.html.erb file and save your changes −

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns = "">

      <meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset = iso-8859-1" />
      <meta http-equiv = "Content-Language" content = "en-us" />
      <title>Library Info System</title>
      <%= stylesheet_link_tag "style" %>

   <body id = "library">
      <div id = "container">
         <div id = "header">
            <h1>Library Info System</h1>
            <h3>Library powered by Ruby on Rails</h3>

         <div id = "content">
            <%= yield -%>

         <div id = "sidebar"></div>

Everything you just added were standard HTML elements except two lines. The stylesheet_link_tag helper method outputs a stylesheet <link>. In this instance, we are linking style.css style sheet. The yield command lets Rails know that it should put the html.erb for the method called here.

Now open book_controller.rb and add the following line just below the first line −

class BookController < ApplicationController
layout 'standard'
def list
@books = Book.all

It instructs the controller that we want to use a layout available in the standard.html.erb file. Now try browsing books that will produce the following screen.

Layout Example

Adding Style Sheet

Till now, we have not created any style sheet, so Rails is using the default style sheet. Now let's create a new file called style.css and save it in /public/stylesheets. Add the following code to this file.

body {
   font-family: Helvetica, Geneva, Arial, sans-serif;
   font-size: small;
   font-color: #000;
   background-color: #fff;

a:link, a:active, a:visited {
   color: #CD0000;

input { 
   margin-bottom: 5px;

p { 
   line-height: 150%;

div#container {
   width: 760px;
   margin: 0 auto;

div#header {
   text-align: center;
   padding-bottom: 15px;

div#content {
   float: left;
   width: 450px;
   padding: 10px;

div#content h3 {
   margin-top: 15px;

ul#books {
   list-style-type: none;

ul#books li {
   line-height: 140%;

div#sidebar {
   width: 200px;
   margin-left: 480px;

ul#subjects {
   width: 700px;
   text-align: center;
   padding: 5px;
   background-color: #ececec;
   border: 1px solid #ccc;
   margin-bottom: 20px;

ul#subjects li {
   display: inline;
   padding-left: 5px;

Now refresh your browser and see the difference −

Layout Example

What is Next?

The next chapter explains how to develop applications using Rails Scaffolding to give user access to add, delete, and modify the records in any database.

Ruby on Rails - Scaffolding

While you're developing Rails applications, especially those which are mainly providing you with a simple interface to data in a database, it can often be useful to use the scaffold method.

Scaffolding provides more than cheap demo thrills. Here are some benefits −

  • You can quickly get code in front of your users for feedback.

  • You are motivated by faster success.

  • You can learn how Rails works by looking at the generated code.

  • You can use scaffolding as a foundation to jump start your development.

Scaffolding Example

To understand scaffolding, let's create a database called cookbook and a table called recipes.

Creating an Empty Rails Web Application

Open a command window and navigate to where you want to create this cookbook web application. So, run the following command to create a complete directory structure.

tp> rails new cookbook

Setting up the Database

Here is the way to create a database −

mysql> create database cookbook;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> grant all privileges on cookbook.*
to 'root'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

To instruct Rails how to find the database, edit the configuration file cookbookconfigdatabase.yml and change the database name to cookbook. Leave the password empty. When you finish, it should look as follows −

   adapter: mysql
   database: cookbook
   username: root
   password: [password]
   host: localhost
   adapter: mysql
   database: cookbook
   username: root
   password: [password]
   host: localhost
   adapter: mysql
   database: cookbook
   username: root
   password: [password]
   host: localhost

Rails lets you run in the development mode, test mode, or production mode, using different databases. This application uses the same database for each.

The Generated Scaffold Code

With the scaffold action, Rails generates all the code it needs dynamically. By running scaffold as a script, we can get all the code written to disk, where we can investigate it and then start tailoring it to our requirements.

So now, let's start once again to generate Scaffold code manually by using the scaffold helper script −

cookbook> rails generate scaffold recipe

It generates auto-files as shown below −


The Controller

Let's look at the code behind the controller. This code is generated by the scaffold generator. If you open app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb, then you will find something as follows −

class RecipesController < ApplicationController
   before_action :set_recipe, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
   # GET /recipes
   # GET /recipes.json
   def index
      @recipes = Recipe.all
   # GET /recipes/1
   # GET /recipes/1.json
   def show
   # GET /recipes/new
   def new
      @recipe =
   # GET /recipes/1/edit
   def edit
   # POST /recipes
   # POST /recipes.json
   def create
      @recipe =
      respond_to do |format|
            format.html { redirect_to @recipe, notice: 'Recipe was successfully created.' }
            format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @recipe }
            format.html { render :new }
            format.json { render json: @recipe.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
   # PATCH/PUT /recipes/1
   # PATCH/PUT /recipes/1.json
   def update
      respond_to do |format|
         if @recipe.update(recipe_params)
            format.html { redirect_to @recipe, notice: 'Recipe was successfully updated.' }
            format.json { render :show, status: :ok, location: @recipe }
            format.html { render :edit }
            format.json { render json: @recipe.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
   # DELETE /recipes/1
   # DELETE /recipes/1.json
   def destroy
         respond_to do |format|
         format.html { redirect_to recipes_url, notice: 'Recipe was successfully destroyed.' }
         format.json { head :no_content }
   # Use callbacks to share common setup or constraints between actions.
   def set_recipe
      @recipe = Recipe.find(params[:id])
   # Never trust parameters from the scary internet, only allow the white list through.
   def recipe_params
      params.require(:recipe).permit(:tittle, :instructions)

When the user of a Rails application selects an action, e.g. "Show" - the controller will execute any code in the appropriate section - "def show" - and then by default will render a template of the same name - "show.html.erb". This default behavior can be overwritten.

The controller uses ActiveRecord methods such as find, find_all, new, save, update_attributes, and destroy to move data to and from the database tables. Note that you do not have to write any SQL statements, rails will take care of it automatically.

This single line of code will bring the database table to life. It will provide with a simple interface to your data, and ways of −

  • Creating new entries
  • Editing current entries
  • Viewing current entries
  • Destroying current entries

When creating or editing an entry, scaffold will do all the hard work like form generation and handling for you, and will even provide clever form generation, supporting the following types of inputs −

  • Simple text strings
  • Text areas (or large blocks of text)
  • Date selectors
  • Date-time selectors

You can use Rails Migrations to create and maintain tables.

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development

Now, go to the cookbook directory and run the Web Server using the following command −

cookbook> rails server

Now, open a browser and navigate to This will provide you a screen to create new entries in the recipes table. A screenshot is shown below −

Create Recipe

Once you press the Create button to create a new recipe, your record is added into the recipes table and it shows the following result −

Create Recipe

You can see the option to edit, show, and destroy the records. So, play around with these options.

You can also list down all the recipes available in the recipes table using the URL

Enhancing the Model

Rails gives you a lot of error handling for free. To understand this, add some validation rules to the empty recipe model −

Modify app/models/recipe.rb as follows and then test your application −

class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base
   validates_length_of :title, :within => 1..20
   validates_uniqueness_of :title, :message => "already exists"

These entries will give automatic checking.

  • validates_length_of − the field is not blank and not too long.

  • validates_uniqueness_of − duplicate values are trapped. Instead of the default Rails error message, we have given a custom message here.

Alternative Way to Create Scaffolding

Create an application as shown above and The Generated Scaffold Code as shown below

rails g scaffold Recipe tittle:string instructions:text

Above code generates the auto files with data base by using with sqlite3 with tittle and instruction column as shown below an image.


we need to migrate the data base by using below syntax.

$ rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development

Finally run the application by using the following command line −

rails server

It will generate the result as shown above output images.

The Views

All the views and corresponding all the controller methods are created by scaffold command and they are available in the app/views/recipes directory.

How Scaffolding is Different?

If you have gone through the previous chapters, then you must have seen that we had created methods to list, show, delete and create data etc., but scaffolding does that job automatically.

Ruby on Rails - AJAX

Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. Ajax is not a single technology; it is a suite of several technologies. Ajax incorporates the following −

  • XHTML for the markup of web pages
  • CSS for the styling
  • Dynamic display and interaction using the DOM
  • Data manipulation and interchange using XML
  • Data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest
  • JavaScript as the glue that meshes all this together

Ajax enables you to retrieve data for a web page without having to refresh the contents of the entire page. In the basic web architecture, the user clicks a link or submits a form. The form is submitted to the server, which then sends back a response. The response is then displayed for the user on a new page.

When you interact with an Ajax-powered web page, it loads an Ajax engine in the background. The engine is written in JavaScript and its responsibility is to both communicate with the web server and display the results to the user. When you submit data using an Ajax-powered form, the server returns an HTML fragment that contains the server's response and displays only the data that is new or changed as opposed to refreshing the entire page.

For a complete detail on AJAX you can go through our AJAX Tutorial

How Rails Implements Ajax

Rails has a simple, consistent model for how it implements Ajax operations. Once the browser has rendered and displayed the initial web page, different user actions cause it to display a new web page (like any traditional web application) or trigger an Ajax operation −

  • Some trigger fires − This trigger could be the user clicking on a button or link, the user making changes to the data on a form or in a field, or just a periodic trigger (based on a timer).

  • The web client calls the server − A JavaScript method, XMLHttpRequest, sends data associated with the trigger to an action handler on the server. The data might be the ID of a checkbox, the text in an entry field, or a whole form.

  • The server does processing − The server-side action handler ( Rails controller action )-- does something with the data and returns an HTML fragment to the web client.

  • The client receives the response − The client-side JavaScript, which Rails creates automatically, receives the HTML fragment and uses it to update a specified part of the current page's HTML, often the content of a <div> tag.

These steps are the simplest way to use Ajax in a Rails application, but with a little extra work, you can have the server return any kind of data in response to an Ajax request, and you can create custom JavaScript in the browser to perform more involved interactions.

AJAX Example

This example works based on scaffold, Destroy concept works based on ajax.

In this example, we will provide, list, show and create operations on ponies table. If you did not understand the scaffold technology then we would suggest you to go through the previous chapters first and then continue with AJAX on Rails.

Creating An Application

Let us start with the creation of an application It will be done as follows −

rails new ponies

The above command creates an application, now we need to call the app directory using with cd command. It will enter in to an application directory then we need to call a scaffold command. It will be done as follows −

rails generate scaffold Pony name:string profession:string

Above command generates the scaffold with name and profession column. We need to migrate the data base as follows command

rake db:migrate

Now Run the Rails application as follows command

rails s

Now open the web browser and call a url as http://localhost:3000/ponies/new, The output will be as follows


Creating an Ajax

Now open app/views/ponies/index.html.erb with suitable text editors. Update your destroy line with :remote => true, :class => 'delete_pony'.At finally, it looks like as follows.


Create a file, destroy.js.erb, put it next to your other .erb files (under app/views/ponies). It should look like this −


Now enter the code as shown below in destroy.js.erb

$('.delete_pony').bind('ajax:success', function() {

Now Open your controller file which is placed at app/controllers/ponies_controller.rb and add the following code in destroy method as shown below −

# DELETE /ponies/1
# DELETE /ponies/1.json
def destroy
   @pony = Pony.find(params[:id])
   respond_to do |format|
      format.html { redirect_to ponies_url }
      format.json { head :no_content }
      format.js   { render :layout => false }

At finally controller page is as shown image.


Now run an application, Output called from http://localhost:3000/ponies/new, it will looks like as following image


Press on create pony button, it will generate the result as follows


Now click on back button, it will show all pony created information as shown image


Till now, we are working on scaffold, now click on destroy button, it will call a pop-up as shown below image, the pop-up works based on Ajax.


If Click on ok button, it will delete the record from pony. Here I have clicked ok button. Final output will be as follows −


Ruby on Rails - File Uploading

You may have a requirement in which you want your site visitors to upload a file on your server. Rails makes it very easy to handle this requirement. Now we will proceed with a simple and small Rails project.

As usual, let's start off with a new Rails application called testfile. Let's create the basic structure of the application by using simple rails command.

tp> rails new testfile

Before starting application development, we should install gem files as shown below −

gem install carrierwave
gem install bootstrap-sass

Open up your gemfile and add the following two gems at the bottom as shown in the following image −


After adding gems in the gem file, we need to run the following command on the console −

bundle install

Creating the Model

We need to create a model with two strings as name and attachment as shown below −

rails g model Resume name:string attachment:string

We need to create the database migration as shown below −

rake db:migrate

We need to generate the controller as shown below −

rails g controller Resumes index new create destroy

Great! Now we have the basic structure set up. Now we need to create an uploader. An Uploader came from carrierwave gem and it tells to carrierwave how to handle the files. In short, it contained all file processing functionalities. Run the command to create an uploader as shown below

rails g uploader attachment

Now open the resume model and call the uploader as shown below. Resume model has placed at app/models/resume.rb −

class Resume < ActiveRecord::Base
   mount_uploader :attachment, AttachmentUploader # Tells rails to use this uploader for this model.
   validates :name, presence: true # Make sure the owner's name is present.

Before working on controller, we need to modify our config/routes.db as shown below −

CarrierWaveExample::Application.routes.draw do
   resources :resumes, only: [:index, :new, :create, :destroy]
   root "resumes#index"

Lets us edit the controller as shown below.

class ResumesController < ApplicationController
   def index
      @resumes = Resume.all
   def new
      @resume =
   def create
      @resume =
         redirect_to resumes_path, notice: "The resume #{} has been uploaded."
         render "new"
   def destroy
      @resume = Resume.find(params[:id])
      redirect_to resumes_path, notice:  "The resume #{} has been deleted."
      def resume_params
      params.require(:resume).permit(:name, :attachment)

Let's add bootstrap implementation in css file.css file could be in app/assets/stylesheets/resumes.css.scss

@import "bootstrap";

Now open up app/views/layouts/application.html.erb and add codes as shown below −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", media: "all", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>
      <%= javascript_include_tag "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>
      <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
      <div class = "container" style = "padding-top:20px;">
         <%= yield %>


Now we need to set up index views as shown below −

<% if !flash[:notice].blank? %>
   <div class = "alert alert-info">
      <%= flash[:notice] %>
<% end %>

<br />

<%= link_to "New Resume", new_resume_path, class: "btn btn-primary" %>
<br />
<br />

<table class = "table table-bordered table-striped">
         <th>Download Link</th>
         <th> </th>
      <% @resumes.each do |resume| %>
            <td><%= %></td>
            <td><%= link_to "Download Resume", resume.attachment_url %></td>
            <td><%= button_to "Delete",  resume, method: :delete, class: "btn btn-danger", confirm: "Are you sure that you wish to delete #{}?" %></td>
      <% end %>

Now, lets edit new.html.erb and add our form code.

<% if !@resume.errors.empty? %>
   <div class = "alert alert-error">
         <% @resume.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
            <li><%= msg %></li>
         <% end %>
<% end %>

<div class = "well">
   <%= form_for @resume, html: { multipart: true } do |f| %>
      <%= f.label :name %>
      <%= f.text_field :name %>
      <%= f.label :attachment %>
      <%= f.file_field :attachment %>
      <%= f.submit "Save", class: "btn btn-primary" %>
   <% end %>

Now start the server and visit http://localhost:3000. It will produce a screen similar to as follows −


One last thing we need to do is filter the list of allowed filetypes. For that we need add simple code as shown below at app/uploaders/attachment_uploader.rb

class AttachmentUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
   storage :file
   def store_dir
   def extension_white_list
      %w(pdf doc htm html docx)

Now start the server and visit http://localhost:3000. Now input a wrong format; it will generate a wrong message as shown below −

Output Wrong

For a complete detail on File object, you need to go through the Ruby Reference Manual.

Ruby on Rails - Send Emails

Action Mailer is the Rails component that enables applications to send and receive emails. In this chapter, we will see how to send an email using Rails. Let’s start creating an emails project using the following command.

tp> rails new mailtest

This will create the required framework to proceed. Now, we will start with configuring the ActionMailer.

Action Mailer - Configuration

Following are the steps you have to follow to complete your configuration before proceeding with the actual work −

Go to the config folder of your emails project and open environment.rb file and add the following line at the bottom of this file.

config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp

It tells ActionMailer that you want to use the SMTP server. You can also set it to be :sendmail if you are using a Unix-based operating system such as Mac OS X or Linux.

Add the following lines of code at the bottom of your environment.rb as well.

config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
   address:              '',
   port:                 587,
   domain:               '',
   user_name:            '<username>',
   password:             '<password>',
   authentication:       'plain',
   enable_starttls_auto: true  

Replace each hash value with proper settings for your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server. You can take this information from your Internet Service Provider if you already don't know. You don't need to change port number 25 and authentication type if you are using a standard SMTP server.

You may also change the default email message format. If you prefer to send email in HTML instead of plain text format, add the following line to config/environment.rb as well −

ActionMailer::Base.default_content_type = "text/html"

ActionMailer::Base.default_content_type could be set to "text/plain", "text/html", and "text/enriched". The default value is "text/plain".

The next step will be to create a mailer

Generate a Mailer

Use the following command to generate a mailer as follows −

tp> cd emails
emails> rails generate mailer Usermailer

This will create a file user_mailer.rb in the appmailer directory. Check the content of this file as follows −

class Emailer < ActionMailer::Base

Let's create one method as follows −

class UserMailer < ApplicationMailer
   default from: ''
   def welcome_email(user)
      @user = user
      @url  = ''
      mail(to:, subject: 'Welcome to My Awesome Site')
  • default Hash − This is a hash of default values for any email you send from this mailer. In this case we are setting the :from header to a value for all messages in this class. This can be overridden on a per-email basis

  • mail − The actual email message, we are passing the :to and :subject headers in.

Create a file called welcome_email.html.erb in app/views/user_mailer/. This will be the template used for the email, formatted in HTML −

      <meta content = 'text/html; charset = UTF-8' http-equiv = 'Content-Type' />
      <h1>Welcome to, <%= %></h1>
         You have successfully signed up to,your username is: 
         <%= @user.login %>.<br>
         To login to the site, just follow this link: 
         <%= @url %>.
      <p>Thanks for joining and have a great day!</p>

Next we will create a text part for this application as follow −

Welcome to, <%= %>
You have successfully signed up to,
your username is: <%= @user.login %>.
To login to the site, just follow this link: <%= @url %>.
Thanks for joining and have a great day!

Calling the Mailer

First, let's create a simple User scaffold

$ bin/rails generate scaffold user name email login
$ bin/rake db:migrate

Action Mailer is nicely integrated with Active Job so you can send emails outside of the request-response cycle, so the user doesn't have to wait on it −

class UsersController < ApplicationController
   # POST /users
   # POST /users.json
   def create
   @user =[:user])
      respond_to do |format|
            # Tell the UserMailer to send a welcome email after save
            format.html { redirect_to(@user, notice: 'User was successfully created.') }
            format.json { render json: @user, status: :created, location: @user }
            format.html { render action: 'new' }
            format.json { render json: @user.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }

Now, test your application by using It displays the following screen and by using this screen, you will be able to send your message to anybody.

Send Email

This will send your message and will display the text message "Message sent successfully" and output as follow −

sent mail to (2023.Sms)
[ActiveJob] [ActionMailler::DeliveryJob] [2cfde3c-260e-4a33-1a6ada13a9b] Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2015 11:44:05 +0530
Message-Id: <559e112d63c57_f1031e7f23467@kiranPro.mail>
Subject: Welcome to My Awesome Site
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Ways to Create Excellent, Shareable Content

posted on June 8, 2021



Content creation is something copywriters and business owners alike always focus on. We know content needs to be awesome, high quality and something that reflects the company correctly, but sometimes people miss the mark.

You can create great content, but is it shareable? This is the big-ticket question to your content success.

Let’s take a look at how and why you need to have shareable content.

Why is it Important to Create Shareable Content?

You know that creating content is vital – I’ve talked about it throughout several of my blogs. However, you might be wondering what shareable content is and just why it is so important. Shareable content is something that your clients will enjoy enough to click the share button on Facebook or re-tweet on Twitter, helping you widen your content reach. When you create shareable content, you are getting closer to having content that goes viral, which will help bring in more clicks, likes, and, in the end, more revenue. This is precisely why it is important. How can you create shareable content? Never fear! I am going to take a look at some of the top tips just for you.

11 Awesome Ways to Create Shareable Content

Get your thinking cap on and prepare to learn some awesome ways to create great, shareable content for your clients.

1. Create Content that Provides Value to Your Readers. Something that people look for in content is if it provides some sort of value to their lives. This can be in the way of a DIY project, recipes, how to get healthy, and many other things. No matter what your industry is, you are always able to create valuable content that your clients can take and apply to their lives or businesses. A great way to tell if it is valuable is to think, “If I were one of my clients, would this post provide me with the information I am seeking?” If the answer is yes, then you have valuable content.

2. Keep Things Positive to Get More Shares. One of the often joked about aspects of the Internet is how negative people can be. Whether it is people trolling reviewers for books or games or if it is about a political stance, people can simply be mean and negative. This doesn’t just happen in the comments either. There are plenty of places to promote and share negative content, and it can get pretty exhausting for most people. Because of this, positive content is an absolute must when you want your content to be shareable. By creating positive content, you have more of a chance to stand out from the other sources on social media, and get more shares. Becoming a positive force on the Internet is significantly more powerful than you may realize. Try it out and see what benefits you reap.

3. Share and Create Content that Clients Have an Interest in. When you create or share a resource on your social media channels, you need to make sure your clients are truly interested in it. The best way to do this is to research your client base and learn what they like, where their interests lie, and even take some time to look over analytics. This can help you tailor all of your posts to make sure they have the impact you want. In addition, content that your clients are interested in will make it much more likely to be shared. Interesting content equals sharable content.

4. Make Your Content Look Awesome. A big part of creating sharable content is whether or not it is aesthetically pleasing. If it doesn’t look like it is put together well, people are less likely to share it. However, if your content has a put together look and utilizes high quality images or videos, people will be more apt to share it. People love quality whether it is in written format or photos, videos and any other form of media. A great way to make written content aesthetically appealing is to make sure it has a great flow that people can quickly and easily skim their eyes over. Once you do this, you are well on your way to getting more shares for your content.

5. Ask Your Followers for Their Input On Topics. You can get people to share your content, but if you have them put their two-cents in, people are more likely to share, as Social Media Examiner points out. First of all, this increases social media engagement, which is something every business or person wants on his or her social pages. Second, if you listen to the suggestions and make content based off of input, people will share and are likely to say, “This page listened to me! Take a look.” People love feeling involved and they also like feeling that they helped a business with something. That feeling of importance is something many of us enjoy, and you can provide a little taste of that with just asking, and listening, to a bit of client input.

6. Use Photographs on Facebook and Twitter. One of the best ways to get your content shared is to use images in your social media campaign. According to Jeff Bullas, Facebook posts that share an image obtain a 37 percent higher level of engagement, which shows just how important photos are. Use them in your social posts, blogs, web content, and even press releases to garner more results as well as more shares.

7. Create Content of Varying Lengths. When you write up content, you should try to provide readers with different lengths of articles. The battle over how long a blog post or piece of web content should be has long raged on, but if you provide different lengths instead of looking for that “sweet spot” you are able to reach out to a wider audience. Some people like to read short and to the point pieces where as other people want to read an in-depth article on a topic. Provide them with the choice, and even throw in a few different formats such as infographics, videos, or podcasts. It is important to remember that, while shorter content is helpful for your readers, long Web content is still winning the content length war.

8. Make Your Customers Feel Smart. Another great way to create shareable content is to make your customers feel and look smart. People aren’t likely to share something that will make them look silly, but if you provide them with content that is great at making them look intelligent, they will share it. This goes hand-in-hand with creating valuable content, as well as creating content that teaches your clients something new while helping them know they are truly smart.

9. Use Content Curation Tools to Find Great Content to Share. It can be difficult to come up with excellent content ideas all the time but, if you use content curation tools, you can come up with some great topics. Content curation tools can help you find great resources for your blogs, as well as helping you learn about topics in your industry and what your clients will be interested in. It also helps you find great sources to share on your social media accounts.

10. Make Sure You Have Captivating Headlines. Headlines are vital to any and all content because a headline can be what convinces someone to click on the link. In addition to convincing a reader to click the link, a captivating headline can also be what convinces someone to share a post. If your headline is crafty, fun, and insightful, you will find that your followers and readers are more likely to share or re-tweet. Once that post is out on their Facebook or Twitter, then the headline can convince their followers to not only click on the link but to share as well. The cycle continues, providing you with some truly excellent results.

11. Share Various List Posts with Followers. Along with photographs, people love lists. When someone clicks on your content, they are more likely to stay on it if it is in list format. This makes it easier to skim the content and find the bits of information that are more valuable to the reader. Once someone has been able to skim over your list, they are also more likely to share it with others, according to

Start Creating Shareable Content, Now!

By following these methods, you are more likely to have content that gets shared on social media, which will help boost clicks and revenue. Shareable content helps to amp up engagement and makes all of your readers and followers happy and engaged.

Best Tips for New Content Creators

posted on June 8, 2021



If you’re in the process of beginning content creation efforts for your website or blog, it’s likely you have a lot of questions about how to get started.

While “content” is a huge buzzword right now, the process of how to get content is a little foggy. Some feel like content just appears on the Web and few people fully understand what goes into content creation. This is understandable — the process can be mysterious for people who have never dabbled in it before.

Here’s what you need to know:

Why Create Content?

To spearhead a good content creation program, you first need to understand why content is so important. Right now, 27 million pieces of content are shared across the Web on a daily basis. This content ranges from text-based content like articles and tutorials to video content and photo content. What’s more, about 87 percent of B2B marketers are using content marketing in their organizations and a whopping 70 percent of them are putting out more content than they did last year.

Content is a huge tool for businesses. When content is valuable, useful, actionable, and interesting to readers, it gains social shares and draws more people to your company. This, in turn, helps you expand your reach on the Web and earn more leads.

Everyone is using content marketing right now and companies that aren’t prepared to create and distribute high-quality content are missing out on a huge amount of traffic and success. Consider the following:

  • 82 percent of customers feel closer to a company after reading the company’s original content;
  • 90 percent of customers believe that custom content is useful in making purchasing decisions;
  • 60 percent of customers will likely buy from a company that writes useful content;
  • 60 percent of people will seek a product after they read about it on the Web.

These statistics make it clear that in addition to doing functional things like helping your site rank for SEO, creating high-quality, unique, original content also boosts your business in the eyes of your customers and helps you earn more business. We live in a content-focused world. Today’s consumers don’t want the gimmicky hard-sell tactics of a few decades back – they want valuable, interesting, informational content that helps them make purchasing decisions and learn new things. When you can provide this for them, you set yourself up to be an authority figure in their minds as well as the company to which they’ll turn when they’re ready to make a purchase.

The Content Creation Process: 5 Key Steps

Now that you know why content is so important, it’s time to cover the how of content marketing. Content marketing is a process and nothing happens overnight. Rather, there are several definitive steps and pieces to creating a functional content creation machine. These steps are as follows:

1. Identify your audience

This is huge. If you don’t know who you’re writing to, it’s virtually impossible to write targeted content. Companies that create effective blog content, commercials, or podcasts know exactly who their target market is and what those people care about and can thus deliver targeted, quality content that their customers find interesting, engaging and exciting.

That said, the first step in your content creation efforts is to define your target audience. To do this, you’ll need to sit down with a piece of paper (or use an online template, if you prefer) and think about your audience. Who are they? Where do they live? How old are they? How much money do they make? What do they care about (social, cultural, environmental, financial, or personal issues)? What problems are they facing? For an example, consider these examples from HubSpot.

Once you’ve answered these questions, the next step is to find out where your target audience hangs out. Do they read blogs? If so, when and how often? Maybe they prefer Facebook or Twitter. Maybe they love podcasts. No matter what their unique preferences are, you need to know these things about them to tailor your content strategy to them (more on this later). Search Engine Journal offers an awesome tutorial for this process that should be very helpful to green or first-time content creators.

Combine all of these answers into one specific marketing persona. Give him or her a name and a photo if it helps make the person feel more real. You can create additional buyer personas as needed, but for now, you can focus on writing all of your content for that one person. Doing this will help ensure your content is targeted, useful and interesting to your customers.

2. Set your goals

You know who you’re writing for, now let’s talk about why you’re writing for them. Is the purpose of your web content to drive sales? Is it to earn leads or drive social shares? No matter what your content marketing goals are, defining them in clear terms will help you target your content more effectively. According to MarketingProfs, the basic content marketing goals are as follows:

  • Awareness
  • Engagement
  • Business Value

It’s possible that your content falls into one of those categories or all three. In any event, though, you need to determine what you want your content to achieve before you start creating it.

3. Determine how you’ll share content

Once you’ve decided whom you’re writing for and why, it’s time to consider how you’re going to get your content to them. Web content is a varied discipline and you have the option of blogging, sharing content on social media, participating in forums and question sites like Quora, or posting content on your website. No matter what you choose, it’s worth noting that nothing today stands alone. If you run a blog, you’ll also need to build and maintain a few social media profiles.

While this is often an intimidating prospect for new content creators, it’s not that difficult. Think of it this way: you need one platform to “house” all of your content (generally a blog, although it could be a website as well) and another few places to help it get noticed (social media, etc.) As a general rule, most content creators recommend starting with two social media platforms of your choice, building your profiles there, and then moving out to other platforms as you master the first ones. Doing this allows you to connect efficiently with your audience and stay organized while also keeping you from feeling overwhelmed.

4. Think about SEO

SEO is the pillar that holds all great content up. Without SEO, it’s virtually impossible for readers to find your content, which makes even the best content useless. Fortunately, there’s a way around that pitfall. SEO, which stands for search engine optimization, refers to the process by which you optimize your content to make it more readable for humans and search engines alike.

When you optimize your content for SEO, you add immense value to it immediately. According to Search Engine Land, there are a few different factors to SEO.

  • Content Quality: Content quality is measured by how valuable your content is. Regardless of whether it’s sales content or informational content, it needs to be unique and useful.
  • Content Research: Content research is a huge thing. While it’s important that content is factually accurate, we’re talking more specifically about keyword research here. Keyword research allows you to target specific keywords and phrases to help your content appear more prominently in search engine results pages (SERPs). Keyword research is an extensive and important topic and there are plenty of fantastic tutorials to help you explore the concept fully and ensure that you’re finding the best keywords for your site.
  • Content Words: Once you’ve determined which keywords you’re going to use you have to distribute them throughout your content effectively. Most experts recommend sticking to a keyword density (the number of times you use your keywords in your content) of about 2.45 percent.  Doing this prevents you from “keyword stuffing” (using keywords excessively and unnaturally throughout your content, a practice which can result in poor SEO rankings) and keeps your content readable for users.
  • Content Freshness: Google loves many things, and fresh content is chief among them. Fresh content helps users find and interact with your site and shows Google that you’re active on your website or blog. While you might not be able to update your content on a daily basis right now, you can shoot to update it several times a week.

By being well-versed in these SEO factors, you can create better content and ensure that everything you write is catering to the needs of readers and search engines alike.

5. Write!

As with many things, content creation works best when you jump in. You need to have an idea of where you’re going and how you’ll get there (your target audience and content distribution platforms) but once you’ve got that down, the next step is to begin creating content. Doing this achieves several purposes: First of all, it allows you to start getting an idea for what your readers like and don’t like. Secondly, every page you write is a new page for Google to index, which can provide you with a SEO boost from the get-go. Finally, writing content is a great way to start attracting readers, even if you’re not batting 1,000 just yet.

If you’re having a hard time determining what you should write about, there are a few places you can turn. One great resource is Quora, which we mentioned a little earlier. Quora is a question-and-answer site that is a great place to mine for content ideas. Simply pick a thread that interests you or aligns with your industry and check out the upvoted questions and answers. Doing this can be a great way to figure out interesting content topics as well as to further your understanding about what’s going on in your industry.

Making Your Content Even Better: 3 Tips and Tricks

Now that you know the basic structure of content creation, let’s talk about what you can do to make your content even better. Content creation is a process and, as you begin to establish yourself within your industry, you’ll find that there are certain tools and tricks you can use to make your content creation easier and more efficient.

1. Seasonal Content Audits 

A content audit is a little bit like spring cleaning: you go through your content to determine what’s working, what’s not, what’s old, what’s irrelevant and what needs an update or correction. Doing this can strengthen your site hugely and help you make the most of the content you have. By getting rid of old, outdated, inaccurate, or unpopular content and replacing it with relevant, updated, current, interesting or valuable content, you can ensure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck, so to speak, and truly providing your readers with valuable information.

Doing a content audit is intimidating if you have never done one before, but rest assured that it’s not as hard as it sounds. Undertake this important step a few times a year to ensure that your content is every bit as good as it should be.

2. Editorial calendars

Editorial calendars are believed by many to be the holy grail of content creation. If you’re a new blogger, an editorial calendar can help keep you organized and ensure that you meet your content goals. If you’re an experienced blogger, an editorial calendar is a great tool to have. For those who don’t know, an editorial calendar is a planning document that helps you plan and execute your content. Specifically, it does the following things:

  • Allows marketers to brainstorm and generate ideas for posts;
  • Allows an organized platform for delegation of responsibilities related to content;
  • Helps marketers create and stick to a publishing schedule, which is one of the most important components in building and maintaining a Web presence;
  • Allows marketers to have a bird’s eye view of marketing strategies ;
  • Acts as a platform for communication and collaboration in larger teams.

Content creation isn’t something you can just improvise – at least not for very long. It requires strategy, planning, intentional direction and consistency, and an editorial calendar is a perfect platform for putting all of these things in place. Companies like CoSchedule offer free content marketing editorial calendar templates that are a great place to get started.

3. Tools of the trade

Did you know that there are several tools you can use to help your content marketing efforts be more effective? One of my personal favorites is SEMrush.

SEMrush is a digital marketing platform that allows you to produce analytics reports, display advertising, conduct research, learn about effective video marketing, discover top industry leaders, find out what the most shared content in your industry has been, estimate the ranking difficult for a given keyword, track your position, group keywords, and manage social media. It’s an exhaustive list, but it’s one of the best services we know.

Using tools like SEMrush not only catapults your content creation efforts to the professional level but it also gives you a real edge over your competition. By learning all you can learn about what’s working and what isn’t in your content creation, you can ensure that you create the best possible content every time you sit down to write.


Content creation: taken alone, it sounds like an impenetrable wall of confusing steps. Fortunately, it’s not nearly as tough as it sounds. By taking the entire process step-by-step and focusing on doing each thing well, you can get your content creation efforts off to a great start, regardless of whether you’re a seasoned writer or you’re starting your first website today.

Content creation doesn’t have to be the domain of high-level experts only and, with a little effort and a good deal of learning, it will not be hard to position yourself to succeed at content both now and in the future.

RESTful Web Services Tutorial

posted on June 8, 2021


What is REST architecture?

REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST is web standards based architecture and uses HTTP Protocol. It revolves around resource where every component is a resource and a resource is accessed by a common interface using HTTP standard methods. REST was first introduced by Roy Fielding in 2000.

In REST architecture, a REST Server simply provides access to resources and REST client accesses and modifies the resources. Here each resource is identified by URIs/ global IDs. REST uses various representation to represent a resource like text, JSON, XML. JSON is the most popular one.

HTTP methods

Following four HTTP methods are commonly used in REST based architecture.

  • GET − Provides a read only access to a resource.

  • POST − Used to create a new resource.

  • DELETE − Used to remove a resource.

  • PUT − Used to update a existing resource or create a new resource.

Introduction to RESTFul web services

A web service is a collection of open protocols and standards used for exchanging data between applications or systems. Software applications written in various programming languages and running on various platforms can use web services to exchange data over computer networks like the Internet in a manner similar to inter-process communication on a single computer. This interoperability (e.g., between Java and Python, or Windows and Linux applications) is due to the use of open standards.

Web services based on REST Architecture are known as RESTful web services. These webservices uses HTTP methods to implement the concept of REST architecture. A RESTful web service usually defines a URI, Uniform Resource Identifier a service, provides resource representation such as JSON and set of HTTP Methods.

Creating RESTFul Webservice

In next chapters, we'll create a webservice say user management with following functionalities −

Sr.No. URI HTTP Method POST body Result
1 /UserService/users GET empty Show list of all the users.
2 /UserService/addUser POST JSON String Add details of new user.
3 /UserService/getUser/:id GET empty Show details of a user.

RESTful Web Services - Environment Setup

This tutorial will guide you on how to prepare a development environment to start your work with Jersey Framework to create RESTful Web Services. Jersey framework implements JAX-RS 2.0 API, which is a standard specification to create RESTful Web Services. This tutorial will also teach you how to setup JDK, Tomcat and Eclipse on your machine before you the Jersey Framework is setup.

Setup Java Development Kit (JDK)

You can download the latest version of SDK from Oracle's Java site − Java SE Downloads. You will find the instructions for installing JDK in the downloaded files. Follow the given instructions to install and configure the setup. Finally set the PATH and JAVA_HOME environment variables to refer to the directory that contains Java and Javac, typically java_install_dir/bin and java_install_dir respectively.

If you are running Windows and installed the JDK in C:jdk1.7.0_75, you would have to put the following line in your C:utoexec.bat file.

set PATH = C:jdk1.7.0_75in;%PATH% 
set JAVA_HOME = C:jdk1.7.0_75

Alternatively, on Windows NT/2000/XP, you could also right-click on My Computer → select Properties → then Advanced → then Environment Variables. Then, you would update the PATH value and press the OK button.

On Unix (Solaris, Linux, etc.), if the SDK is installed in /usr/local/jdk1.7.0_75 and you use the C Shell, you would put the following into your .cshrc file.

setenv PATH /usr/local/jdk1.7.0_75/bin:$PATH 
setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk1.7.0_75

Alternatively, if you use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Borland JBuilder, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or Sun ONE Studio, compile and run a simple program to confirm that the IDE knows where you installed Java, otherwise do proper setup as given document of the IDE.

Setup Eclipse IDE

All the examples in this tutorial have been written using the Eclipse IDE. So, I would suggest you should have the latest version of Eclipse installed on your machine.

To install Eclipse IDE, download the latest Eclipse binaries from Once you downloaded the installation, unpack the binary distribution to a convenient location. For example, in C:eclipse on windows, or /usr/local/eclipse on Linux/Unix and finally set the PATH variable appropriately.

Eclipse can be started by executing the following commands on a windows machine, or you can simply double click on eclipse.exe.


Eclipse can be started by executing the following commands on Unix (Solaris, Linux, etc.) machine −


After a successful startup, if everything is fine, then your screen should display the following result −

Eclipse Home Page

Setup Jersey Framework Libraries

Now, if everything is fine, then you can proceed to setup the Jersey framework. Following are a few simple steps to download and install the framework on your machine.

  • Make a choice whether you want to install Jersey on Windows, or Unix and then proceed to the next step to download the .zip file for windows and then the .tz file for Unix.

  • Download the latest version of Jersey framework binaries from the following link –

  • At the time of writing this tutorial, I downloaded on my Windows machine and when you unzip the downloaded file it will give you the directory structure inside E:jaxrs-ri-2.17jaxrs-ri as shown in the following screenshot.

Jaxrs Directory

You will find all the Jersey libraries in the directories C:jaxrs-ri-2.17jaxrs-rilib and dependencies in C:jaxrs-ri-2.17jaxrs-riext. Make sure you set your CLASSPATH variable on this directory properly otherwise you will face problem while running your application. If you are using Eclipse, then it is not required to set the CLASSPATH because all the settings will be done through Eclipse.

Setup Apache Tomcat

You can download the latest version of Tomcat from Once you downloaded the installation, unpack the binary distribution into a convenient location. For example in C:pache-tomcat-7.0.59 on windows, or /usr/local/apache-tomcat-7.0.59 on Linux/Unix and set CATALINA_HOME environment variable pointing to the installation locations.

Tomcat can be started by executing the following commands on a windows machine, or you can simply double click on startup.bat.




Tomcat can be started by executing the following commands on a Unix (Solaris, Linux, etc.) machine −




After a successful startup, the default web applications included with Tomcat will be available by visiting http://localhost:8080/. If everything is fine then it should display the following result −


Further information about configuring and running Tomcat can be found in the documentation included on this page. This information can also be found on the Tomcat website −

Tomcat can be stopped by executing the following commands on a windows machine −




Tomcat can be stopped by executing the following commands on Unix (Solaris, Linux, etc.) machine −




Once you are done with this last step, you are ready to proceed for your first Jersey example which you will see in the next chapter.

RESTful Web Services - First Application

Let us start writing the actual RESTful web services with Jersey Framework. Before you start writing your first example using the Jersey Framework, you have to make sure that you have setup your Jersey environment properly as explained in the RESTful Web Services - Environment Setup chapter. Here, I am also assuming that you have a little working knowledge of Eclipse IDE.

So, let us proceed to write a simple Jersey Application which will expose a web service method to display the list of users.

Creating a Java Project

The first step is to create a Dynamic Web Project using Eclipse IDE. Follow the option File → New → Project and finally select the Dynamic Web Project wizard from the wizard list. Now name your project as UserManagement using the wizard window as shown in the following screenshot −

Dynamic Web Project Wizard

Once your project is created successfully, you will have the following content in your Project Explorer

Usermanagement Directories

Adding the Required Libraries

As a second step let us add Jersey Framework and its dependencies (libraries) in our project. Copy all jars from following directories of download jersey zip folder in WEB-INF/lib directory of the project.

  • jaxrs-ri-2.17jaxrs-ripi
  • jaxrs-ri-2.17jaxrs-riext
  • jaxrs-ri-2.17jaxrs-rilib

Now, right click on your project name UserManagement and then follow the option available in context menu − Build Path → Configure Build Path to display the Java Build Path window.

Now use Add JARs button available under Libraries tab to add the JARs present in WEBINF/lib directory.

Creating the Source Files

Now let us create the actual source files under the UserManagement project. First we need to create a package called com. To do this, right click on src in package explorer section and follow the option − New → Package.

Next we will create,, files under the com.yoursite package.

package com.yoursite;  

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; 
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; 
@XmlRootElement(name = "user") 

public class User implements Serializable {  
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 
   private int id; 
   private String name; 
   private String profession;  
   public User(){} 
   public User(int id, String name, String profession){ = id; = name; 
      this.profession = profession; 
   public int getId() { 
      return id; 
   public void setId(int id) { = id; 
   public String getName() { 
      return name; 
   public void setName(String name) { = name; 
   public String getProfession() { 
      return profession; 
   public void setProfession(String profession) { 
      this.profession = profession; 

package com.yoursite;  

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List;  

public class UserDao { 
   public List<User> getAllUsers(){ 
      List<User> userList = null; 
      try { 
         File file = new File("Users.dat"); 
         if (!file.exists()) { 
            User user = new User(1, "Mahesh", "Teacher"); 
            userList = new ArrayList<User>(); 
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); 
            ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); 
            userList = (List<User>) ois.readObject(); 
      } catch (IOException e) { 
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 
      return userList; 
   private void saveUserList(List<User> userList){ 
      try { 
         File file = new File("Users.dat"); 
         FileOutputStream fos;  
         fos = new FileOutputStream(file); 
         ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); 
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 
      } catch (IOException e) { 

package com.yoursite;  

import java.util.List; 

public class UserService {  
   UserDao userDao = new UserDao();  
   public List<User> getUsers(){ 
      return userDao.getAllUsers(); 

There are two important points to be noted about the main program,

  • The first step is to specify a path for the web service using @Path annotation to the UserService.

  • The second step is to specify a path for the particular web service method using @Path annotation to method of UserService.

Creating the Web.xml configuration File

You need to create a Web xml Configuration file which is an XML file and is used to specify Jersey framework servlet for our application.


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> 
<web-app xmlns:xsi = ""  
   xmlns = ""  
   id = "WebApp_ID" version = "3.0"> 
   <display-name>User Management</display-name> 
      <servlet-name>Jersey RESTful Application</servlet-name> 
      <servlet-name>Jersey RESTful Application</servlet-name> 

Deploying the Program

Once you are done with creating source and web configuration files, you are ready for this step which is compiling and running your program. To do this, using Eclipse, export your application as a war file and deploy the same in tomcat.

To create a WAR file using eclipse, follow the option File → export → Web → War File and finally select project UserManagement and destination folder. To deploy a war file in Tomcat, place the UserManagement.war in the Tomcat Installation Directory → webapps directory and start the Tomcat.

Running the Program

We are using Postman, a Chrome extension, to test our webservices.

Make a request to UserManagement to get list of all the users. Put http://localhost:8080/UserManagement/rest/UserService/users in POSTMAN with GET request and see the following result.

RESTful API, All users

Congratulations, you have created your first RESTful Application successfully.

RESTful Web Services - Resources

What is a Resource?

REST architecture treats every content as a resource. These resources can be Text Files, Html Pages, Images, Videos or Dynamic Business Data. REST Server simply provides access to resources and REST client accesses and modifies the resources. Here each resource is identified by URIs/ Global IDs. REST uses various representations to represent a resource where Text, JSON, XML. The most popular representations of resources are XML and JSON.

Representation of Resources

A resource in REST is a similar Object in Object Oriented Programming or is like an Entity in a Database. Once a resource is identified then its representation is to be decided using a standard format so that the server can send the resource in the above said format and client can understand the same format.

For example, in RESTful Web Services - First Application chapter, a user is a resource which is represented using the following XML format −


The same resource can be represented in JSON format as follows −


Good Resources Representation

REST does not impose any restriction on the format of a resource representation. A client can ask for JSON representation whereas another client may ask for XML representation of the same resource to the server and so on. It is the responsibility of the REST server to pass the client the resource in the format that the client understands.

Following are some important points to be considered while designing a representation format of a resource in RESTful Web Services.

  • Understandability − Both the Server and the Client should be able to understand and utilize the representation format of the resource.

  • Completeness − Format should be able to represent a resource completely. For example, a resource can contain another resource. Format should be able to represent simple as well as complex structures of resources.

  • Linkablity − A resource can have a linkage to another resource, a format should be able to handle such situations.

However, at present most of the web services are representing resources using either XML or JSON format. There are plenty of libraries and tools available to understand, parse, and modify XML and JSON data.

RESTful Web Services - Messages

RESTful Web Services make use of HTTP protocols as a medium of communication between client and server. A client sends a message in form of a HTTP Request and the server responds in the form of an HTTP Response. This technique is termed as Messaging. These messages contain message data and metadata i.e. information about message itself. Let us have a look on the HTTP Request and HTTP Response messages for HTTP 1.1.

HTTP Request

HTTP Request

An HTTP Request has five major parts −

  • Verb − Indicates the HTTP methods such as GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, etc.

  • URI − Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to identify the resource on the server.

  • HTTP Version − Indicates the HTTP version. For example, HTTP v1.1.

  • Request Header − Contains metadata for the HTTP Request message as key-value pairs. For example, client (or browser) type, format supported by the client, format of the message body, cache settings, etc.

  • Request Body − Message content or Resource representation.

HTTP Response

HTTP Response

An HTTP Response has four major parts −

  • Status/Response Code − Indicates the Server status for the requested resource. For example, 404 means resource not found and 200 means response is ok.

  • HTTP Version − Indicates the HTTP version. For example HTTP v1.1.

  • Response Header − Contains metadata for the HTTP Response message as keyvalue pairs. For example, content length, content type, response date, server type, etc.

  • Response Body − Response message content or Resource representation.


As we have explained in the RESTful Web Services - First Application chapter, let us put http://localhost:8080/UserManagement/rest/UserService/users in the POSTMAN with a GET request. If you click on the Preview button which is near the send button of Postman and then click on the Send button, you may see the following output.

HTTP Request/Response

Here you can see, the browser sent a GET request and received a response body as XML.

RESTful Web Services - Addressing

Addressing refers to locating a resource or multiple resources lying on the server. It is analogous to locate a postal address of a person.

Each resource in REST architecture is identified by its URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). A URI is of the following format −


Purpose of an URI is to locate a resource(s) on the server hosting the web service. Another important attribute of a request is VERB which identifies the operation to be performed on the resource. For example, in RESTful Web Services - First Application chapter, the URI is http://localhost:8080/UserManagement/rest/UserService/users and the VERB is GET.

Constructing a Standard URI

The following are important points to be considered while designing a URI −

  • Use Plural Noun − Use plural noun to define resources. For example, we've used users to identify users as a resource.

  • Avoid using spaces − Use underscore (_) or hyphen (-) when using a long resource name. For example, use authorized_users instead of authorized%20users.

  • Use lowercase letters − Although URI is case-insensitive, it is a good practice to keep the url in lower case letters only.

  • Maintain Backward Compatibility − As Web Service is a public service, a URI once made public should always be available. In case, URI gets updated, redirect the older URI to a new URI using the HTTP Status code, 300.

  • Use HTTP Verb − Always use HTTP Verb like GET, PUT and DELETE to do the operations on the resource. It is not good to use operations name in the URI.


Following is an example of a poor URI to fetch a user.


Following is an example of a good URI to fetch a user.


RESTful Web Services - Methods

As we have discussed in the earlier chapters that RESTful Web Service uses a lot of HTTP verbs to determine the operation to be carried out on the specified resource(s). The following table states the examples of the most commonly used HTTP Verbs.

Sr.No. HTTP Method, URI and Operation



Gets the list of users.

(Read Only)




Gets the User of Id 1

(Read Only)




Inserts User with Id 2





Updates the User with Id 2





Deletes the User with Id 1





Lists out the supported operations in a web service.

(Read Only)




Returns the HTTP Header only, no Body.

(Read Only)

The following points are to be considered.

  • GET operations are read only and are safe.

  • PUT and DELETE operations are idempotent, which means their result will always be the same, no matter how many times these operations are invoked.

  • PUT and POST operation are nearly the same with the difference lying only in the result where the PUT operation is idempotent and POST operation can cause a different result.


Let us update an Example created in the RESTful Web Services - First Application chapter to create a Web service which can perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. For simplicity, we have used a file I/O to replace Database operations.

Let us update the, and files under the com.yoursite package.

package com.yoursite; 

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; 
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; 
@XmlRootElement(name = "user") 

public class User implements Serializable {  
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 
   private int id; 
   private String name; 
   private String profession;  
   public User(){}  
   public User(int id, String name, String profession){ = id; = name; 
      this.profession = profession; 
   public int getId() {
      return id; 
   public void setId(int id) { = id; 
   public String getName() { 
      return name; 
      public void setName(String name) { = name; 
   public String getProfession() { 
      return profession; 
   public void setProfession(String profession) { 
      this.profession = profession; 
   public boolean equals(Object object){ 
      if(object == null){ 
         return false; 
      }else if(!(object instanceof User)){ 
         return false; 
      }else { 
         User user = (User)object; 
         if(id == user.getId() 
            && name.equals(user.getName()) 
            && profession.equals(user.getProfession())){ 
               return true; 
      return false; 

package com.yoursite;  

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List;  

public class UserDao { 
   public List<User> getAllUsers(){ 
      List<User> userList = null; 
      try { 
         File file = new File("Users.dat"); 
         if (!file.exists()) { 
            User user = new User(1, "Mahesh", "Teacher"); 
            userList = new ArrayList<User>(); 
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); 
            ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); 
            userList = (List<User>) ois.readObject(); 
      } catch (IOException e) { 
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 
      return userList; 
   public User getUser(int id){ 
      List<User> users = getAllUsers();  
      for(User user: users){ 
         if(user.getId() == id){ 
            return user; 
      return null; 
   public int addUser(User pUser){ 
      List<User> userList = getAllUsers(); 
      boolean userExists = false; 
      for(User user: userList){ 
         if(user.getId() == pUser.getId()){ 
            userExists = true; 
         return 1; 
      return 0; 
   public int updateUser(User pUser){ 
      List<User> userList = getAllUsers();  
      for(User user: userList){ 
         if(user.getId() == pUser.getId()){ 
            int index = userList.indexOf(user);    
            userList.set(index, pUser); 
            return 1; 
      return 0; 
   public int deleteUser(int id){ 
      List<User> userList = getAllUsers();  
      for(User user: userList){ 
         if(user.getId() == id){ 
            int index = userList.indexOf(user);    
            return 1;    
      return 0; 
   private void saveUserList(List<User> userList){ 
      try { 
         File file = new File("Users.dat"); 
         FileOutputStream fos;  
         fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
         ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);   
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 
      } catch (IOException e) { 

package com.yoursite;  

import java.util.List;  
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; 

public class UserService { 
   UserDao userDao = new UserDao(); 
   private static final String SUCCESS_RESULT = "<result>success</result>"; 
   private static final String FAILURE_RESULT = "<result>failure</result>";  
   public List<User> getUsers(){ 
      return userDao.getAllUsers(); 
   public User getUser(@PathParam("userid") int userid){ 
      return userDao.getUser(userid); 
   public String createUser(@FormParam("id") int id, 
      @FormParam("name") String name, 
      @FormParam("profession") String profession, 
      @Context HttpServletResponse servletResponse) throws IOException{ 
      User user = new User(id, name, profession); 
      int result = userDao.addUser(user); 
      if(result == 1){ 
         return SUCCESS_RESULT; 
      return FAILURE_RESULT; 
   public String updateUser(@FormParam("id") int id, 
      @FormParam("name") String name, 
      @FormParam("profession") String profession, 
      @Context HttpServletResponse servletResponse) throws IOException{ 
      User user = new User(id, name, profession); 
      int result = userDao.updateUser(user); 
      if(result == 1){ 
         return SUCCESS_RESULT; 
      return FAILURE_RESULT; 
   public String deleteUser(@PathParam("userid") int userid){ 
      int result = userDao.deleteUser(userid); 
      if(result == 1){ 
         return SUCCESS_RESULT; 
      return FAILURE_RESULT; 
   public String getSupportedOperations(){ 
      return "<operations>GET, PUT, POST, DELETE</operations>"; 

Now using Eclipse, export your application as a WAR File and deploy the same in Tomcat. To create a WAR file using eclipse, follow this path – File → export → Web → War File and finally select project UserManagement and the destination folder. To deploy a WAR file in Tomcat, place the UserManagement.war in the Tomcat Installation Directory → webapps directory and the start Tomcat.

Testing the Web Service

Jersey provides APIs to create a Web Service Client to test web services. We have created a sample test class under the com.yoursite package in the same project.

package com.yoursite;  

import java.util.List; 

public class WebServiceTester  {  
   private Client client; 
   private String REST_SERVICE_URL = "
   private static final String SUCCESS_RESULT = "<result>success</result>"; 
   private static final String PASS = "pass"; 
   private static final String FAIL = "fail";  
   private void init(){ 
      this.client = ClientBuilder.newClient(); 
   public static void main(String[] args){ 
      WebServiceTester tester = new WebServiceTester(); 
      //initialize the tester 
      //test get all users Web Service Method 
      //test get user Web Service Method  
      //test update user Web Service Method 
      //test add user Web Service Method 
      //test delete user Web Service Method 
   //Test: Get list of all users 
   //Test: Check if list is not empty 
   private void testGetAllUsers(){ 
      GenericType<List<User>> list = new GenericType<List<User>>() {}; 
      List<User> users = client 
      String result = PASS; 
         result = FAIL; 
      System.out.println("Test case name: testGetAllUsers, Result: " + result ); 
   //Test: Get User of id 1 
   //Test: Check if user is same as sample user 
   private void testGetUser(){ 
      User sampleUser = new User(); 
      User user = client 
         .resolveTemplate("userid", 1) 
      String result = FAIL; 
      if(sampleUser != null && sampleUser.getId() == user.getId()){
         result = PASS; 
      System.out.println("Test case name: testGetUser, Result: " + result ); 
   //Test: Update User of id 1 
   //Test: Check if result is success XML. 
   private void testUpdateUser(){ 
      Form form = new Form(); 
      form.param("id", "1"); 
      form.param("name", "suresh"); 
      form.param("profession", "clerk");  
      String callResult = client 
      String result = PASS; 
         result = FAIL; 
      System.out.println("Test case name: testUpdateUser, Result: " + result); 
   //Test: Add User of id 2 
   //Test: Check if result is success XML. 
   private void testAddUser(){ 
      Form form = new Form(); 
      form.param("id", "2"); 
      form.param("name", "naresh"); 
      form.param("profession", "clerk");  
      String callResult = client 
      String result = PASS; 
         result = FAIL; 
      System.out.println("Test case name: testAddUser, Result: " + result ); 
   //Test: Delete User of id 2 
   //Test: Check if result is success XML. 
   private void testDeleteUser(){ 
      String callResult = client 
         .resolveTemplate("userid", 2) 
      String result = PASS; 
         result = FAIL; 
      System.out.println("Test case name: testDeleteUser, Result: " + result); 

Now run the tester using Eclipse. Right click on the file and follow the option Run as → Java Application. You will see the following result in the Eclipse console −

Test case name: testGetAllUsers, Result: pass 
Test case name: testGetUser, Result: pass 
Test case name: testUpdateUser, Result: pass 
Test case name: testAddUser, Result: pass 
Test case name: testDeleteUser, Result: pass 

RESTful Web Services - Statelessness

As per the REST architecture, a RESTful Web Service should not keep a client state on the server. This restriction is called Statelessness. It is the responsibility of the client to pass its context to the server and then the server can store this context to process the client's further request. For example, session maintained by server is identified by session identifier passed by the client.

RESTful Web Services should adhere to this restriction. We have seen this in the RESTful Web Services - Methods chapter, that the web service methods are not storing any information from the client they are invoked from.

Consider the following URL −


If you hit the above url using your browser or using a java based client or using Postman, result will always be the User XML whose Id is 1 because the server does not store any information about the client.


Advantages of Statelessness

Following are the benefits of statelessness in RESTful Web Services −

  • Web services can treat each method request independently.

  • Web services need not maintain the client's previous interactions. It simplifies the application design.

  • As HTTP is itself a statelessness protocol, RESTful Web Services work seamlessly with the HTTP protocols.

Disadvantages of Statelessness

Following are the disadvantages of statelessness in RESTful Web Services −

  • Web services need to get extra information in each request and then interpret to get the client's state in case the client interactions are to be taken care of.

RESTful Web Services - Caching

Caching refers to storing the server response in the client itself, so that a client need not make a server request for the same resource again and again. A server response should have information about how caching is to be done, so that a client caches the response for a time-period or never caches the server response.

Following are the headers which a server response can have in order to configure a client's caching −

Sr.No. Header & Description



Date and Time of the resource when it was created.


Last Modified

Date and Time of the resource when it was last modified.



Primary header to control caching.



Expiration date and time of caching.



Duration in seconds from when resource was fetched from the server.

Cache-Control Header

Following are the details of a Cache-Control header −

Sr.No. Directive & Description



Indicates that resource is cacheable by any component.



Indicates that resource is cacheable only by the client and the server, no intermediary can cache the resource.



Indicates that a resource is not cacheable.



Indicates the caching is valid up to max-age in seconds. After this, client has to make another request.



Indication to server to revalidate resource if max-age has passed.

Best Practices

  • Always keep static contents like images, CSS, JavaScript cacheable, with expiration date of 2 to 3 days.

  • Never keep expiry date too high.

  • Dynamic content should be cached for a few hours only.

Best practices for Cache-Control

RESTful Web Services - Security

As RESTful Web Services work with HTTP URL Paths, it is very important to safeguard a RESTful Web Service in the same manner as a website is secured.

Following are the best practices to be adhered to while designing a RESTful Web Service −

  • Validation − Validate all inputs on the server. Protect your server against SQL or NoSQL injection attacks.

  • Session Based Authentication − Use session based authentication to authenticate a user whenever a request is made to a Web Service method.

  • No Sensitive Data in the URL − Never use username, password or session token in a URL, these values should be passed to Web Service via the POST method.

  • Restriction on Method Execution − Allow restricted use of methods like GET, POST and DELETE methods. The GET method should not be able to delete data.

  • Validate Malformed XML/JSON − Check for well-formed input passed to a web service method.

  • Throw generic Error Messages − A web service method should use HTTP error messages like 403 to show access forbidden, etc.


Sr.No. HTTP Code & Description



OK − shows success.



CREATED − when a resource is successfully created using POST or PUT request. Returns link to the newly created resource using the location header.



NO CONTENT − when response body is empty. For example, a DELETE request.



NOT MODIFIED − used to reduce network bandwidth usage in case of conditional GET requests. Response body should be empty. Headers should have date, location, etc.



BAD REQUEST − states that an invalid input is provided. For example, validation error, missing data.



UNAUTHORIZED − states that user is using invalid or wrong authentication token.



FORBIDDEN − states that the user is not having access to the method being used. For example, Delete access without admin rights.



NOT FOUND − states that the method is not available.



CONFLICT − states conflict situation while executing the method. For example, adding duplicate entry.



INTERNAL SERVER ERROR − states that the server has thrown some exception while executing the method.

RESTful Web Services - Java (JAX-RS)

JAX-RS stands for JAVA API for RESTful Web Services. JAX-RS is a JAVA based programming language API and specification to provide support for created RESTful Web Services. Its 2.0 version was released on the 24th May 2013. JAX-RS uses annotations available from Java SE 5 to simplify the development of JAVA based web services creation and deployment. It also provides supports for creating clients for RESTful Web Services.


Following are the most commonly used annotations to map a resource as a web service resource.

Sr.No. Annotation & Description



Relative path of the resource class/method.



HTTP Get request, used to fetch resource.



HTTP PUT request, used to update resource.



HTTP POST request, used to create a new resource.



HTTP DELETE request, used to delete resource.



HTTP HEAD request, used to get status of method availability.



States the HTTP Response generated by web service. For example, APPLICATION/XML, TEXT/HTML, APPLICATION/JSON etc.



States the HTTP Request type. For example, application/x-www-formurlencoded to accept form data in HTTP body during POST request.



Binds the parameter passed to the method to a value in path.



Binds the parameter passed to method to a query parameter in the path.



Binds the parameter passed to the method to a HTTP matrix parameter in path.



Binds the parameter passed to the method to a HTTP header.



Binds the parameter passed to the method to a Cookie.



Binds the parameter passed to the method to a form value.



Assigns a default value to a parameter passed to the method.



Context of the resource. For example, HTTPRequest as a context.

What are the most secure cloud storage solutions?

posted on June 8, 2021


Using a cloud storage service can be very helpful, but what is the best cloud storage

service available?

Today, all of us have ever used a cloud storage service. As you surely know, this service is a kind of hard drive in which you can store different files, but instead of having a physical format, it has a virtual format, it is on the Internet.

That means that if you use a cloud storage service, you can access it from any device with Internet access, as long as you have the access data.

Besides being a very practical way to work on the same document from different devices, or to be able to view your photos wherever you are, it is also a highly recommended way to make backup copies.

So, it is clear to us that using a cloud storage service is highly recommended, but ... which service should I choose?

If you have had time to find some information about the different cloud storage services, you will have realized that there are too many. This can make choosing the right service for you difficult.

Your choice will depend on many factors: space you want, type of extra tools you prefer and, above all, the price. For this reason, in this article we explain more about our favorite cloud storage services, hoping to help you choose.

1. Google Drive

Maybe Google Drive is the most well known distributed storage stage today. We definitely realize that all that identified with Google has an enormous number of clients. Likewise, for this situation it offers extremely intriguing capacities, just as similarity with numerous stages and working frameworks, it is additionally vital to say that there is no restriction of synchronized gadgets, we will essentially have a constraint of extra room in the cloud.

Beyond the payment plans that are available , we can have 15 GB for free. A limit that will permit us to have records, reinforcement duplicates and keep our significant archives consistently accessible. If you are keen on installment designs, the costs are as per the following:

100GB of capacity: € 1.99 each month or € 19.99 each year.

200GB of capacity: € 2.99 each month or € 29.99 each year.

2TB of capacity: € 9.99 each month or € 99.99 each year.

10TB of storage: € 99.99 per month

20TB of storage: € 199.99 per month

30TB of storage: € 299.99 per month

Some vital highlights of Google One (the paid variant of Google Drive) are that it will permit us to share our extra room with up to 5 different individuals of our family. That is, if we decide to buy the 200GB storage subscription, we can add family members to use this storage capacity, exceeding the 15GB we have for free.

We figure the 200GB stockpiling alternative to impart to relatives is probably the best arrangement out there today, in spite of the fact that in the event that you needn't bother with that much, you can generallys go for the 100GB storage version.

2. Dropbox

Dropbox is a classic. We are confronting a well known distributed storage administration, which is available on numerous stages and has countless clients around the planet. It does not stand out especially for its free storage size, which is 2 GB , but it does have different payment plans that are very interesting for users. Additionally, there are generally strategies to acquire capacity without paying.

In the event that you are interested in the Dropbox payment plans, the price of the subscription for individuals includes 2TB of cloud storage for € 9.99 per month (but if you do it with the annual payment), if you want to pay monthly the price goes up to € 11.99 per month. Some vital highlights of Dropbox in its paid variant are the accompanying:

It allows you to synchronize files and folders on as many devices as you want, we have no limitation as it does with the free version.

We can make shared organizers and connections, furthermore, it permits you to send records up to 2GB in size with Dropbox Transfer

    It allows to recover accounts from 30 days ago, and also allows a file history of the last 30 days.
    We have offline folders for mobile phones, ideal for synchronizing them over Wi-Fi and having them offline.
    It permits the distant cancellation of records, and the pursuit of text in the various archives that we have.

As you have seen, Dropbox is a generally excellent help. It also offers a family plan to include up to 6 users. They also have rates for 3 and 5 TB professionals, with other characteristics such as a 180-day history.

3. OneDrive

Microsoft's alternative is called OneDrive . As in the past case, it doesn't stand apart particularly for its free stockpiling, since it offers just 5 GB . In any case, it is a choice broadly utilized by clients and it likewise has numerous plans with which we can extend the limit. Particularly for the individuals who use Outlook as their email supplier, OneDrive is an alternative to consider.

On account of Microsoft's paid plans, there are a few plans that consolidate Office 365, which is truly uplifting news in the event that you utilize Microsoft's Office suite.

100GB of OneDrive storage only: € 2 per month

Office 365 Home: 6TB of capacity in OneDrive and incorporates Office for PC and Mac (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook), permits you to add an aggregate of 6 individuals to this record, the cost is € 99 every year or € 10 every month.

We recommend you access the official website of OneDrive plans where you will find all its features.

4. Box

Less notable is the Box distributed storage stage . It is focused on both private clients and organizations. It offers 10 GB free with a greatest size for every document of 250MB, notwithstanding a progression of plans with which to grow the limit. One of the features is that they underscore security. We definitely realize that it is a factor to be considered by clients on the organization.

Box has diverse truly fascinating estimating plans, focused on both home clients and organizations. On the off chance that you choose to get a field-tested strategy, the yearly membership is intriguing since it has a 5% markdown contrasted with the "typical" cost.

The cost of the "Individual Pro" membership is € 9 every month, and incorporates 100GB of capacity with a greatest size for each document of 5GB. With this arrangement it does not merit utilizing Box, it is vastly improved to go to any of the past ones.

5. NextCloud

NextCloud is also quite popular . It is a distributed storage administration that has numerous clients and offers various choices to synchronize our documents on the Internet. It is additionally uncommonly intended for organizations and client gatherings. It has various capacity designs that can be fascinating.

NextCloud is only the file and folder synchronization software, if you install it on a remote VPS server, you will have the maximum capacity of the contracted VPS server. The equivalent occurs in the event that you introduce it on a NAS worker, that is, Nextcloud is a private cloud, where you should mount everything, except it is strongly suggested on the off chance that you need opportunity while picking a worker and/or specialist organization

6. pCloud

pCloud has applications for various frameworks, for example, Windows, Linux, macOS, Android or iOS, among others. It is an elective that has acquired notoriety lately. It offers various designs for putting away documents on the organization.

pCloud has two annual payment plans, but there is a very interesting plan that is for life. The final payment plans are as follows:

500GB of storage for € 48 per year. It incorporates the capacity to impart connections to others, and even permits a 30-day reuse receptacle.

2TB of capacity for € 96 every year. It incorporates the capacity to impart connections to others, and even permits a 30-day reuse canister..

There are two other very interesting plans that are "for life", with a single payment and under the same conditions as the previous ones.

500GB of storage for € 175 one-time.

2TB of storage for € 350 one time.

If you plan to use this service for more than 3 years, it is clear that it is worth buying the pCloud "for life" plan.

7. Mega

Mega is a standout amongst other known other options and it has more stockpiling accessible free of charge. It permits you to have up to 50 GB without paying anything. It likewise offers numerous downloads and a genuinely complete substance the board. This is quite possibly the most utilized choices by clients. Doubtlessly it is intriguing to have weighty reinforcements and have all the documents consistently accessible from anyplace.

Mega likewise has serious and intriguing installment plans in the event that you utilize this help. These prices are very interesting if you need a large amount of storage in the cloud, since for € 20 per month you can have 8TB of storage.

Compared to other services, if you need a lot of storage space, Mega is the best you can hire, if you need little space it is very on par with others

8. Amazon Drive plans

Prime : one of the options is if we are Prime users. In this case we will have unlimited and free storage for photographs. They also give us 5 GB to save videos.

100GB - A top and very popular option is 100GB. It costs € 1.99 per month (€ 19.99 per year) and is ideal for users who want to have a backup of their images and videos without worrying about storage. With that capacity we have plenty for a common user.

1 TB : For those looking for something higher, Amazon Drive also offers a rate of € 9.99 per month (€ 99.99 per year) that has 1 TB of storage. It is perfect to have a large number of files always available on the Internet, without worrying about losing important documents.

2 TB : Amazon Drive also has its version of 2 TB of storage in the cloud. In this case the price is € 19.99 per month (€ 199.98 per year).

It offers many more options ranging from 3TB to 30TB. In this case, you have to pay annually and it goes from € 299.97 for the 3 TB to € 2999.70 for the highest, the 30 TB one.